Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Handy Concept #2 — Cognitive Dissonance

     Intellectual Toolbox Week continues, with a concept that is something of a flashlight, to help understand a woefully common condition. 

Cognitive dissonance

"A man with a conviction is hard to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point."
                                   -- When Prophecy Fails
     Cognitive dissonance is why you should never argue with Tea Party members. 
     It is the established psychological phenomenon that, in the face of being shown to be wrong, many will cling to their error even more tightly, and shut out the conflicting information, to avoid the grating clash of having their core beliefs scrape against reality (hence "dissonance.")
     “Presented with evidence unequivocal and undeniable” that a certain belief is mistaken, they nevertheless “frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than even before," wrote three psychologists from the University of Minnesota, Leon Festinger, Henry W. Riecken and Stanley Schachter in their classic study, When Prophecy Fails. 
     Published in 1956, the book was written by researchers who infiltrated a cult led by an Oak Park housewife, Dorothy Martin, who believed—and convinced her neighbors to believe—that the world would end on Dec. 21, 1954, and she and her followers would be swept up to heaven by flying saucers.  You can read my column about the Oak Park doomsday cult by clicking here.
     The world didn't end, but Martin and certain of her crew believed even harder in the saucers, and in a doomsday that had been postponed. In fact, they worked harder to win new recruits. 
    Why? The personalities of many people are closely intertwined with their fallacious beliefs— their faith, their prejudices, their extreme political positions are accepted as givens and beyond evaluation of question. On the other hand, the non-existence of angels, the desirability of a certain policy of the president's, the need for gun laws, are not ideas they can entertain, because to do so would threaten what they see as the core of their existence. It's a matter of pride, and maintaining inner harmony. They'd rather be wrong than admit to being wrong and adjust their attitudes.
     This is why I stopped debating politics with a lot of people. I am not the Idiot Police, and if someone wants to cling to folly, that is their business, their misfortune. Sure, it's tempting to do otherwise—it's our misfortune too, since they often insist their error become our dogma. When you see someone posting on the dangers of vaccines, you want to say, "Surgery is dangerous, too. People die. All the time. Are you against surgery too? What about car travel?"
     It gets you nowhere. 
     By the way, the flying saucer cult that Dorothy Martin founded, the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara, still operates to this very day, in Mount Shasta, California. Delusion takes on a life of its own. You can't stop it, you can only recognize it and try to give it a wide berth.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Handy Concept: #1. The Self-Selective Group

Intellectual Toolbox Week 

"The Watch," by Hebru Brantley

    "Great minds discuss ideas," Eleanor Roosevelt once said. "Average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." 

      That's one of those statements that sound a lot more profound than it actually is. First, much would depend on the particular idea, event or people being discussed.  If the idea at hand is the physical existence of elves, a great mind wouldn't spend too much time pondering that one. Second, the more you consider her remark, the more it seems a half-clever backhand to just about everybody, since human beings, being social, discuss each other most of the time, then interesting events, only occasionally drifting off into the airy abstraction of ideas. When my kids come home from school, I don't say, "What ideas did you talk about in school today?" I say "What happened in school today?" (Not that it matters what I ask. Great teens don't discuss ideas; average teens don't discuss events; small teens don't discuss people).
     Since the idea (woo-hoo, look at me, I'm a great mind, I'm discussing an idea! ) of having a week devoted to a particular topic worked so well in August (fiction) and September (stuff I love) I thought I would veer in the opposite direction from cool things and focus this time on intriguing ideas, but to try to avoid any taint of smug brainy vanity, let's call this week's theme, "Handy Concepts." That has a more down-to-earth feel. More than anything, each is a useful notion to have in your back pocket, like a wrench, a few tools to tuck in the back of mind for future use. An Intellectual Toolbox.

