Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rebel flag not blowing away soon


     Dylann Roof did not kill nine people with a flag.
     He used a .45-caliber Glock pistol.
     But nobody is talking about keeping weapons out of the hands of murderous madmen.  

     That’s impossible. We can’t even try. We can’t even talk about trying.
     We can, however, go after the Confederate flag.
     Maybe that’s the best we can do.
     Only we can’t do that either.
     “Winds shifting on rebel flag” the Tribune headlined Tuesday.
     Pretty to think so. They’re reacting to news that South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called for the flag to be removed from its prominent place across from the State House in Columbia. Apparently the photos of Roof preening by Confederate flags prior to his alleged crime was too much in the wake of the slaughter at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston.
     But anyone who thinks the matter is settled hasn’t been paying attention.
     Winds of change? Winds certainly. Southern windbags have been blowing hot over this topic for decades.
     But change?
     Change is slow everywhere.
     But particularly slow down there.
     It’s a tradition. Another Southern tradition.
     Does the governor getting involved mean anything? Happened before. In 1996, when the flag was still flying from the state capitol dome, then-Gov. David Beasley called the rebel flag “a racist tool” and pushed a bill removing it. He asked South Carolinians if they wanted their children to be debating this issue in 10 years.
     The answer was “yes.” Beasley’s bill found no sponsors, and he was booted from office.
     Only after the NAACP boycotted the state in 2000 — it set up checkpoints along roads leading into the state and urged motorists not to spend money there — did officials take the flag off its capitol dome and plant it in an even more prominent spot where it is today.
     “Off the dome and in your face!” flag supporters chanted.
     Notice that dynamic. Banished here, reappearing there. You almost have to admire the resourcefulness. Bigots lie, even to themselves. They don’t say, “We hate black people, and the Confederate flag is the embodiment of that hate.” No they invoke history, tradition.
     But what is that history? The flag began representing disunity and treason, the war to dismantle the United States of America in 1861 by 11 Southern states who couldn’t see their way clear to participating in a democracy where blacks were not held in perpetual chattel slavery.
     After the war — which I should point out, the Confederacy lost, another fact that seems to elude them — the flags were furled, only to be brought out as symbols of the Ku Klux Klan, waving the Confederate flag for 100 years. Then a raised middle finger to the federal government. The flying of the Confederate flag at government buildings is a fine old Southern tradition that goes back to … 1956, in Georgia, when the faint echoes of Brown v. the Board of Education started to be heard. The Alabama official who ordered it raised in 1963, to coincide with a visit of attorney general Robert Kennedy, called it “an act of defiance.”
     All this is laid out in a riveting 2005 volume, The Confederate Battle Flag by John M. Coski. To give you an idea of how the flag’s post-Appomattox life dwarfs its wartime duty, in Coski’s book, the Civil War is over by page 44. The next 330 pages riffle with the gusty debate we’re having now.
     Who wants to bet we won’t still be breezing about this in 2030?
     Sure, the rebel flag has been put to innocent uses, splashed across the General Lee, waved by unthinking, proud-of-my-grandpappy Southerners who can’t or won’t wrap their heads around what the flag represents. And when I was 7, I made myself a Nazi armband with crayons because I thought the uniforms were cool. But my parents educated me. That a hateful symbol can be wielded by the disingenuous and the naive does not negate its hate.

     The Germans put away their swastika. The Japanese never learned that lesson, preferring to deny their history, and we see the rising militarism there. Racism fought for its life in the Civil War under the Confederate flag. Defeated, it did not die, and that flag remains a symbol for bigotry.
     Sure, the rebel flag might flutter from its spot across from the State House in Columbia, South Carolina. But keep an eye peeled. It’ll be found flapping somewhere else. Because the bigotry it symbolizes is still at gale force.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Face fear

