For the offended

What is this?

Sunday, January 7, 2024


     Last Monday I wrote about providing legal counsel to immigrants to Chicago. I didn't consider that the topic would shake the nuts from the trees — I can be naive that way — though a glance at last week's email clued me in. I plucked a couple representative examples for your reading pleasure, plus a third provoked by colleague David Roeder's farewell column — a rare but not unprecedented occurrence. More than once I've had to reply along the lines of, "You know, I'm busy enough being responsible for what I write, never mind being blamed for something Mary Mitchell — or Rich Roeper, or some other person — wrote." Plus my responses of course.
I live in IL and I don’t like the fact that immigrants get EVERYTHING free and it comes out of our TAXES thats why people are moving out of IL!!! Why are we getting so many immigrants? They should come in as our great grandparents did and see the Statue of Liberty! They are trying to take over our USA  jobs and the Venezuelans want more pay to do our jobs!!!! So I want to send them back to NYC or have them GO HOME!!! Let’s take care of USA homeless and our wonderful veterinarians, who fought for our country!!! I know Texas don’t want them too it seems like democrat states want them and unfortunately ours is a democrat state!!!!But we don’t want them OUT in our suburbs!!!!

Dana B.
Dear Dana:

     So you'd prefer they be charged for the privilege of sleeping on a police station floor? And you condemn them for both being on the dole and taking our jobs? Shouldn't you pick one or the other? I'm just joking — I can't imagine you actually thinking through these things. Though I will point out that they ARE home, now, whether you like it or not. And I am in agreement about the need to support our wonderful veterinarians. The service they provide for our pets is usually first rate. Thanks for writing.
     This organization is funded by Zionists. This entire global migration plot is a classic Zionist false flag. Anyone aiding and abetting these illegal immigrants is anti-American and working to destroy the sovereignty of the United States.
     Many Hispanics are crypto-Jews!
     All America did was take in Jews and they have done nothing but show disdain for this nation. Y'all should go back to Europe or Israel if you hate America so much!
      Any politicians, businesses and organizations aiding and abetting illegal immigrants are in violation of Federal Laws:
     Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts.
      The United States is under no legal obligation to care for these people, the US Congress did not agree on the UN Migration Pact...
There's more. But you get the idea. I thought a moment, then replied:

Grandma! I told you never to write me at work.

Your column today does not bode well for 2024! I've been reading the Sun Times every day since I rode the train to work in 1961 (it was easier to read on the train>) I was unhappy when Mary Mitchel left and now you! I do hope you gift us with a column once in a while as you will be missed. Enjoy your retirement as you deserve it. 
Diane K.
Dear Diane:

I think you meant to send this to Dave Roeder. He's the one who had a column in the paper announcing his retirement. I, alas, am not going anywhere. Thanks for writing.


  1. Well, at least I had a laugh out loud first thing this morning! Veterinarians!

    1. When I type LOL, it's usually an exaggeration. I gotta say, reading "our wonderful veterinarians" proved to be an exception to the rule.

    2. Possibly an auto-correct that went unnoticed. Made me do a spit-take (Coca-Cola) all over my keyboard.

    3. My first laugh was the veterinarians comment. Did the person blaming blue states for immigration to Illinois ever notice the republican scum, I mean governor of Texas, is sending migrants to states trying to help them acclimate?

  2. As I tried to make sense of people exchanging belief in democracy for belief in Trump's lies, I stumbled on to an article noting that, at any given time, 20% of Americans were suffering from some sort of mental illness. I'll take today's column as supportive evidence for that thesis.

    What is the GOP's reaction to the notion that one in five American's are mentally ill? A twisted, dishonest interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that arms every troubled soul in America.

    I'm going to bang my head against the wall.

    1. 50 million people with mental illness. Of course not all mental illness is serious. No doubt the mass shooters are probably suffering from mental illness. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind doing such terrible things. Hopefully most of those people don't vote

  3. Imagine the surprise of the arriving Hispanics to learn that are mostly crypto-Jews. Perhaps we need more Ladino interpreters.

    1. Ladino was never spoken in Spain, mostly in Italy.

    2. And of course, certainly not in Mexico. I think Rick w. Was kind of stretching a point where there was a misunderstanding about where Hispanics are coming from and then ascribed the trait of speaking a form of Hebrew which was only spoken as you mentioned in Italy and not Spain. So there's a lot of misunderstanding going on here. It's hard to know when people are being snied or what emotion is behind the writing. You have to be a good writer to convey the proper emotion like our host is able to do. Though people still misunderstand what he's trying to say

  4. Those worthless, scum-sucking Ladino immagrants would like nothing more than to use their Soros money (so filthy rich, these poor people!!!) to steal our UhMeriKKKan jobs and then not work. THAT's their plan, yeah...that's the ticket!
    -T. Finegan, a LOYAL American!

    1. Thank you for outing yourself as an anti-Semite, so we now now what an uneducated POS you are.
      And for your information, Ladino was a language spoken mostly by Italian Jews, sort of a Mediterranean version of Yiddish, not an ethnic group of people.
      And bringing up Soros, seriously? Don't you crackpot haters have anyone else to complain about?

    2. Actually Clark St., I believe Mikejaz was joking, since otherwise this comment would be out of character with his previous remarks. That's why I posted it. Unless YOU'RE joking too ... as I've said for decades about social media, nuance is lost....

  5. Speaking as a grandma, I love your "Grandma" response - hilarious! Thanks for the hearty laugh.

  6. Can you imagine going back to the days when TRUE FACTS in the home were restricted to news and OPINIONS Dad or Grandapa brought home from the corner tavern? Thank god this changed when the next generation was gifted with classroom education in science, sociology, and moral philosophy. We should not now allow the low IQ knuckle dragers out there push
    us back to corner saloon thinking.

  7. My beloved pup agrees; think of the vets!

  8. OMG - you are to be commended for creating responses to comments that make no sense!

  9. CLARK ST, turn on your satire detector, man. You think I actually believe that shit? Sheesh, man, wanna buy a bridge?

    1. Learn to mark satire as satire!

    2. I'm assuming you're being ironic here.

  10. I have to wonder if somewhere deep down in their minds that our Native American citizens think that if only our Ancestors would have been anti immigrant like so many of our current residents and met the English with bow and arrow instead of welcoming would we not be in the place we are now?

  11. Barrington Kenilworth IVJanuary 8, 2024 at 11:58 AM

    You know, I was just telling my wife the other day our oldest dog, Luke, has been acting anxious and I think she should take him to see the veteran. <:0)

  12. Like they always say, "if you love your freedom, thank a veterinarian."


    1. I heard it as: "If you love your kitty, thank a veterinarian." Abd I do.


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