       Years ago I was walking through the men's locker room at the Lakeshore Athletic Club. I must have just read one of the periodic articles about what a fat nation we've become, how a third of American adults are obese. But the men around me weren't obese—just the opposite: they looked pretty fit. Varying ages and body types, but not one true fatty among them. 
      Maybe, I mused, at my locker, the study is exaggerating...
      Then it struck me. Oh, right. I wasn't looking at a random sample of men in American. I was looking at men who belonged to a health club. And by definition, those men would be more fit than was average for two reasons: a) just joining demonstrate concern for the condition of one's body and b) by being a member, they occasionally use the club, and that helps a person be in better shape too. 
     I'd be more embarrassed to admit this lapse were it not so common.  The self-selective group fallacy is a pit we all tumble into, sooner or later. It explains why the opinions of other people in other parts of the country can seem so unexpected and hard to believe. Being surrounded by people we know creates the illusion that that's how people are, generally. My friends live in and around Chicago, we tend to be liberals, so don't, for instance, believe in crazy conspiracy theories or fetishize guns. It's comfortable to believe the world is also like this. We forget that we are forming false judgments based on the incomplete evidence offered by the people we chose to associate with, who are all members of our club. 
     People forget that their cocoons don't represent consensus. Having grown up marinating in their church or small town, they march out into society and incredulously discover that everyone isn't like them. A lot of our political Punch & Judy show is due to people falling prey to the self-selective group fallacy.
     The idea of self-selective groups is also useful in recognizing polling bias. If you interview people at a mall about shopping, your survey is already skewed pro-shopping, because your sample is made up of people who are already at a mall. They're in the act of shopping already. If you take your shopping poll at a library, you may find very different results.
     Or to cite a real, close-to-home example. When former Illinois senator Carol Mosley-Braun ran for mayor of Chicago in 2011, the N'Digo weekly did a poll of its readers and found Carol beating Rahm Emanuel by a vote of 27.4 percent to 22.7 percent. Carol celebrated this as great news. “CAROL MOSELEY BRAUN BEATS ALL MAYORAL CANDIDATES IN LATEST N’DIGO POLL” her campaign trumpeted.
     In the fact-based world, those results would have only been encouraging had the poll been taken of a random cross-sample of all Chicagoans. But it wasn't. The poll  was of N'Digo readers, whom the weekly admitted were mostly African-American ladies.
     "Moseley Braun issued a press release bragging that she bested Rahn Emanuel, barely, among politically active black ladies, nearly a quarter of whom were voting for Emanuel," I wrote in the Sun-Times. "That's like me bragging that I beat Rahm Emanuel 3-2 in a poll of those sitting around my dining room table, if you take the joyous yip of the puppy as a vote for me. Would you view that as a mark of certain Steinberg victory, or a sign that two members of my own family wouldn't even vote for me?" You can read the entire column here.
     Once you realized that Carol barely squeaked ahead of Rahm, even among black women voters, you had a glimpse how thoroughly she was going to be trounced. As it turned out, she received a pitiable 8.9 percent of the vote, which means the bias of the N'Digo poll tripled her actual support. 
     My pointing this out, by the way, inspired Carol's forces to brand me a racist and picket the paper, demanding that I be fired (you can view the video here).  In her closed, self-selective world, the picketing seemed like a good idea that might lead to a practical result. Outside that world, however, it was a cause for astonishment and a mix of amusement tinged with pity. 
     A reminder that being able to think things through, using concepts such as the self-selective group, is not without risk. Many can't make that leap along with you. Many who can't perceive that biases are introduced by their like-minded associates, and so will assign other motives to your belief. They will tend to view your ability to see outside their circle as a kind of malign magic.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dan Savage puts Obamacare in perspective

I don't normally do two posts a day — one seems plenty. But I have a weeklong series starting tomorrow, "Handy Concepts," and the newspaper tossed up my Monday column early, so I thought I might as well post it here as well. There's no one like Dan Savage to cut through the fog and bullshit about a topic, and he does so to great effect, at least on me, regarding Obamacare in his new book, "American Savage."

