Settle into a cabin

     It seems a shame to settle into one of these single room cabins at Badlands National Park when you've got such natural beauty around. This photo doesn't convey it. But such is the nature of chat. Anyway, here is a room where you can converse on subjects diverse and idiosyncratic.  I'll try to stop in and add a few observations where I can. But don't stay too long. Get out and hike if you can. It'll be winter soon.


  1. Thanks- hope they aren't too musty smelling.


  3. Good guest column in the ST on Fri., pointing out how death row criminals are enjoying snacks, exercise and soaps on TV. Maybe life in prison is too good for them.

    Thoughts, anyone?

    1. If, by "maybe life in prison is too good for them", you mean the prison could cut back on the snacks and TV time, I probably would agree. But, if I read the correct column that you're referring to, the guy says that, at the prison, "it’s nobody’s job to punish." Uh, the primary punishment is that they're in PRISON. For the rest of their lives. That's not nothing. He then refers to "a nearly unanimous jury" determining who deserves the death penalty, which I just found odd, since juries need to be unanimous, unless I'm missing something.

      Anyway, if you mean that we should reinstate the death penalty in Illinois because prisoners get too many snacks, I disagree. I just don't believe that the state should be in the business of killing people, when there is often no way to determine with 100% certainty that the person is guilty. If there are a small subset of cases where it CAN be determined with certainty, I still don't think that fact warrants the state exercising such authority. I'll take a page out of the distinguished Mr. Evans' book and quote Nietzsche here:

      “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...”

    2. Your words are sensible.

    3. I think the black alderman caucus won't be satisfied until an Afr. Amer. Sup't leads the CPD. They expect McCarthy to do more but there are no funds to hire more. Some cops are worn out by overtime. And if they got too rough with the criminals, cries of racism would abound.

    4. Anon Oct 2, 7:54 AM:
      Please allow me to quote from the 20th century philosopher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn complete works, banned by Unanimity: "You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again." The point being Illinois prison inmates have privileges like, commissary purchases, rec room (with games, chess, checkers, & weight equipment), TV hours, and outside yard time. Each inmate has what is similar to a bank account, funds can be added by family or friends, prison work earns approx. 50 cents per hour. They can use the money to purchase luxury items like real soap and shampoo, instead of using the cheap junk a low bidder provides. Also snack food, candy and even consumer electronics like radios and TVs. When released, any funds remaining are given to the prisoner. Some or all of these privileges are revoked for failure to comply with IDOC rules, thus a means to maintain control. If you are ever at a yard sale and see a television or radio encased in clear acrylic, it's IDOC commissary issue, designed to prevent the hiding of contraband

    5. thanks, Bernie-reminds me of my dad in a Memory Care Center where family can leave funds for them to go out on the bus for extra activities

    6. Love A.S. books, Gulag and Ivan Denisovich, etc

  4. Saw a funny saying, have to share-

    A Republican tapes candy on the ceiling and then tells the people it will trickle down.

    1. I see Carson has gone off the deep end.

    2. From Sat. SunTimes-So the Chicago alderwoman thanks God for the medical procedure that saved her life. That's fine. But she forgot to mention her doctors even once.


    Another fine Ben Carson moment. Gee, only 13 more months before the election.

    1. It's no fun being Coach Fox of the Bears these days. It's a matter of cheap owners and no horses.

  6. Nikki, good to see you here. Carson may be book smart on anatomy but he has no common sense.

    To his thinking, if the teachers carry an automatic rifle in the classroom, that might help matters.

    1. Where's Jackash these days?

      Mr. S, this place would hop more if you'd grace it more often, even if you are stretched a bit thin.

      Or maybe you can pose a question to us of what our opinion is on some topic.

    2. I was wondering that myself. Perhaps he's taking a break too. I do try to reply, when something seems to demand response, or a certain perspective. I don't want the rooms to lose their ardor. I'll try to jump in from time to time and suggest topics worthy of conversation.

    3. Looks like the mayor and the school board were asleep at the wheel or intimidated by BBB. Rahm should have showed her his temper. What a disgrace she is. Good article from Mitchell on that Sunday and in part by
      J. Fountain as well. Can you say-elected school board. What a joke the CPS is. No wonder many teachers wouldn't consider teaching there.

    4. Is there going to be another party room gathering chat for October, Mr. S.? Perhaps half an hour if you are busy.

    5. What's the internet equivalent of one's ears burning, I wonder?

      Uh, I surely appreciate the curiosity about my absence, but I've been around, mostly. I actually posted a comment on the "Drunkard" entry, but when I went back later, it was gone, so I thought perhaps NS deleted it for some reason. Not that I'm not accustomed to that possibility! ; ) I guess it just never made it through the ether successfully.

      I noted that I enjoyed that book a lot, and, like Coey, appreciated the courage it took to write it, given that you pulled no punches, even though they were directed at yourself. Also that I saw you discuss it on that panel at the Book Fair with David Carr and Rick Bragg, NS. An impressive trio, indeed. And I said that I wondered at the time if you found that your going on the record with that book was advantageous, in some way, in helping you keep from back-sliding. Obviously, your personal and family situation was paramount and provided plenty of motivation, and I'm sure that the original publicity about you was truly brutal, but do you think being in the public eye provided any additional encouragement to not fall off the wagon? I suppose that may be seen as a naive and even rude question, but it's a genuine bit of curiosity on my part.

