For the offended

What is this?

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The whole world is watching ... us

     Actually, I have sympathy for those protesting against the war in Gaza. They see the images of suffering, the children, the hunger, the death. How could you not be moved? How could you blame anyone for raising their voice? For trying to do something.
     Besides, they're students, mostly. They have the energy, and time on their hands. Why not set up tents and conduct a kind of ongoing public temper tantrum, holding their breath until world events reorder themselves to their liking? Live deeply.
     Yes, they are young. The young get worked up, carried away. In damning the war, they also damn Israel — should never have been founded in the first place! — and Zionists and even Jews who sometimes are Zionists, at least when they're not contorting themselves, trying to outdo the Palestinians in taking a one-sided, 0 or 1, right v. wrong view of the situation. 
     Rather than blame Benjamin Netanyahu — I'd be in agreement, if not right beside them — they decry the existence of the country itself, and demand "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." The "...of Jews" part is unvoiced. Which means, they aren't against genocide, per se, but simply prefer the world stick to the traditional victims. They aren't radicals, but conservatives, playing an old game. Although that part gets said out loud more and more. Juden raus. Worked for great-granddaddy, works for us. Forgetting that a nation's existence isn't a global referendum or campus popularity contest — if it were, the United States would have blinked off the world map long ago. 
     Here's what I feel obligated to point out: the main change being demanded by all theses springtimes protests is not that Hamas accept a cease-fire — odd that they never ask that, maybe because they know Hamas doesn't give a fuck what they think — but that the universities they attend must divest from investing in companies involved with Israel. A rather long-term solution to an immediate crisis — kind of like holding hands around a house that's burning down and demanding that deeper wells be dug. Maybe that would help, down the road. But right now...
    And in truth, divesting wouldn't even help down the road. As always with the young, they wildly exaggerate their own place in an indifferent world. 
     Being adults, let's do the math, shall we? In 2023, the cumulative total of American university endowments was $839 billion. And the stock market is worth $50 trillion. Making the investments held by U.S. colleges about 1.6 percent of the total U.S. financial markets. So if every single American university immediately pulled every single dime of their investments from companies involved with Israel or the Israeli military, it would affect the economic health of Israel not much, and the war in Gaza even less. The change they demand is like leveling a fine of $100, payable in 2047.
     Not that protests are without merit. They do pressure Joe Biden to in turn pressure the Israelis to wrap this up already. Which is probably a good thing since destroying Hamas doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. At least it's an open question whether Israel is killing Hamas fighters faster than its recruiting new ones. Meanwhile, all those innocents are still suffering and dying. Though speaking of suffering the protests risk running into the summer, undercutting the Dems, and helping to elect Donald Trump, who is Benjamin Netanyahu's best buddy and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem simply as a big Fuck You to Palestinians. It's odd to demand other people consider the consequences of what they're doing while at the same moment ignoring the consequences of what you're doing. But that's people for you.
    Besides, they aren't protesting for the Palestinians, but for themselves. The protests are engaging street theater, allowing a number of college students to feel they are working the treadles and warps of current events, weaving the fabric of history. That has to put a spring in their step. Plus their classes are about done, though you have to wonder, watching certain students coping with the fallout of their murderous rhetoric, what their job prospects are going to look like when they flash their Northwestern resumes at white shoe law firms. "The summer of 2023 I was interning at the Children's Legal Center. Then summer 2024 I stood in Deering Meadow chanting 'Death to Jews'..." The internet is forever.
    Until then, it's a sideshow, a distraction. Almost ironic. The public is sort of thick, and it could be argued that the protests draw attention away from the war they're supposed to be ending. Counter-intuitive things happen, and it's somehow fitting that kids in Evanston and Morningside Heights and Los Angeles would find a way to make this all about them, and the suffering they endure at the hands of police. Am I wrong to reserve my sympathy for the children of Gaza?


  1. Neil: You might have added to your last sentencce: "...and the hostages." Be well. Barry

  2. No wonder you are considered a great writer. This is really perfect. Have a great day!

  3. An impossible path to tread, as all sides have heavily mined the route to reason.


  4. Spot on, Neil! Thanks for the analysis!

  5. I might have more patience for these protesters if they were also demanding that Hamas release all of the hostages.

    1. All sane persons believe that, but none of the so-called students do. I'm sure a lot of those protesting aren't even students. They're just the run of the mill Jew haters who have found a safe place for their eternal hate.

    2. For once I completely agree with you Clark St. and definitely agree with the points made in this post. Hamas can end this conflict. SURRENDER! Sue for peace. Immediately and unconditionally release all hostages and renounce the destruction of Israel .

      The people of Israel then must have elections for a new government, cease building new settlements and assure the Palestinian people of basic human rights and self determination as they have offered in the past. Guardrails must be put in place to assure Israeli security and Palestinian autonomy.

      Somehow Iran must be neutered . Why aren't these protests against Iran and the part it plays in sacrificing Palestinian lives in its quest to destroy Israel? Its not so much that these young people aren't adults . They are people who have not learned how to tackle multi variable equations . They're angry and guilty of oversimplification. An emotional response is easier than a logical one.

      There is no easy solution here. Both sides have a lot of heavy lifting to do before a peaceful settlement will be found in the broader context of this geopolitical conundrum.

      Oddly I agree with Netanyahu to continue fighting if hamas will not capitulate. I'm anti war . The Israelis did not choose this one. Let the initiators end it. They have that in their power.

    3. Clark St., I doubt that your invoking the "outside agitator" meme, is helpful in trying to advance Israel's cause.


  6. This column is an example of why I love your writing so much, Neil! I shared it with my adult daughter, and she too appreciates your polished, sarcastic style. You have a new fan.

  7. Replace Netanyahu. Keep Trump out of the White House. Self-determination for the Palestinians...a two-state solution. That last one has to happen, sooner or later. But this war has made it a certainty that none of us will be alive to see it.

  8. In my limited interactions with Palestinains, they always blame the Jews, not Israel. I do not believe that is just a sloppy use of words, but a deep prejudice raising its ugly head. It is probably why they have balked at solutions that would have improved their prospects. When I consider the conflict and mutual culpabilities I always come out closer to Israel's side. However, the overreaction to Hamas' most recent atrocity has seriously drained Israels' accumulation of Goodwill. I do not see any solution to the divide, no Solomon to assuage shared animosities. In hindsight, the creation of the Jewish State, no matter how well intentioned, was one of the most flawed post war decisions. Even worse than allowing France to reoccupy Indochina.

  9. Ever since the South African "Divest!" calls, I've thought "that makes no sense".

    What you do if you divest is, you sell to someone who doesn't give a shit about what this company does. And, if everyone is divesting, the price goes down, so the "don't give a shit" people get a bargain. And you give up all hope of having stockowners influence with the company.

  10. Thank you! It’s good, no it’s great! to read a well written opinion.


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