     For a moment, I was almost sorry Dan Savage is gay, sorry that he writes a sex advice column, sorry that he’s someone who can be so easily dismissed by the people who need to hear him most.
     Sorry that he waited until Chapter 13, 203 pages into his new book, “American Savage,” to turn his incisive mind to Obamacare, long before the Republicans shut down our government and held it hostage over the issue.
     I had been half watching the shutdown through latticed fingers, as the latest chapter in the endless political Punch & Judy show to which our politics have devolved. I did not see it in the clear, moral terms Savage paints, didn’t see the deep hypocrisy.
     “Jesus commanded his followers to clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and care for the sick,” Savage writes. “Making health care available to all seems like a no-brainer, Jesus-wise among the most Christian projects a president, or a nation, could possibly undertake.”
     But it isn’t, for reasons he explores. Tea Party sorts despise the government. They hate the president even more. “Barack Obama is bad,” Savage writes, channeling Tea Party thought. “He runs the government (bad) and he’s a socialist (bad). And if a government-running socialist is for something, well, then that thing must be very bad.”
     This, despite the fact that Obamacare is tepid, far from the one-payer system found in every other civilized country in the world. Even though it is basically a giveaway to the health-insurance industry that doesn’t quite fix the problem (the chapter is called, "Still Evil. Less Evil. But Still Evil.") a policy first thought up by Republican think tanks and first tried in Massachusetts by a Republican governor - Mitt Romney, remember him? - who would later completely renounce its undeniable success in a jaw-dropping, soul-damning attempt to be president.
     "If a Republican president had signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law - crafted by a conservative think tank, beta-tested by a Republican governor, backed by the health-insurance industry - the GOP would be crowing about how it represented a triumph for conservative thought and governance," Savage writes.
     But alas, the Worst Man on Earth except for, maybe, Satan, is behind it, so it must be opposed, no matter how ethical, no matter how necessary. Savage revisits oblivious claims of Republican politicians that everyone has health care. "You just go to an emergency room," George W. Bush blubbers.
     Then Savage documents the truth of the situation. Thousands die every year for lack of insurance and the medical care that comes with it. He quotes a study from Johns Hopkins Children's Center: "Lack of health insurance might have led or contributed to nearly 17,000 deaths among hospitalized children in the United States."
      I can't summarize the entire 23-page chapter. I wish it could be made into a pamphlet, or emailed to every voter, but that would suggest Obamacare opponents are thinking sincerely, and they're not. Conclusions first, reasons cherry-picked later.
     He even does something I didn't think possible: earn respect for Justin Bieber. Savage quotes a Rolling Ston e interview where the Canadian pop star sneers at us. "You guys are evil," Bieber says. "Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him." That peace of mind somehow offends religious Christians, and Savage takes time to find out why: They believe it smacks of "government control" and "coercion."
     "Obamacare isn't Christian because Jesus Christ wants each of us to make an individual choice to be charitable. Collective acts of charity - a society coming together to make sure all citizens have access to health care - isn't Christian because Jesus wants us to choose to be charitable."
     Which strikes Savage as odd, because "the very same Christians who oppose collective, coerced, society-wide action to provide health care to all . . . turn around and argue that we must take collective, coercive action as a nation to prevent women from having abortions."
     On second thought, it doesn't matter if he is a gay sex columnist. No one is listening to reason anyway. If this battle were about sensible policy, it would never have started. Once a group turns its own religion's moral system upside down, once it hypocritically oppose its own program and kneecaps its own country to do it, the members are beyond argument, no matter the source. The clear thinking of Savage's analysis braces those of us who stand firm in the face of this implacable enemy in our midst. That is enough.

Impressioni d'Chicago

Sympathy is in short supply and it must be rationed, apparently. So when Columbus Day comes around, lately all we can seem to do is reflect on the undeniable barbarity of Columbus toward the indigenous people he found here, and shrug off the prejudice that Italians faced coming to America, which compelled them to form the holiday in the first place. Which strikes me as wrong. Why should history be divided so neatly into the good and the bad, when there is pity — and blame — enough for all? Since some journalists — no names please! — make such a point of repeatedly rolling in tales of the Mafia and Italian-American criminality, I thought, Monday being Columbus day, it might be a good idea, if only as a change of pace, for the briefest nod at a few of the Chicagoans of Italian extraction who weren't Al Capone or his descendants:

     Giuseppe Giacosa was a playwright who turned to writing opera librettos, penning three Puccini classics — La Boheme, Madam Butterfly and Tosca — before he died at age 49.
     He also traveled and wrote a book, “Impressioni d’America,” visiting Chicago just before the World’s Columbian Exhibition . He was taken, as all visitors were, by the industry, “enormous factories, interminable streets, amazing shops, deafening sounds.”
     And by the smoke.
     “I did not see in Chicago anything but darkness: smoke, clouds, dirt,” he wrote, noticing something unusual for sale, “in many shop windows certain apparatus for covering the nose, a kind of nasal protector, or false nostrils.”
     Chicago is a city that has hosted one wildly overpublicized Italian-American resident — Al Capone — and millions who are underrecognized, from those who spent their entire lives here, to visitors such as Giacosa, who stayed for a week.
     With October being Italian Heritage Month and the Columbus Day Parade on Monday, this seems an apt moment to look at a few of those overlooked Italians.
     Driven from Italy by the extreme poverty there, immigrants to Chicago found the same waiting for them here and had to take the most menial jobs to try to escape it: "street sweepers and pavers, railroad workers . . . bootblacks, barbers, and scissors-grinders" according to historian Bessie Louise Pierce. "Later they might attain the envied status of small merchants and fruit peddlers or seek jobs in the factories."
     They faced such prejudice that L'Italia, Chicago's Italian-language newspaper, published lists of restaurants and hotels they could patronize. Oscar Durante, its vigorous editor, pushed his compatriots to "Americanize" and had a policy where the newspaper would provide any reader an escort to Chicago's naturalization office and pay the 50 cent registration fee.
     Not all were fruit sellers. The founder of the Chicago Pasteur Institute at the Rush Medical College was Dr. Antonio Lagorio, Chicago-born son of Genoese immigrants. Chicago's Italians became successful real estate brokers and restaurateurs, first for their own community and then for a city that grew to love their fare. It's a tradition continued to this day by the likes of Phil Stefani, Joe Mondelli, Steve Lombardo at Gibson's. Tony Durpetti at Gene & Georgetti, the Capitanini family at Italian Village, which Alfredo Capitanini opened in 1927.
     But those are well-known names, and the majority of Chicago's community was unsung.
     "Anonymous heroes of our past who built buildings with the sinew and muscle helped build the great Chicago scene," said Dominic DiFrisco, president emeritus of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans. "Laborers, bricklayers, especially ornamental plasterers of the magnificent theaters in Chicago — 90 percent were Italian. The Italian people enriched and illuminated Chicago in so many ways with labor and intelligence. We're great Americans, yet we continue to honor the past given to us by incredibly courageous people."
     One Italian-American typically overlooked is Florence Scala, who stayed put and fought for her home when most of the Taylor Street Little Italy was being bulldozed in the 1960s for the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.
     It gave her a conflicted view of Chicago, similar to Giacosa's. She told Studs Terkel in Division Street: America that "I've always loved the city . . . I love it and hate it every day. I hate that so much of it is ugly. . . . I hate the fact that so much of it is inhuman in the way we don't pay attention to each other." But mostly she loved it, just as her father did, who came here from Italy and lived to be 98.
     "He never went back to Italy," Scala said. "He didn't want to. He'd say, 'This is my country, America.' "

Photo: sculpture of an early Roman, The Art Institute of Chicago. 10/12/13.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October all around, but summer within

Vanessa Bell's home, East Sussex, England
     An early morning nip in the air, the distant whistle of winter, approaching. I leave the house in a buoyant mood, admire the leaves--muted reds and oranges, the color not so hot this year. The dry summer perhaps. But no matter, I still love the fall, best among the seasons, love the cooler weather, the stylish jackets, the holidays on deck: Halloween's  cheerful memento mori, the cartoon skulls, the witches dangling merrily from trees and beyond it. Then the comfort, family food fest that is Thanksgiving, the one holiday our culture wars haven't managed to screw up, yet.
     I'm an October kind of guy, I think, walking to the train. That makes sense. I'm in the October of my life, am I not? Not December—that's for the elderly. Not November—that's for seniors. But October. The anteroom of age. That feels right. That's who I am. Mr. October.
     Or am I? I always like to do the math. To double check. Say a guy like me can hope to live to be, oh, 85. If a lifetime is spread out over a calendar year, that would be about 7 years a month. So, at 53, I would be in ...
     The summer of life.
    With a smile on my lips and a spring in my step, I turn the corner and stroll toward the train station. Nothing makes it easier to accept autumn--and the prospect of dark and frozen winter to come--than to have summer warmly glowing in your heart.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Clean-up on Aisle Two...

Long before Dominick's announced it is bowing out of the Chicago market, it seemed like the stores had faded from view. My wife is constantly visiting a litany of supermarkets—Sunset, Garden Fresh, Trader's Joe's, almost every store around BUT Dominick's (and, I suppose, Whole Foods, which is just too damn expensive for normal folk). But there's always a certain touch of sadness to see a local icon fade:

     The Jewel won.
     To Chicagoans of a certain stripe, there were only two supermarkets: Jewel and Dominick’s, the Coke and Pepsi of the grocery wars, each chain claiming about a third of the grocery market. The food retail business has changed dramatically since those days, with all sorts of new players coming (and going), and now that parent Safeway has announced it is pulling its Dominick’s stores out of the Chicago market, this is a moment for looking behind as well as looking ahead.
     You were either a Dominick’s shopper or a Jewel shopper — this being Chicago, loyalties ran deep. Jewel was Coke — a little pricier, a little classier. Dominick’s was Pepsi — more of a bargain. At least to the memory of some Chicagoans; to others, it was the opposite, with Dominick’s a little classier, Jewel a little more down-home and friendly. And to still others, it hardly mattered.
     “They were more similar than different,” said Greg Cameron, of Hanover Park.
     It isn’t difficult to understand where Dominick’s went wrong.
     “They’ve lost a lot of market share,”said David J. Livingston, of DJL Research, a Milwaukee supermarket analysis firm, “mostly to Wal-Mart, Meijer, Mariano’s, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Tony’s, Fresh Farms, Super H, a number of strong independents.”
      Why couldn’t Dominick’s keep up with the newcomers?
    "They didn't change," Livingston said. "They were like supermarket museums from the 1980s and 1990s. They never really changed. They've been declining for many years."
     Safeway's ownership only made it worse.
     "Accountants seemed to be making all the decisions, rather than grocers," said Livingston. "They were running California stores in Chicago. They took out local products that people were used to buying and replaced them with Safeway products, and it just didn't go over."
     But one company's failure is another's opportunity.
     "Of the 72 stores, not all of them are losers," he said. "Some of your best operators in Chicago are just dying to get their hands on these locations. So the consumer will probably really benefit from this."
     That's something to keep in mind. Because otherwise, it might seem like another nostalgic moment, another part of Chicago history fading away, joining lost rivalries like Field's vs. Carson's, or Quigley North vs. Quigley South. At least we still have Cubs vs. Sox, as well as Sun-Times vs. Tribune. Some things never change, or at least haven't — yet.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pafko at the Wall

    Sports dominates society, but it doesn't dominate everyone. If you asked me if the World Series were over, I'd have to pause, think, look at the calendar—Oct. 10, too early, right?—and then I'd say, "No, not begun yet. I would have heard if it had." And what teams might be in it? No idea. That would depend if the play-offs are over. I didn't follow the season at all. Baseball is outside my frame of reference.
     So when I heard that baseball player Andy Pafko had died, I did not think of the Cubs, or the 1945 World Series he played in. I learned about his connection to those in his obit in the Sun-Times Wednesday. What I thought of is novelist Don DeLillo, and "Pafko at the Wall," the novella of his that Harper's published in 1992. I can barely remember a single play in all the sporting events I've watched in my entire life. But I can remember the special section in Harper's where "Pafko at the Wall" was printed. I can see the pages.
     Five years later the set piece showed up as the bravura "The Triumph of Death" opening to his sprawling, marvelous novel of the last half of the 20th century, Underworld.
    The 800-page book touches on many themes that have grown in importance in the 15 years since it was published -- celebrity, technology, the numbing, splintered effect of modern life. “Violence is easier now," DeLillo writes, "it’s uprooted, out of control, it has no measure anymore.”
    In the opening scene, fictional characters mingle with historic figures at the Polo Grounds. J. Edgar Hoover is annoyed that a piece of litter is touching his body, a boozy Jackie Gleason is sick at his seat. Toots Shor and Frank Sinatra are there too.
     DeLillo conveys the moment of Bobby Thomson's epic home run this way, starting with the Giants radio announcer, Russ Hodges:
     Russ says, "There's a long drive."
     His voice has a burst in it, a change of expectation.
     He says, "It's gonna be."
     There's a pause all around him. Pafko racing toward the left-field corner.
     He says, "I believe."
     Pafko at the wall. Then he's looking up. People thinking where's the ball. The scant delay, the stay in time that lasts a hairsbreath. And Cotter standing in section 35 watching the ball come in his direction. He feels his body turn to smoke. He loses sight of the ball when it climbs above the overhang and he thinks it will land in the upper deck. But before he can smile or shout or bash his neighbor on the arm. Before the moment can overwhelm him, the ball appears again, stitches visibly spinning, that's how near it hits, banging at an angle off a pillar—hands flashing everywhere.
     DeLillo captures the strangeness of modern American life in all his fiction, the sadness of time passing. He is a master, yet a humble man. I had the good fortune to speak with him, briefly, at the Carl Sandburg awards dinner two years ago. In person, he was quiet, unassuming, pleasant, none of the ego you might expect in one of the country's great literary novelists. He tolerated a pesky stranger admirably. 
     The odd thing is, when I read Pafko's obit Wednesday, about his exploits with the Cubs, his trade to Brooklyn, I sincerely expected it might mention him figuring into DeLillo's book—would that not be a highlight in anybody's life?— though of course it didn't. Different people, different frames of reference.
Click here to watch a video of Bobby Thomson's home run. If you pause it at 27 seconds, you'll see Andy Pafko, at the wall.

Photo atop blog: Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick, Canada