      Anyway, as for the lack of recent comments, you can certainly appreciate one's sense of spitting in the ocean when it comes to blog commenting, NS. You're a successful, highly-regarded author and the guy many consider the best columnist in Chicago, (not to mention a Top 100 local Twitterer, of course!), yet you still seem to be somewhat disappointed with the number of ripples you create in the local sea of commentary. Imagine the sense of futility one gets from posting comments here that may or may not even be read and that seldom draw responses from anybody at all! : )

      And here, Lady Anonna, if that was you at 9:12, we close yet another episode of "Be careful what you ask for." ; )

    6. Good to see you, Jakash. A couple of my comments didn't appear on the other blog, one minute after I posted it so I think there was some tech. problem since they couldn't have been deleted that quickly nor would they be so inappropriate that they deserved deleting. That's probably what happened to your post.

      Yes, that's my real first name.

    7. Good to see you as well, Jakash. Just got back from Philadelphia two hours ago. Sorry about your difficulty posting -- I certainly didn't delete anything. Incisive question about "Drunkard." No question writing it helped keep me on the straight and narrow in the early years of recovery. Not for the reasons you'd think -- publicity -- so much as I didn't want to fuck up my book's chances. When we were selling "Drunkard," Simon & Schuster was interested, but when they heard I was in my first year of sobriety, the editor said something like, "We published Kitty Dukakis' book and she was drinking nail polish remover on the book tour." That image stuck in my head. I didn't want to be the hypocrite secret drinker plugging a recovery book. Just too horrible an image to contemplate. That bought me a few years I needed for the utility of sobriety to settle in. As Bruce Springsteen sang, "Sooner or later it just becomes your life."

    8. Welcome back, NS, and thanks for the response. I trust that you had a swell trip and that the leafy, suburban paradise is even more lovely than when you left... As for the book, it's good that you had that extra incentive to make it through the crucial early years, then. Whatever works is helpful, I'd imagine. It's certainly evident that "Drunkard" has been valued by many others and helped them with their respective journeys, as I'm sure the new one will.

      And thank you, Annette. I so seldom have problems with posts going through that I didn't know quite what to make of it. (I didn't mean to mock you with that nickname -- just having an EGD motel version of fun.) : )

    9. no prob, it's a clever concoction of a Beatle song

    10. FWIW, Jakash, I had remembered to check the "Notify me" box that day, and so got an email when your and other subsequent posts were submitted. I didn't realize until reading it here that it didn't show up in the blog comments themselves. Odd.

    11. Hmmm... That does seem pretty odd. Whatevs, I suppose, but I appreciate your mentioning it, Coey. "Notify me" box, eh? Sounds like yet another premium feature enjoyed by you exclusive 1-percenters who actually sign in with blogger. ; )

    12. Ooh, I didn't realize I was getting a perk not available to all. OTOH, I don't get the intellectual stimulation of a CAPTCHA picture quiz, so it all balances out.

      The option isn't available in these off-site accommodations, for some reason, so I have to check in just like the regular people.

    13. do you ever admit that you can be wrong at times?


    I just came across this at B&N for those who have a Nook, and you haven't read You Were Never in Chicago. It's a free chapter, Univ of Chicago has a series called Chicago Shorts that this is in. There's a few other freebies in that series as well.

  8. Well, I just have to note this, for any motel denizens who might stumble by. The mystery deepens, as this morning I see that my original comment has finally actually shown up on the "Drunkard" post. That is quite a weird glitch -- given the speed with which things happen in cyberspace, it seems to me to be the e-version of the mail found in the trunk of a mailman's car that gets delivered after a year...

    1. D'oh! So NOW I see that NS left a comment last night on yesterday's post, noting that the comment had gone to the Spam folder. So, the mystery is less beguiling -- just a matter of the discerning electronic overlords, based on long, tedious experience, having decided that my comments are junk!

      Anyway, thanks for fishing it out, posting it, add letting me know, NS! : )

    2. It's odd. If I set the comments so they need to be monitored, the SPAM folder fills up with all sorts of junk. If I don't, such as lately, since the disappearance of A-N-A, then I hardly get spam. I guess it just gets deflected off into space.

    3. Very weird, Jakash, since I read your original comment on the "Drunkard" page the same day (Oct. 11) you posted it. I'm sure it was there at one time (unless I was hallucinating... ) In any event, the occasional mysterious occurrence makes this blog even more interesting IMO :)

    4. I dunno, Sandy. I believe that you're under the impression that the Cubs are one win away from the NLCS. Maybe you HAVE been hallucinating. ; )

    5. No, really Jakash, I'm certain I read your comment before today (cue the "Twilight Zone" theme song... ) But anyway, YES, the Cubs did indeed win today, beating the Cardinals to reach the NLCS. It was amazing being there at Wrigley today :)