    Five years ago, when Sgt. Edward Schrank was returning to civilian life after serving in the Marines, a mutual friend worried he might have a hard time finding a job—part of his face is missing—and asked me to help. I doubted what I could do, but felt I had to try, so began taking Ed to City Club luncheons and such, introducing him around. 
     I suggested to Ed that he go to the University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital's Craniofacial Center and get a facial prosthetic made, to put future employers at ease. He was very much against this, as you can tell from his interview, which follows this article.
     Talking to Ed made me wonder if he might not be a vanguard, whether people whose appearance is outside what is considered normal could be developing the kind of strong identity and pride found in the deaf community. So when Mosaic asked if I'd like to write something, I suggested looking into this. The facts took me in another direction, as you'll see, and it ended up a very different story than how it began.
     This article is also being published in Mosaic , the Wellcome Trust's web site of health and science. They encourage distribution of their stories, and it is republished here under a Creative Commons license, which means you are free to repost or reprint it as you like, with the only requirement being that you credit Mosaic and link back to the original piece, which has its own set of compelling illustrations, commissioned by the web site. Mosaic publishes a new long form article on topics of health and science every week, and I recommend that you add it to your list of essential reading.

     “Take your ear off for me, please,” Rosie Seelaus says to Randy James, who is sitting on a black exam chair in a special room designed for viewing colours in the Craniofacial Center on the Near West Side of Chicago.
     He reaches up and detaches his right ear, which she created for him out of silicone seven years before. The ear is shabby, stained from skin oil and mottled by daily use. Viewed under various lights in the neutral, grey-walled room – daylight, incandescent, fluorescent – it remains a pasty beige.
     James is a doctor with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Las Vegas – the fierce desert sunlight is also tough on his prosthetic ear. Seelaus is an anaplastologist, a clinician who sculpts artificial body parts for people who have lost them through injury or disease or, as with James, who never had them to begin with.
     He was born 58 years ago with Goldenhar syndrome, a genetic condition that distorts the fetal face, sometimes severely. Some children with Goldenhar, like James, are born missing an ear or part of an ear (he had only the right lobe). Some have bulging eyes, or no eyes at all. James’s jaw was undersized and skewed. He underwent 35 surgeries, including one to construct his right cheekbone using bone shaved from his ribs. He pulls up his shirt to show off slashing scars across his ribcage.
     “I used to tell bullies I was mauled by a tiger at the zoo,” he says.

        The first time I walked through the corridors of the Craniofacial Center, on the University of Illinois at Chicago’s medical campus, I had to sit down. Not that I was going to faint, but the immediate possibility occurred to me. So I filled a paper cup with water and carefully lowered myself into a chair.
     And that was before meeting any patients. Seeing the mute plaster moulds of cleft faces, the blindly staring glass eyes and the little pyramids of false noses was enough. A baby’s hand, made of silicone, grasped at the air.
     That was 15 years ago. I’m not sure whether I was more or less scared of people with disfigurements than is average. As a child I had been terrified. Even of the small square picture on page 289 in the American Heritage Dictionary illustrating ‘contortionist,’ an early-20th-century photograph of a circus acrobat, her chin propped against the back of a chair, her body twisted impossibly above it, a foot planted on either side of her disembodied head. I would turn the pages of the Cs very slowly, steeling myself.
     Most frightening of all, Cynthia Cowles, in Mrs Farmer’s first-grade class at Fairwood School, her eyes set too far apart, her nose flattened. We boys teased her relentlessly, so much that her mother phoned my mother, asking her to make me stop.
     “I felt helpless,” my mother told me, years later. “The things you were upset about, you’d open your mouth about.”

