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Thursday, February 16, 2017

The big wind at the center of the storm

     This week's Time magazine cover, even more apt in light of Thursday's detached-from-reality Trump press conference. It's by Tim O'Brien, who readers of the blog might remember as the artist behind this Little Golden Book parody. 
     Afterward, colleagues, their jaws hanging open, came by my office to ask if I had seen it. I hadn't—I was prepping my column for tomorrow. And given that I know that Trump is a pathological liar and bully, egomaniac and incompetent, somehow forcing myself to view each new example of these qualities, live and in real time well, it can seem like self-flagellation. I just want whatever damning evidence there is of his utter corruption to the Russians to come out, so he can be swept from office, the sooner, the better. Until then, comfort in the arts. 


  1. Great artist but if DT is swept out of office, is Pence better or worse?

    1. Interesting question. Pence is a lying far-right bigoted woman-hating psycho, but so far as we know, he's far less crooked than Trump. Yes, we're setting the bar pretty low these days...

      Unfortunately, though, I think it is a choice we don't get to make. Taking care of the top threat is an immediate concern. After that we address the next threat.

      Trump is like Mussolini. Pence is like Pat Robertson. I'd take Pence. Hate him, but take him until he can be arrested, too.

    2. At least Pence isn't insane even if he is no prize.

    3. I loathe Mike Pence and everything he stands for. But I believe that, unlike trump, he believes in Constiutional Democracy and truly thinks that his views are what's best for America, rather than just what's best for you know, him. I think he would accept that lot of people don't like him and that its the job of the press to question him and the job of the courts to review his actions when sued. . That's just about all I'm entitled to as someone on the losing side of an election. I thus can deal with him as President. Because Trump has none of those qualities I'd rather have Pence.

  2. Posted Steinberg Bakery to Face Book. Even those invested in bigotry have to find it hilarious, whereas the Blowing in the Wind Time cover isn't funny enough to disarm the Trumpistas.


    1. I don't think anything will do that. But time and, one hopes, prosecution for treason.

  3. "Blow ill wind, blow away
    Let me rest today
    You're blowin' me no good, no good"

  4. Mr. Steinberg the press has enjoyed bullying and intimidating just about any politician in this country if they didn't fit within the parameters the media set. And then a guy comes around and says FU and speaks directly to the people and they LOVE HIM, many minorities included. So you throw temper tantrums and act like cultural Marxists, meanwhile our leader marches on stronger and stronger every day! G-d Bless the Donald!

    1. This idea that the press is a monolithic beast that is hellbent on misrepresenting Trump is mad. The press is made up of thousands of people from different backgrounds, different political allegiances, and different corporate bosses.

      The founders of this nation literally called the press the 4th Estate, a vital part of the political process that shines a light on potential scoundrels in government. The press is merely reporting what they see. What they see is a malignant narcissist looking out for himself at the expense of the country - because that is what is happening.

      A self anointed populist billionaire whose policies already are hurting working people and helping the rich may be saying FU to the system, but he is also saying FU to the people. He is willing to destroy the media and sell out the people to save himself. I'll take a healthy media over a megalomanic, thank you.

    2. 80 percent of the media surveyed as liberal......Not self appointed our leader was elected.

    3. Yes, but 82.5 percent of the media surveyed as conservative. So elected leaders may not be so amply put.

  5. its a hard rain, is gonna fall. i tried to read the transcript of the "press conference" the president held yesterday. i tried i really did. then i tried some more after a few thousand absolutely unintelligible words? i had to stop. my brain hurt. maybe someone could translate what he says into cogent statements. how can you tell if he's lying if you can't figure out what he's saying?

    1. Oh I couldn't have said it better...thank you!


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