    6. I'm happy for you, Sandy, as I can imagine how exciting that must have been and will continue to be, and how faithfully you've waited for this through thick and thin. As for me, in trying to remember when I really stopped caring about sports very much, I think it may have been around the turn of the millennium. We made it to one game this year -- which was a thrilling, walk-off homer win, BTW -- but I find myself marveling at all the hype and excitement more than actually cherishing the moment. Now, had they gone to the Series in '84, '89 or '98, when we even went to a playoff game, well, I might have been out on the street high-fiving you, Marty McFly and Ronnie Woo-woo afterward. ; )

    7. LOL, Jak. From what I've observed, and from my own experience, being a Cubs fan is handed down from one generation to the next, like an inheritance or genetic addiction. I used to jokingly say that taking your young children to their first Cubs game was introducing them to an eventual cycle of despair and regret -- sort of like child abuse -- .but this could very well be the year it finally flips over. I'm actually not as fanatical about the Cubs, or sports in general, as I used to be (too many losing seasons). But I currently work at Wrigley Field, in sales and concessions, and this year it is finally paying off for me, economically and aesthetically. So, go Cubs!

  9. Does anyone wish to comment on the Tuesday night Democratic debate?

    1. I didn't watch enough (5 minutes?) to form any impressions, other than that it seemed to me that Joe Biden was uncharacteristically reticent. : )

  10. I didn't watch much either, Jakash. I did have to laugh smugly at Hillary saying she told Wall St. to stop it. Sure thing, they must have quaked in their boots. I like Bernie, the others are blobs imo. This debate didn't have the comedy hour feel to it that the Repub. one did. But even Bernie doesn't seem to have much charisma. I'm hoping Biden kicks in soon.

    Mr. S???

    1. I just caught the last 45 minutes. HIllary seemed strong. Sanders, as I've felt all along, is a crank. O'Malley looked impressive -- VP? And the other two are punching away above their weight.

  11. I totally forgot about the debate. I was way too excited about the Cubs win. BTW Sandy, I am so jealous that you were there, that must have been amazing! I really doubt Biden is jumping in, he just doesn't seem at all interested.

    1. Thanks, Nikki. I forgot about the debate as well. I work at Wrigley Field (see my above reply to Jakash at 2:50). Yes, it was indeed amazing, the whole place was shaking (thank God they renovated it; no loose bricks falling down on our heads)!

    2. Where's Bernie these days?

    3. Bernie the blogger, that is.

  12. I'm very disappointed in the President wanting to escalate things in Afghanistan.

    any thoughts?

  13. My thought is that "escalate" is not the right word. What he is doing is not scaling back completely in light of the collapse of Afghan security forces. The 5,000 troops he's leaving are still half of the number there now.

    1. I agree with NS about "escalate." I certainly have no idea what to do about Afghanistan, or the Middle East, in general. After 9/11, it seemed clear to me that ANY president would have invaded Afghanistan to disrupt and eliminate the terror network operating there. I'd kind of like a peek into an alternate universe, where that, and finding Bin Laden, was ALL we did. I don't know if it would have been feasible to get out much more promptly than we did, or not, but once Bush went into Iraq, that changed the whole equation irreparably and unsupportably, IMHO.

      Anyway, my main attitude with regard to Obama is -- I voted for him; and I think, by and large, he's done very well, given the situation he inherited and has had to deal with. I'm not wild about many of his decisions, but I tend to trust that he knows a lot more about this stuff than I do. I hate the drone program, e.g., and fear that it may well be counter-productive, but it beats invading countries, which seems to be the Republican answer for most international crises.

      Anyway, specifically with regard to your post, Anon -- it's pretty clear to me that Obama REALLY, REALLY wanted to be out of Iraq and Afghanistan by the time he left office. That was one of his top priorities. If he's changed his mind about that, I'm certainly going to give him the benefit of the doubt, whether I like the idea, or not.

    2. Coey would have a good answer for that.


    LaPierre's dreams are coming true. This is so messed up, are they going to start making special holsters that work w the robes?

    1. According to the Sneed column on Wednesday, Rahm is forming a committee to run as mayor for the next election. That's surprising.

    2. I guess we shouldn't be surprised with that Nikki, in this day and age. The pastor seemed to think he was in a dangerous area and had to protect himself. It's come to that, it seems.

      Anyhow, Biden has made up his mind and stated that he's not running for President.
      That's disappointing. If he was, Hillary would be screwed.

  15. NS- Would love to read your wry, humor thoughts on the irony of the state of IL continuing to sell lottery tickets it can't pay for.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. non 6:47 AM:
      The State of Illinois can pay the winners, the structure of the individual payouts for each game are designed to pay out approx. 50% of total revenue. So over time the laws of probability dictate the state gets to keep 50% of all bets, and pay the balance to the winners. The legislatures in their infinitely small wisdom passed a law that all revenue goes straight to the treasury, and payouts are at their discretion. This is a rather insane co-mingling of funds. Now that lottery players realize they're not going to be able to collect their winnings, they will not play the the lottery, or drive to neighboring states to by their tickets.

