For the offended

What is this?

Thursday, March 28, 2024

"A little somethin' you can't take off."

    "But I do have one question," Aldo the Apache asks the Jew Hunter at the end of "Inglourious Basterds. "When you get to your little place on Nantucket Island, I 'magine you're gonna take off that handsome-lookin' S.S. uniform of yours, ain'tcha?... That's what I thought. Now that I can't abide... I mean, if I had my way... you'd wear that goddamn uniform for the rest of your pecker-suckin' life."
    Quentin Tarantino's violent revenge fantasy about World War II ends up with the Nazi villain having a swastika carved on his forehead, or as Lt. Raine puts it: "a little somethin' you can't take off."
    I thought of that moment when Ronna McDaniel was trounced out of NBC News after four days trying to pass as a journalist. The former chairwoman of the Republican National Committee thought she could shed her Trump-coddling, election-denying, democracy-shredding raiment and simply rejoin polite society. And, sadly, the out-of-touch NBC brass hoped she could too, briefly. Imagined McDaniel might provide some of that good old fashioned Red State perspective, make the case for lies and delusion, maybe snag a few viewers drifting away from Fox News.
     But legitimate NBC journalists rebelled, on air. Thank God. That's how it should be. Some things cannot be forgiven. Maybe casting a ballot for Trump two or three times, in the privacy of the voting booth, can be reframed as a secret shame. But at some point, as you rise up the ladder in the pyramid of cowards, quisling and craven opportunists, you lose the chance to walk away from your treachery. At some point you end up in the dock in a plexiglas booth.
     And if you're hung up on my comparing Nazis to MAGAzis, well, tough. Get over it. Or don't. The common element is clear — an identical ability to suspend decent moral values. To be blind to ethical duty. To confuse right and wrong. To hurt innocents and call it purity.
      Those who love America should, at some point, state the obvious: that denying the rule of law is unforgivable. That being a dupe in service of a fraud, year in and year out, in spite of clear, enormous evidence, is unforgivable. That rebelling against our country is unforgivable. Betraying our nation to despotic foreign enemies is unforgivable. 
     I'm sick of the media pretending otherwise. Pretending there is a balance. There is no balance. Joe Biden isn't perfect: he's old. He's a political hack. But he also could live to be 105 and he would still never become a seditionist. Never become a liar, bully, fraud and traitor. There is no comparison. The Trump enormity is clear, or should be clear, and those who don't get it, who willfully refuse to understand, should know they are following him down. 
     They should know that when he loses — as he will — they lose too. They have already lost. Now and forever. They can't just shower off their infamy and try to reclaim a spot at the table of the decent. Not at my table anyway. They can take their red baseball cap and stow it, lovingly, in a closet. And while it's a shame Aldo Raine can't take his gleaming bowie knife and carve, "MAGA" on their foreheads, it will still be there, nevertheless, for those of us who can't help but see it. Some stains never wash off. If you don't like it, well, you should have thought of that when you began betraying your country. Too late now.


  1. I don't understand why they felt the need to hire her in the first place. MSNBC often has Republican contributors and welcomes Republicans (the normal ones) for interviews. MAGAts have been invited, but few have the balls to accept.

    Michael Steel, former head of the RNC, often appears on various shows, fills in for regular hosts, and now has a show on weekends. They certainly could have found someone else if they wanted to appear more "fair and balanced". Is the guy who decided to hire her the same guy to tried to replace Coke with New Coke years ago? What a brain-dead idea.

  2. Neli, keep following this story. Apparently, McDaniel is entertaining hiring famous counsel, as she's looking for damages due to a "toxic" workplace, specifically, that MSNBC and NBC anchors spoke poorly of her on air (this from a Politico article yesterday). Wouldn't that be a larff?

  3. Here, Robert Reich today:

  4. Once again you have made it completely clear how you feel. I did that the other night with my son . He's a person who is completely fed up with our government. The current one the previous one and he doesn't see how he could find the next one to be to his liking.
    I've explained to him it how much more important it is to have the Democrats in at this time
    He told me to go f*** myself and said that you boomers have ruined this country with your one party with two names system
    Yes, he says the magaz are reprehensible but stop trying to convince me that the Biden administration has some kind of positive aspect to it that I should find appealing.
    I agree with you Neil, but he don't read your column. So whatever you're trying to convince your readers of, they all already agree with you and you can't reach the others. They're not paying any attention to you or me or any other sane sensible point of view presented by the media, their friends or their families.

