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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Think before becoming the monster

By Takashi Murakami

     “Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche writes: “Anyone who fights with monsters, should be careful that he does not become a monster.”
     That aphorism has been clanging in my head like an alarm bell ever since Israel began its counter-attack on Gaza. The trick is “How?” and the honest answer is: Once the blood-letting begins, it’s already too late.
     The monster is unleashed, to rage for a long time, maybe years, before we realize what we’ve become. Or never realize, because the killing has gone on so long, it just makes sense. We had to massacre those folks. They had it coming.
     Fourteen hundred Israelis slaughtered Oct. 7, mostly civilians. Five thousand killed in Gaza since then, with more slain every day.
     All hidden behind a solid wall of justification. As if every atrocity ever committed in the history of the world weren’t backed by solid reasons, in the eyes of the perpetrators. Hamas and its supporters have plenty of excuses for the Oct. 7 attack, starting with the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and stretching back to the construction of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem around 957 B.C.
     Israel can cite the brutal Hamas attack as reason aplenty to unleash its murderous fury. They have to destroy the terror group, root and branch. Destroy those tunnels. Destroy command centers and weapons caches. And if Hamas located those under mosques and apartment buildings, well, whose fault is that? Yes, Hamas doesn’t exactly poll the neighbors before setting up shop. But that is one of those fine points lost in the fog of war.

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  1. War is hell. Always has been, always will be. Winston Churchill said it best…revenge is a dish best served cold. This can’t continue.

  2. This is the opinion piece I've been waiting for. You covered everything to hopefully pull many away from the "If you aren't with us, then you're against us" rhetoric I've been reading. It got so bad for me that I had to stop reading opinion pieces AND news articles (news articles somehow manage to throw in a word or eight or twenty to indicate their "opinion" when they should be reporting only factual unbiased news). Thank you, Neil...I am grateful! Respectfully submitted, Sandra

  3. Totally agree with "anonymous". Absolutely wonderful column. Award and worldwide distribution worthy. Thank you Neil.

  4. The non-war option... I wish I knew. Since I don't have one - nor anyone else, doesn't mean war is the only option. The difficult piece (well one of them) is both sides are complete on opposite ends - to the extent of both wanting the other to cease to be. I see no give and take to come together to resolve this. It's not government vs government; or country vs country. Country vs Terrorist

  5. Excellent article. Agree 100%. I wish the people making the decisions had such wisdom. Thanks for writing this

  6. Great column. I agree: Netanyahu needs to go.

  7. I'm with the Canadian minister, Blair, that's mentioned in a blurb in the regular ST paper today. "Hamas will not respect a cease fire."

  8. As if our own explosive politics aren't enough, we've already imported the anger and hostilities of the Middle East to our own shores. Violence is occurring in American towns with increasing regularity. The near-riot situation on Touhy Avenue is but the most recent example.

    This week's PBS documentary about Pittsburgh in 2018 was chilling to watch, because it made the viewer realize that terrible things can happen almost anywhere now, given the current political climate. It wouldn't even necessarily be at a protest or a demonstration. Just one lone wolf...with one gun....and Skokie or Lincolnwood could easily become another Pittsburgh. Or it could happen in Rogers Park or the southwest suburbs. There are crazies on both sides now. Plenty of gasoline, and plenty of matches.

  9. a cease-fire? and then what? hama and hezbollah wil stop firing rockets? i understand that the images we've seen and the reality they depict are horrific, but i don't believe for a moment that a cease-fire will bring an even temporary, much less long term step toward peace. for any of you that are really interested in digging into this with a little more depth, this discussion, while an hour long is, in my opinion, essential listening in order to get a better understanding of the current iteration of this ongoing conflict. i've included the link, but if you nervous about clicking on for security reasons, just google the line immediately below.
    Yossi Klein Halevi with Rabbi David Wolpe | America at a Crossroads01:00:03
    paul w
    roscoe vil

  10. Your red monster at the top of the page is pissed because he used to be able to take that wrench in his hand back to Sears and get a new one for free.
    Now, what is he supposed to do?
    I'd be pissed too.

    1. Dave, your red monster can still exchange his wrench for a new one. Craftsman still offers free lifetime replacement of hand tools, and Ace Hardware is one local supplier carrying those now. has more details. Not everything in this world has gone to hell just yet...


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