  16. Good point, Bernie.

    1. Wait, there's more! Back in the 19th century, the Indiana House of Representatives passed a bill, created by a crank mathematician, stating a method of squaring the circle was proved valid. In essence they would be declaring a mathematical theorem concerning the value of Pi, true by law. Fortunately the ridicule they received in the press was noted, and the Indiana Senate tabled the bill indefinitely. Here in Illinois we are not so lucky. The Illinois Lottery allows you to create an online prepay account that will purchase lottery tickets for you automatically, each day. They set it up so the number of tickets for each combination of the pick-3 and pick-4 are limited, a combination say 1-2-3 can become sold out, and no more tickets are issued with that number sequence. This is based on the fallacy that you might lose too much money on one draw, and fall behind in profiting. In reality as the months go by, the additional revenue for the sale of extra 1-2-3 tickets, are more then made up for by the rare event of a losing day when 1-2-3 comes up. Illinois is a laughing stock among professors of probability theory. Sadly the Illinois Legislature has the average I.Q. of about 85, so any attempt to use rational argument falls on deaf ears.

    2. On the bright side, we've hit the big time: a segment on The Daily Show!

    3. Well that was something Illinoi-ee. I had the strange notion that people would stop buying lottery tickets, if they couldn't collect their winnings.

    4. I guess you were expecting rational behavior?

    5. Good one, Coey. Thanks for posting the clip, which includes the bonus of a cameo for one of today's EGD featured buildings, the Thompson Center. Gotta say, though, of the people I feel bad for due to the Illinoi-ee-ness of this budget situation, lottery winners aren't at the top of the list...

    6. That did dovetail nicely, didn't it?

    7. No use worrying about Ben Carson coming to the fore. There are many hicks who won't vote for him even if he is a conservative. We know why.

    8. Well according to ABC 7 News, it looks like my prediction is starting to materialize. Because the Illinois General Assembly couldn't be bothered to create a self sustaining money generating lottery game to fund our children's education, that revenue stream is drying up.

  17. Politico writer Simon had a good article in the Wed. ST on how he holds out hope that even with the poll numbers, Trump or Carson won't get in.

    Wonder why Fiorina dropped so much since the last debate. Her campaign didn't capitalize on it perhaps.

    Bernie, thanks for that info but I had to take a headache pill after reading it. wink

  18. I'm no Hillary fan but the Republicans are looking even more foolish with an 11 hr. grilling. She needed to answer some questions but that went overboard.

  19. Well, we managed to make it to "The Marriage of Figaro" over the weekend for the final performance. A little behind the times, compared with the EGD opera regulars, ahem. I mention it because, after noticing a reference to it in the program, I hope to add "The Shawshank Redemption" to Neil's compendium of "Top Opera Movies", a post which is even more GD days in the past. "Timeless vignette in which the beautiful duet entitled Sull'aria' from Mozart's 'The Marriage of Figaro' is poignantly 'Married' to the scene in this film classic."

    As Morgan Freeman observes in the movie: "For the briefest of moments, every last man at Shawshank felt free."

    1. Jak, I recently watched "The Fifth Element", an extremely funny movie (at least I thought so), and lo and behold, there was an opera scene towards the end. (Murder, of course.)

    2. Can't say I ever saw "The Fifth Element", Sandy, but that opera scene is surely a fine addition to the Canon. "Il dolce suono" from "Lucia di Lammermoor", the ole google says. How did people ever understand each other's references before YouTube? : )

    3. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Fifth Element, it's a crazy fun movie. Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, and Chris Tucker in a very bizarre role. What's not to love? Odd tie in to today's post, but circles are always around Oldman's character.

    4. Simple rule to save $, don't allow city workers to collect pensions from 2 govt depts.? Cant Rahm stop it? None of this full time here part time there bull.

    5. So the lady who died in Tx wasn't killed by cops but did herself in after family wouldn't post her bail or so the latest news tells us.

  20. Just like that woman in the clerk's office was in the wrong job, so are these folks They should NOT have won damages. Go work for a trucking firm that does not do liquor deliveries.

    Muslim truck drivers refuse to deliver beer, win $240,000 lawsuit

    An Illinois jury awarded $240,000 in damages and back pay to two former truck drivers who claimed religious discrimination when they were fired in 2009 after refusing to make beer deliveries.

    1. No one here will comment on that. Now if the Muslims had been slighted, that would be different.

    2. I know nothing about that case, and you didn't even provide a link. Given that the average Illinois jury isn't exactly composed of a bunch of weenie liberals, however, perhaps the decision wasn't as wrong-headed as you evidently think. I don't know nor particularly care.

      Regardless, there are loads (and loads) of places on the internet where folks seem to enjoy picking on minorities in this country. I'm certainly not going to apologize, nor fault anybody else for the fact that, in general, this blog isn't one of them. If the usual suspects here in the motel don't jump to echo "Muslims!" after your posts like Jerry would snarl "Newman!" -- well, you shouldn't be too surprised at this point...

    3. Since you are so avid for a response, here is mine. If the business of the trucking company had been solely the delivery of alcohol, I would agree that the case had little merit. Since that was not the case, and since the company had made accommodations for drivers to swap assignments in the past and stated that it would not create undue hardship in the future, I think the jury arrived at the correct decision.

