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Monday, July 10, 2023

Don’t let RFK Jr. kill you

     Lucky that I never thought of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as anything other than a crank. Because now I don’t have to die.
    It was a week ago Friday that my wife got sick. Her doctor sent us to a walk-in clinic for the more advanced COVID test. She suggested I get tested, too — I had a cough. I almost said no but was trying to be agreeable: OK, fine, whatever, honey. Swab me too, doc.
     My wife had strep. And I had both strep and COVID.
     Guess that pandemic isn’t over quite yet.
     Were I, like Kennedy, lost in a paranoid fantasy bordering on pure hallucination, I could offer my getting COVID after five, count ‘em, five, vaccinations as proof they don’t work.
     Except vaccinations don’t guarantee you won’t get an illness, just greatly decrease your odds of getting sick, and, if you do, boost your chance of having a milder case. They’re like seatbelts — you can still get killed in a crash. Seatbelts just skew the chances of survival greatly in your favor.
     In fact, for the first miserable week, the strep was worse — thank you Paxlovid! Swallowing felt like gobbling rusty gravel. But that passed, and COVID tag teamed into the ring and hit me with a folding chair.
     COVID feels like ... what? Exhaustion and a deep bronchial cough, the Hulk squeezing you like a dog’s rubber squeak toy until you wheeze out every last cubic centimeter of air in your lungs and a bit, ah, that is not air.
     Thanks to vaccines and Paxlovid, I endured a faint shadow of what I’d go through without them, my heart going out to Americans who died alone in some crowded hospital because they took the anti-medical balderdash of Kennedy et al seriously. Who died croaking out their fealty to Trump.

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  1. Junior belongs in a padded cell in a locked mental hospital! Even his own brothers & sisters believe he's nuts!

  2. RFK Jr. is a Republican shill and has the scientific background of an onion. His ignorance, and that of his tribe, is killing people. Covid is still out there, and I hope you and dear Edie fully recover.

  3. And hey, let's not forget about "Doctor" Rand Paul and his "gain of function" witchunt that he tried to "prove" as he attempted to discredit a guy who actually KNOWS something about viruses, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

    1. I have read some reports that it could have come from the lab. It is certainly nor forgone that it came from the market

  4. Pathological personalities have absolute confidence, the trait that people are drawn to like moths to light. Kennedy, judging from the crags on his face, is a long time chain smoker. His obsession with perceived threats to our health apparently don't extend to his lungs.

  5. The people I have met who are passionately anti COVID vaccines consider my pro vaccine comments as part of a hoax. We seem to be viewed as simply “the enemy”, and nothing we say is anything more than “fake news”. It’s tough to converse with people close minded to alternative points of view. We are in big trouble here. Very sad.

  6. RFK Jr. is bringing shame to his family's name...and upon his father and his uncles. Maybe even upon Grandpa Joe, though that might be pushing it a bit.

    1. Yeah, let's not get carried away Grizz. Grandpa Joe was his own kind of spesh.

  7. Before the vaccines, my cousin spent 13 days in the hospital. Upon discharge the staff confessed they thought he wouldn't make it. After the vaccines, I contracted Covid at a Family Thanksgiving Superspreader. I would not have known I was infected but for the 8 others who tested positive, causing me to get tested. The deniers remind me of UFO hunters on cable. One guy, on every episode where his two colleagues agree that no evidence existed for that case, would cobble up a word salad that ended with an assertion that UFOs couldn't be ruled out.

  8. Grandpa Joe was an anti-Semite, a long time cheating husband, a bootlegger during Prohibition & a crook who swindled his way to hundreds of millions. He even managed to take over a movie studio, which he basically used as his personal brothel, which is how he had a long affair with Gloria Swanson.
    Because of his extensive knowledge of stock manipulation, FDR made him the head of the SEC.

    1. You had me at anti-Semite.

    2. And let's not forget that old Joe Sr. bought himself a US Ambassadorship to the UK from March of 1938 until October of 1940 from FDR. Old Joe Sr. quickly aligned himself with other UKers who were sympathetic to Hitler. Old Joe Sr. resigned his ambassadorship, no doubt, imo, due to his well-known sympathy for Hitler's anti-semitic, racist, and homophobic beliefs, something that did not seem to be tolerated by FDR.

    3. As United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, Joseph Kennedy Sr. supported the policy of appeasement, which would eventually cause Kennedy Sr.'s removal as ambassador, and which proved disastrous for his future political aspirations. By contrast, JFK rejected appeasement of Hitler, and was an eyewitness to the Luftwaffe's bombings of Great Britain.


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