     Fear of people with facial disfigurements is a common phobia, yet, unlike other fears – of height, of water, of the dark – it is seldom discussed, perhaps because so much popular culture, from The Iliad to "Saw V," pivots upon this fear. Perhaps it is assumed: of course you are afraid of the man without a face. Who wouldn’t be?
     Or perhaps because, unlike fear of high places, water or the dark, teratophobia – fear of disfigured people or of giving birth to a disfigured baby, literally ‘fear of monsters’ – has a living object: the injured, burnt, unusual-looking people themselves. Drawing attention to the flinching reaction they often receive, the stares and mockery that are a routine part of their daily lives, can seem an additional cruelty, the sort of vileness enjoyed by schoolyard bullies.
      Why are distorted faces so frightening? Freud classified certain objects as ‘unheimlich’, a difficult-to-translate word akin to ‘uncanny’: strange, weird, unfamiliar. Waxwork dummies, dolls, mannequins can frighten us because we aren’t immediately sure what we’re looking at, whether it’s human or not, and that causes anxiety. A surprisingly large part of the human brain is used to process faces. Identifying friend from foe at a distance was an essential survival skill on the savannah, and a damaged face is thought to somehow rattle this system  

    Psychologist Irvin Rock demonstrated this in his landmark 1974 paper "The perception of disoriented figures." Rock showed that even photos of familiar faces – famous people like Franklin D Roosevelt, for instance – will look unsettling when flipped upside down. Just as, if you tip a square enough it stops being a square and starts becoming a diamond, so rotating a face makes it seem less like a face. The mind can’t make immediate sense of the inverted features, and reacts with alarm. A bigger change, such as taking away the nose, transforms the face severely enough that it teeters on no longer seeming a human face at all, but something else.     
     That isn’t a theoretical example picked out of the air. On another visit to the Craniofacial Center, I enter Seelaus’s examination room to be introduced to a patient. He turns in the chair, and is missing the middle part of his face. There are four magnetic posts where his nose will go, and below it, a void revealing smooth yellow plastic. My eyes lock on his eyes, I shake his hand and say some words.
     A half-hour later, standing on the elevated train platform, I still feel… what? ‘Harrowed’ is the word that eventually comes to mind. Why? There was no surprise. I’m no longer a child but an adult, a newspaper reporter who has spent hours watching autopsies, operations, dissections in gross pathology labs. I was expecting this; it’s what I came here for. What about his face was so unsettling? Maybe seeing injured faces compels an observer to confront the random cruelty of life in a raw form. Maybe it’s like peeling back the skin and seeing the skull underneath. Like glimpsing death. Maybe it touches some nameless atavistic horror. That’s as far as I get before the train arrives and I get on.


     Randall H James was born in Ohio in 1956. His first surgeries were done over the next couple of years at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital by Dr Jacob Longacre, a pioneer in modern plastic surgery.
     “He was like a second father to me because I saw him so much,” says James, who didn’t celebrate a Christmas at home between the ages of 3 and 13. School holidays were for operations. Summers too.
     When little Randy began school, his teachers in the city of Hamilton made a common mistake, the sort of automatic connection between inner person and outer appearance that has been the default assumption since history began.
     “The teachers assumed I must be stupid,” says James, who was put in a class with children who had learning disabilities – until teachers realized that he was actually very bright, only shy, and missing an ear, which made it harder for him to hear. He was allowed to sit in the front of the room, where he could hear the teacher, and his grades soared.
     Doctors constructed him a large, puffy, vaguely earish appendage. It looked like a coil of dough, like a boxer’s cauliflower ear. It wasn’t much help.
     As a student at the University of Kentucky, James applied to be a residence hall adviser, someone who assists other students in navigating dorm life. The supervisor who rejected him candidly told him that his odd-looking ear could put others off.
     “‘You might make the students nervous,’” James recalls him saying, then paused, the pain still obvious after 40 years. “These were my classmates.”