    4. but when they were short drivers they needed flexibility

      you might consider converting

  21. Trump always seems so angry.

    1. Yes, and lately Trump's squeaky voice seems to have a whinny edge, when criticizing others. Perhaps it is desperation, the audience applauds are being sprinkled with boos.

    2. NS- did anyone ever mention that you look a bit like the actor Richard Dreyfus? that's not a bad look

    3. Him or Steven Spielberg. I don't, it's just we're all Jewish guys with beards.

    4. No, not at all like Spielberg.

    5. Good articles as always from J. Fountain, Sunday ST- Black lives have to matter to blacks too, he reiterates.

      Fine article on a similar subject Monday from Laura Washington on that topic. They might not have a turn of a phrase like our host, but they get the point across too.

  22. Interesting turn of events on the dead cop in Fox Lake and the latest findings. Someone brought it up yesterday, off topic on one of the regular blogs but it's now official.

  23. Looks like the gangbangers have turned it up a notch and now are going after the children of their rivals.

    1. Glad that France took some action and not just with boots on the ground or big talk only.

    2. When Emma Lazurus, a Jewish lady wrote that poem on the statue, I don't think she had bomb strapped, sneaky terrorists in mind.

      Did you know that some suburban public schools have been told by Muslim students that the whole cafeteria shouldn't be served food with pork in it, even if the others were not Islamic? ridiculous- they like to take over and force their ways later, get too many of them and women will be attacked here for driving or such

    3. Did you know there are peanut free schools because a handful of students are allergic? How dare they impose on others who aren't allergic. Did you know that you can't take latex balloons into hospitals because someone might be allergic? No real point here, just venting over your rant.

    4. "I don't think she had bomb strapped, sneaky terrorists in mind."

      I don't like stereotyping, of course, being too much of a foolish lefty, but sometimes an anonymous blog commenter has to fight fire with fire. You probably don't think Emma Lazarus had murderous, sneaky mob members in mind, either. Do you also think the U. S. shouldn't have let ANY Italians in, back in the day -- to be on the safe side?

    5. Mr. Jakash,If they were planning group acts of terror and hating the nation they came into, no of course not. You are very insulting. Now go pat yourself on the back.

      Nikki, you compare people with a healthy problem to a terrorist??

      Jak,yes, let's pick on the one who doesn't tow the line. So go ahead and twist things. Why the constant mention of Italian anyhow??? sorry that was ever brought up, never mind, won't be checking replies or lowering myself to reply to your earlier jokes and insults. Oh no, silly me to think there is a clique here. Some here aren't as smart as they think if they think those are apt comparisons of migrants.

    6. And to think that a poster here actually said all opinions were welcome or something like that.

    7. "Why the constant mention of Italian anyhow???" Because I feebly hope that generalizing about Italians might get you to give some more thought to the way you're stereotyping Muslims.

      Coey posted a fine link yesterday making similar arguments, but let's give it another shot. When you find yourself on the same team as the loony Republicans that you occasionally ridicule -- well, I guess you don't care about that.

      A couple key points about the Muslim immigration you dread:

      "●The situation here is 'entirely different' from Europe, where Syrian refugees are flooding across borders. Here, an ocean away from the conflict, they aren’t admitted until they are vetted for at least 18 months.

      ●No terrorist incident has ever been traced to somebody admitted through the American refugee resettlement program."

      And some Anonymous yesterday said "more fun here when people don't agree." I guess that wasn't you, as I'd imagined, but I'd have no way to know.

    8. Again, apples and oranges and what arrogance and condescencion for you to think you should be teaching me lessons by speaking about certain ethnic groups.

      Vetting? what vetting? these people don't even have birth certificates

      France opened themselves up and did they get the gratitude or loyalty?

      Big ocean apart? THis isn't pre WWI. Ever heard of the World trade and other blgs hit here or plans that have been foiled at airports, etc. Yes, I'm wasting my time bothering to look. AS another said no one will change their mind from a blog site.

      And do you agree with Dems 100% of the time? Probably not. That doesn't mean if I don't at times I suddenly love Republicans.

      good observation as to a lot of other anons appearing lately

      don't read any anon posts then if it galls you so much

    9. You can call it arrogance; I consider it argument by analogy. Apples and oranges? Well, in the sense that there are bad apples in any ethnic or religious bunch, but they don't mean the whole crop is bad. Orange you willing to agree with that? Evidently not. I didn't say you love Republicans; I said that you're on their side of this argument. If it "galled me so much", I'd need to post a hell of a lot more than I do, given all the anonymous hay-makers. You complain that nobody responds to your posts, then you complain when we do. Oh, well. We're just opinionated folks batting our views back and forth on a blog; it's not like I think you're not a good person, or anything. I'd say "lighten up" but don't want to be condescending...

    10. I'm trying to figure out when I compared people with a healthy(sic) problem to a terrorist. You brought up Muslim students wanting menu changes. Are you saying they are terrorists? How about this one, there are dry counties and ones that only sell after noon on Sunday, to keep the church people happy. Do you rant about those Christians who impose their drinking laws on others?

    11. J, May I suggest a vacation for you in Damascus? ;)

    12. J, Your sarcasm gets old.

    13. Tell me about it! Feel free to ignore my tiresome comments whenever you like.

    14. Someday those terrorists will get through from the Central American border.

      All is not well as one here might think.