    In particular, the situation at the border
    has pushed him over the edge and our support of Israel in the current war leaves him feeling like we're on the wrong side.
    There's really nothing I can say to him to convince him otherwise.
    We all should demand the best from our representatives and we're just not getting that from the vast majority of them. Oy

    1. You should read Caitlin Johnstone, Chris Hedges or any number of others that would be considered left leaning. While they know Trump is terrible they also pretty much despise Biden and aren't very thrilled with Republicans They aren't exactly wrong. As they say the lesser of two evils is evil. They think Biden is terrible for supporting Israel. Of course they know Trump would do the same but Biden is the one in charge. And you should check out Norm Finklestein or Meko Pelid who was born in Israel. Not sure if he still lives there or not. But plenty of Jews are against what Israel is doing. If anything costs Biden it will be supporting Israel.

    2. Wow, FME, I don't care if your son is a grown adult, you let him speak to you like that???????????

  5. Perfectly articulated of course. One would think every sentient being would recognize this fraud, transparent as it is. But alas, reality has been twisted for so many, never to return in shape. That's where we can you be SO SURE he will lose? Yes, he will get slaughtered in the popular vote. But that is of little relevance as our anachronistic electoral college still rules the day. Color me pessimistic.

    1. I'm not sure he'll lose. In fact, there's a good chance he'll win. I say "he will" because he has to. He has to lose. We're all dead meat if he doesn't.

  6. Fox News has been seething with indignation for days on end over McDaniel getting the heave-ho. "This shows how intolerant the Left really is," etc.

    Here's an idea: If Fox thinks she's such hot shit, why don't THEY hire her?

    Of course, Fox may be in a bit of a cash flow crunch, due to being on the hook for about three-quarters of a billion dollars due to lying about the 2020 election. And of course, McDaniel was an enthusiastic liar about that.

    So maybe I see the problem.

    Bitter Scribe
    (for some reason I can't put my handle as the lead-in to my comment)

  7. Using a gleaming bowie knife and carving, "MAGA" on their foreheads? Wow, Mr. S. Takes a lot of hate to feel that way. Been there. Still there. I've hated the fascist bastards since 1968...fifty-plus years of stored up hatred, and I'll readily admit to violent revenge fantasies. But I've learned not to express them at EGD. Such transgressions have earned me strong rebukes...or they were seen by only you. But, hey, it's your house. And I feel the same anger. Have never hated anybody as much as I hate Orange Jesus.

    Me? I would have stopped at talking about shaving the heads of collaborators and traitors, as the French Resistance did in WWII. Even though everyone knows that they received much, much worse.

    The truth is, I have an extremely low tolerance for on-screen violence. I am certainly not a fan of Quentin Tarantino. Will not watch his films. "Inglourious Basterds" was probably his most blood-spattered (even onto the camera lens, more than once), and his most graphic. IMDb rates the violence at "severe"

    Long strangling--with and without a wire. Graphic throat-slashing, scalping, a baseball-bat beating, smashed heads, burning alive, whippings, stabbings, and agonized screaming during the swastika tattooing. A bloodbath...literally.

    I've seen countless violent TV programs and films over the last seven decades. I already have far too many disturbing and upsetting images seared into my memory. One TV through a window is enough. Two smashed floodlights at a drive-in is enough. Not surprisingly, I am extremely careful about what my eyeballs are exposed to. People who know me also know what not to watch when I am in the room. Tarantino is not welcome in my house. And neither is Fox.

    1. It's a metaphor, Grizz. As you know, I don't hate anybody. Maybe the first part of the sentence, "It's a shame Aldo Raine can't..." flew past you. No violence here.

    2. Bingo. My mistake. Never mind!

    3. Inglorious Bastards is one of my favorite films. Because of the content.

    4. Good luck with that noise.
      If I were a believer, and a praying man, I'd say a couple for you.
      Thanks for sharing,

  8. I think it would be enlightening to see this blog post as it might look after a newspaper editor sanitized it for publication (but with the original content still visible - marked for deletion/revision). I, too, am sick of the media pretending otherwise. By presenting your column in such a format, you could clearly demonstrate the enabling role journalism continues to play in Donald Trump's 2024 "campaign".

    1. Yeah, it's sad that I could never consider running this in the paper. We worry so much about causing offense ...

  9. i know, neil, but i still subscribe to your employer, flawed, but not bad (could be a motto). better reason even that my vote for the current mayor in the runoff- 1st, no great shakes, but not vallas; now, incompetent but not corrupt, and still not vallas. so it's the sun times in a landslide as far as mottos go. (guessing it wouldn't be too popular though with your son FME).

  10. Greewald weighed in on this. He is not totally wrong. He says she is a conventional Republican. That is far from the case. Conventional Republicans don't try and over throw and election and believe it was rigged. She was a big supporter of Trump.

    1. It is my understanding that she had disavowed her election denial claims.

  11. I remember when you predicted in 2016, NS, that DT might win. I thought he didn't have a prayer. Ha

  12. Using what seems to be popular terminology these days, this post was "10/10, No notes."


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