For the offended

What is this?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday fun activity: Where IS this?

     I was reflecting gloomily on this contest yesterday, thinking, "I've never stumped them. Never! Why?" Maybe I'm too soft-hearted; I just can't pull the trigger on something truly obscure. It seems unfair to you. But when I do—that stone surrounded by velvet ropes. Who was going to place that tucked into a corner of the B'hai Temple? I guess you guys were. In fact, the more obscure I think a place is, like this Pegasus wind vane, the quicker people seem to peg it. Though this really should stump you. You can't see it from the street, you have to go there, and it really isn't a public spot, though the public can, under certain circumstances, visit. I stayed there a while, and have gone back to see friends, from time to time. And there we'll draw the veil. Where is this place? The winner gets ... oh heck, let's get rid of the last of the posters, to make way for the new poster, its design, as we speak, winging its way down to Nashville to be set in type by the good folk at Hatch Show Print. Please be sure to post your guesses below. 


  1. Planet Earth. I keep correctly guessing the location on these, and you keep ignoring the fact that I win every time! Unfair!

  2. I hope this is one where you expand on the story or significance of the place or item.
    I'm stumped.
    And I fear the guesses I would have, from the clues provided, would be way off. And might even offend.
    Get a load of me! Thinking I could offend Neil Steinberg...........

  3. Highland Park Hospital. Chapman Center?

    Nikki D.

  4. Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest?

    Amy C.

  5. Ragdale House, Lake Forest

    Dale B.

  6. @Anonymous, I thought somebody might guess that, given the "I've been there" clue, but no. Dale B. Bingo. Congrats. Email me your address at for your poster, suitable for framing.

  7. You haven't given an answer to last weeks puzzler.

    1. I tried to, above -- "Bingo" -- but I guess it was over-subtle. The Ragdale Foundation main house in Lake Forest, designed by Howard Van Doren Shaw. I'll post a full photo.

  8. So much confusion on EGDD today! Unless I'm missing something, Amy C. (Anonymous at 10:20) eked out the win by two minutes over Dale. And I believe that Clark St. was referring to your not having responded to the winner on the October 11 thread, Neil. : )

    1. FWIW, you DID reply in the Oct. 12 thread that it was at the Newberry Library, though it remained unclear whether you were awarding the win to Bill Savage, or not...

  9. I believe Amy was the winner, not Dale

  10. Oh you're right. I guess the only fitting thing to do is give prizes to both, since Dale is hot for his poster. Amy? Still there? Congrats. Send me your address at and I'll mail you your poster. Thanks Jakash. And sorry. Trying to jam too much stuff into each day.

  11. I am the real Anonymous, and I still say I correctly guessed Planet Earth. All of your locations have been on Planet Earth. Don't you ever go anywhere else?

  12. Shouldn't it be " a parody ad I had written..." not I had wrote?


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