  24. Pretty short and to the point about whether we're "at war with Radical Islam." And here I thought that Rubio was supposed to be one of the more circumspect of the hopefuls in the clown car...

    1. Indeed. It makes sense that Toles could deliver reason so succinctly. Thanks for sharing that.

    2. Honduras arrests five Syrians headed to US with stolen passports

      Honduran authorities have arrested five Syrians intending to make it to the United States with stolen Greek passports, triggering alarm Wednesday in the wake of the Paris

      AP news

    3. Glad I'm not part of the "WE" who voted for Rauner gang that's alluded to in the column. Yes, only figuratively speaking of course. Many voted for Quinn, while holding one's nose.

    4. As heard on Headline news: ISIS groups saying they will strike our stronghold in Washington, God/ Allah willing. Well enjoy the blinders. Let's just bend over.

    5. Moderation is the keyNovember 18, 2015 at 7:22 PM

      As to the holier than thou types- not interested in conservative sites-they go to other extreme.

    6. Yeah, such as the extreme of suggesting that anybody concerned about innocent Syrian women and children fleeing ISIS must have blinders on about the danger represented by ISIS. Sorry, but moderation, that ain't. Calling us holier than thou, too. Why, how arrogant! How condescending! How insulting! But I'll get over it. ; )

    7. Honduras incident: 1) Didn't make it to U.S. 2) Not refugees.

      No one here has denied that Syrian and other terrorists exist, just that their existence does not mean we have to turn our backs on tens of thousands of innocent victims of brutal regimes.

    8. There are people , a Mr. Silver , who attacked Mr. S and his wife personally recently on a blog. There were some better known posters on the locker room blog that said the boy should have his male parts off, yet there is no argument with them. Others also expressed concern of Muslim immigrants but nary a word was said to them.

    9. The idea that the student had to have surgery on his genitals was, in fact, challenged. And while there have certainly been others who have expressed concern about Muslims, you, either as Anonymous or one of your ever-increasing number of aliases, have certainly beat that drum more often than any other single poster. Then when your views are refuted by facts (or apt analogies), you seem to get angry, and the name-calling begins. Do you or do you not find disagreement "fun"?

      As for the accusatory Mr. Silver, our blog host is more than capable of defending himself against a comment made directly to him, if he chooses to do so.

    10. I suppose I should now prepare myself for a comment about my being holier-than-thou or some such, rather than a response to my content.

    11. "nary a word was said to them"

      Other people get rebutted here all the time. The real Ghost (not your imitative versions) certainly has been, for instance. The difference is that many of the one-off, or infrequent commenters never bother to reply. You do. Multiple times with multiple names, if you feel like it.

      "...a response to my content." Coey, I don't doubt that if you'd walk by a construction site this afternoon, you might inspire somebody to yell out "Nice content!" as you pass by, if you're not happy with the responses here. ; )

      (Uh oh, more of that tiresome sarcasm...)

    12. wow, that's pretty sexist
      about Coey's content...

    13. Wow, Jak, you really believe I'm responsible for all the anon posts lately?

    14. Go ahead and have the last word.

    15. I just thought that "content" phrase sounded funny when Coey posted it. If she finds my joke sexist, I apologize. I never believe that you're responsible for ALL the anon posts. At least on the daily blog post, at any rate. Over here in the motels, I sometimes wonder...

      You said on the main post that you comment anonymously so co-workers, neighbors and relatives won't know it's you. A consistent, generic pseudonym would take care of that. Not that it matters, nor is any of our business, but is it not also true that you don't want folks to see how many comments you're making? (Did that sound like Perry Mason? I hope so!) ; )

    16. It's no surprise that Tyshawn Lee's dad and mom have different surnames. The moms with young kids there should leave their dangerous baby daddies and surroundings and become refugees into nice parts of Chicago or the fancy north suburbs as "refugees." Some of the upper mid class can sponsor them.

    17. Jak, I bet you are thinner than Raymond Burr. Now stop 2nd guessing.

  25. I got a great big chuckle out of this. It's actually a pretty good likeness out of Trump, and the way it was made is too perfect.

    1. Well, since you started it:

    2. I suppose that answers the question how many dicks does it take to make a Republican candidate.

  26. Nikki, I hope that bad winter storm that hit some parts of Colorado wasn't in your neck of the woods.

    1. Thanks for the concern, but I'm no where near Colorado. My guess is that you're actually closer to there than I am.

    2. I thought you were the one that said you moved there.Someone did some time back, my mistake. But I'm in IL.

    3. We were lucky to escape to MI before the Blago years. Now I can use my hand as a map. I used to think it was the silliest thing, but it does come in handy.

  27. Pardon the interruption.

    Just received the Sun-Times delivery bill with one option only- for a whole year at once! Odd they only gave that choice. Not like we weren't paying the bill or were late. Called the customer service, which was routed to the Honduras to save money, no doubt. They will include more options next time like 3 or 6 mos. like they used to. Does that happen to anyone else here?

    1. We don't get the S-T, but I imagine the papers, as well as every other freaking business, are trying to cut costs wherever possible, and getting you to pay for a year in advance saves them paperwork, not to mention giving them a year's interest-free loan, essentially. Doesn't seem very sporting of them, especially when many folks are as cash-strapped as they are these days.

    2. Can anyone picture the air brained ex model Melania as first lady? lol

  28. Coey, Nikki,

    Sorry, but I gotta ask. Did you find my 11:06 construction worker joke to be out of line, as did our anonymous buddy?

    1. I got your content right here! ;)

    2. You call that content? I'll show you content!!
      I'm really not sure where the controversy is

    3. good answer, ladies

  29. You seem to have a crush on Coey, Jak and I think that's darling.

    1. And I think that's an indication of the depth of your intellect. (Not sayin' you're wrong, BTW.)

    2. Too funny, Coey. Lighten up and take a joke. I can assure you I'm well educated and that was below the belt and beneath you.

      It's hard for you to admit you are ever wrong, isn't it?

      See, Jak and you thought I should lighten up.

    3. Well dear Coey, glad we agree on something. He does flirt with you a bit here. It's cute.

      But I know you must be wiser than I since you said you liked geometry.

    4. Says the person who has posted as Jerome and Teneisha.

      Sorry, level of education=/= intellectual depth. If there's one thing we've learned from Ben Carson...

    5. Are you sure about that? You may not be as all knowing as you think.

      And who are you to question my intellect? Just because I made a joke or don't agree with you. Don't take yourself so seriously.

    6. oooh, nice math symbol-impressive

  30. Don't worry, I won't tell your Mrs. ;)

  31. We will need another hotel room to wrestle in soon. Perhaps a 3 way wrestling match is in order.


    See how many more posts we've gathered lately. It was too quiet for a while. I know how to speed things up.

    1. Delightful. I think I, for one, will return to my do-not-engage policy. Ciao.

    2. Does that uppity, editor sister of yours make you insecure then so you put some others down as compensation? Don't be a beeyotch.

    3. Someone here must be a crabby, getting old, lady.

  32. Well, thanks for the funny replies, ladies. But, hey, the whole flirting nonsense started with you saying she was flirting with me, Lady Anonna! I try to be friendly with everybody. I suppose my support for some of the Scribe's and TE's comments indicate to you that I'm interested in them, too. If only they weren't so Bitter and erudite, respectively... ; ) Since, at different points, you've thought I was gay, that I was personal friends with Anon-not-Anon and that I was cheating on Coey, I'm not sure that your blog radar is fully functional. You were right today, though -- I'm thinner than Raymond Burr!

    Speaking of geometry, I shudder to think of what NS must think about the ridiculous tangent this evening, if he ever reads it. I suppose Coey may have the right idea at the end, alas.

  33. Coey, that was supposed to be a euphemism for debating( virtual wrestling) in this virtual hotel. Thought you would figure that out. Please lighten up, Jakash, then you can be delightful.

  34. Someone wrote something mean to Mr. S in the Thursday blog at 11:30 pm and it wasn't me.

    1. Phew, I'm so glad it wasn't "you", Anonymous 6:54 AM, you had me worried there. (Really now, considering all the "Anonymice" posting here, how can we tell who "you" are?) Or am I missing something...

    2. P.S. After checking back at that 11:30 post on yesterday's main blog, I think it's pretty self-evident to say you didn't write that mean comment (it was "John Cassidy" I presume). And you're posting as "Anonymous", so why would we think otherwise?

    3. Certain people accuse me of having many aliases.

  35. good one about the tangent, Jak

  36. You aren't gay, Jak-(not that there's anything wrong with that) you are quite the wolf and ladies man.

  37. If Trump weren't on the campaign trail, I'd guess Melania would be dumped for the latest model.

  38. Any thoughts on the Israeli spy Pollard being released from prison?

  39. Nothing to say about Pollard, and I'd never seen nor heard Melania's name before your comments, A.

    This belongs in the subcategory "sophomoric nonsense" with the Trump mosaic of a few days ago, but thought I'd throw it out for giggles. Evidently legit, "Man named Phuc Dat Bich blasts Facebook":

    1. Sophomoric? OK, *now* I'm offended.

    2. Sheesh. Sorry to denigrate your MFA-level contribution. I don't know what I could have been thinking -- it said right in the URL that it was breathtaking, after all.

      It took me forever before I realized that folks are so wary of capital letters on the ole internet that that's why they use those asterisks for emphasis. Still not on board that train, myself, though!

    3. I won't hold my breath, if you're still double-spacing after a period.;)

    4. Have we discussed that before, can you actually tell from my comments, or are you just assuming that, Coey? 'Cause you're right on target, of course. Just because I learned to type during the Pleistocene Epoch doesn't mean that there's any reason to switch horses in the middle of the stream, IMHO. Plus, objectively, I think a sentence can use a bit of breathing room before the next one comes charging in. Why, look at how that period in your comment looks like a zit on the winking smiley face, for instance!

    5. You mentioned it not long ago; can't remember the context. Definitely nothing I would have noticed otherwise. I would probably still be doing what I learned in typing class, too, if not for my nagging little sister, who taught a copy editing course.

    6. If you're typing on an Apple device, double tapping the space gives you the period. I use the asterisks to show action. For instance, *head explodes Scanners-style* is my reaction to Trump and Carsons latest crazy talk.

    7. Trump later claimed his words were taken out of context. Oh sure.

    8. Interesting article-

    9. Where's Prof. Louis Gates?

      In another vein, finally, some Republicans are standing up to Trump more.

  40. I hate snow- it causes more work, clean up, makes driving more dangerous. Bleh!

    Even if someone enjoys winter activities (not me) in everyday life, snow is still a bother.

    1. Yeah, it's really pretty out there right now, but what a mess getting around on foot, too. This snow is more like falling slush. At least in parts of the city, lots of it didn't "stick", so the accumulation has been minimal, even compared to the 2-4 inch prediction I saw. But we've been fairly lucky with regard to the fall weather so far, so I'm not really complaining.

  41. It would be a lot worse if it was a weekday.

  42. What are some fave TV programs, from posters on this side of the blog, from your childhood or teens? Let's reminisce a bit on a wintry evening.

    1. Sid and Marty Krofts Land of the Lost, Schoolhouse Rock helped me pass my hs constitution test by learning the words to the preamble by song, and let's not forget the all important Saturday morning cartoons. It really surprised my kids when I told them that cartoons weren't on 24/7 when I was little.

    2. Anita Alvarez shows she looks the other way for pol. purpose and hope she loses her office at the next election. The city needs an African-American police supt'd.

      Why was this Van Dyke cop still at his job after so many complaints were lodged against him in the past? The police union protects bad cops too, even if the police higher ups wanted to discipline him.

    3. Whi is the comment approval on here, NS?

    4. Should that Van Dyke cop have gotten lst degree murder? He didn't premeditate it. And why does he get no bail but Tyshawn's killer got a million buck one that his dum
      girlfriend gives him the 10% for to get out. He'll prob repay her one day with a beating or by going out with other women. She could have used her $ for a child or college, etc, helped out family, not a child killer.

    5. A lottery post from earlier in the year is being attacked by spambots -- dozens of lottery-related spam posts put on it. I don't know why I care, but I do, so ... I'm filtering comments for a while, hoping that'll break the cycle. I'll lift it ASAP. I also need to create a new room anyway.

    6. The miseries of child brides - and this happens in the Mid East too

  43. Oh yes, the Archies cartoons on Sat. morn.


  44. A good article by M. Mitchell today in the ST. She doesn't exonerate the police but says more than bullets killed him, like his mother's boyfriend that abused him. DCFS had to take him away at 2 and then again at 5 for the same reason. Amazing what these women put up with from their "boyfriends" at any cost. We read similar stories time and time again.

  45. (about the Laquan case)


    What an awful crime indeed. The poor woman was beaten and raped as well. 2 lives taken and there is no description of the perpetrator in the media though he's been arrested.

  47. Looks like Rahm is no better than Daley in preventing police cover ups.

    1. As much as we disdain Trump, he's right about seeing news shots of groups of Muslims overseas dancing up and down after 9/11. I recall those scenes as well.

    2. Ah, the ingenuity of deceit. No, Trump isn't right. He said he saw those scenes in Jersey City. Where they never happened. People did celebrate, but in places like Pakistan and Gaza.

    3. Jakash, where are you? In the witness protection program?

  48. Sorry Jak, looks like you fell for a hoax:

    1. Who would have guessed? Don't feel bad; Moe Szyslak has a much worse record of being duped.

    2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

    3. D'oh! Well, thanks for that follow-up, Nikki.

      Next, I suppose you'll tell me that Seymour Butz, Al Coholic and Jacques Strap are creations of Bart's fevered imagination, Coey!

      But, hey, when the BBC was evidently maintaining the same level of integrity as the Weekly World News, what's a curious Snopester to do?

      At least we can all rest assured that The Donald is still a dick...

    4. "Why can't I find Amanda Huginkiss?"

    5. Here's a theory on Trump:

    6. Yep, Coey. "'Bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about,' Frankfurt notes." And a more succinct explanation for the nature of the Republican debates could hardly be hoped for.


      I appreciate your replies on the Celestial Seasonings thread and your interest in having me comment on some of the other topics, but I've got nothing compelling to add to those discussions that hasn't been covered. (Which is certainly not to suggest that my tea talk was compelling...)

    7. Jak, Who said the writing always has to be compelling?

    8. Nobody. And it doesn't, obviously, as one can tell from plenty of my silly contributions. But if I don't feel like I've got anything interesting or fun to add, I just don't care to chime in. I comment here too much as it is.

  49. As per recent reports, Zuckerberg isn't paying his fair share of taxes!!!!!!!!!

  50. Nag, nag but time for a new room, Mr. S.

    And too bad this is till on save mode for inspection of posts. Are those spams still hitting hard?

  51. My husband ran across this site with signs that should strike a chord with every Chicago-area-raised baby boomer:

    1. Well, I was not Chicago-raised, but it still managed to strike a number of chords. The "Thirsty Whale", eh? Pretty sure I went there a few times, don't really recall the occasions. ; )

  52. Some of those locations are very familiar, especially the Berwyn ones and other near west suburban ones.


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