Plaster casts of soldiers disfigured in World War I
     We are a society where people thrive or fail – in part, in large part – because of appearance. The arrangement of your features goes far in deciding who you are attractive to, what jobs you get. Study after study shows that people associate good looks with good qualities, and impugn those who aren’t attractive. Even babies do this, favoring large eyes, full lips, smooth skin. Billions of dollars are spent on plastic surgery by people who are in no way disfigured, just for that little extra boost they feel it gives to them, gilding the lilies of their attractiveness.
     How do people with unusual appearances fit into such a world? For most of recorded history, children born with disfigurements were wonders, portents or punishments. If they were allowed to live. “A couple hundred years ago, people born with craniofacial conditions, they were just putting them in a bucket of water,” said Dr David Reisberg, an oral plastic surgeon at the Craniofacial Center.
      But even then, astute observers saw beyond externalities. Michel de Montaigne in 1595 encountered a child conjoined to the half-torso, arms and legs of an undeveloped twin (what we would now call a parasitic twin), displayed by its father for money. Montaigne noted: “Those that we call monsters are not so to God, who sees in the immensity of His work the infinite forms that He has comprehended therein.”
     Adults were another matter. Those who came upon their distinctive faces later in life were seen as having been dealt their due, either through heroism in battle – dueling scars were so fashionable in 19th-century Germany that young men would intentionally wound themselves – or through the outward manifestation of inner sin. Plastic surgery began its first, faltering steps as a separate field of medicine after Columbus brought back syphilis from the New World in the 1490s, the injurious effects of which include destruction of the nasal cartilage. Soon silversmiths were fashioning metallic noses, and surgeons were cutting triangular flaps from patients’ foreheads and twisting them to form rudimentary new noses. Sometimes that even worked.
     The twin impulses, to conceal and to correct, have been competing ever since.
      Perhaps the most surprising thing about the history of plastic surgery is how old it is. The use of the term ‘plastic’ to describe a type of medical operation was popularized in German surgical texts in the 1820s, long predating its 20th-century use for the synthetic material.
     British doctors in 19th-century India advanced plastic surgery while trying to repair the noses and lips local warlords cut off as a mark of disgrace. But plastic surgery truly entered the modern age after World War I.
     Trench warfare created facial injuries with a grim efficiency. The trench protected your body and the helmet protected your head, saving your life but not your face. Historians estimate that 20,000 British soldiers returned home with mutilated faces after the War. Society wrestled with contradictory impulses: to seek them out and to shun them. The scarred faces of soldiers were highlighted in books and exhibitions, both to show off what was possible through modern medical technology and to act as a cautionary tale of the horrors of war.
     Yet in Britain there were also schemes to segregate those with facial injuries in their own villages, to keep them out of sight.
      In the 1920s, almost every café in Paris had its pensioned veterans. “Croix de Guerre ribbons in their lapels and others also had the yellow and green of the Médaille Militaire,” Ernest Hemingway notes in A Movable Feast. “I watched… the quality of their artificial eyes and the degree of skill with which their faces had been reconstructed. There was always an almost iridescent shiny cast about the considerably reconstructed face, rather like that of a well packed ski run, and we respected these clients.”
     Sir Harold Gillies set up his famous hospital during World War I in Sidcup, a small English town, which soon found itself populated by servicemen having their faces rebuilt. Certain park benches were painted blue, as a code to the townspeople to brace themselves for the patients who might be sitting upon them, and thus not be startled as they approached.
     This ‘startle’ reaction is a cause of much distress, both for people with disfigurements and for those they encounter, who must compress the lengthy adjustment period that recovering patients themselves go through into a moment, and tend not to do it well.
     Until not so long ago, those reluctant to see people whose appearances stray beyond the range of the usual actually had the law on their side. Many cities in the United States had ‘ugly laws’ designed primarily to reduce public begging. Chicago’s law read:

     Any person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated or in any way deformed, so as to be an unsightly or disgusting object, or an improper person to be allowed in or on the streets, highways, thoroughfares or public places in this city, shall not therein or thereon expose himself or herself to public view…
     The law was not repealed until 1974.

     “So Randy, can I take your bar off?” says Rosie Seelaus. James has a white gold C-shaped armature permanently fixed to the side of his head, anchored to his skull with gold screws. The prosthetic ear snaps onto the bar. “I’ll take your bar off so I can make the substructure. At lunch we can look at images we have.”
      It is Monday. James is in Chicago for the entire week, having his new ear created. Seelaus removes the screws and lifts the metal structure from the side of his head, the first time it has been taken off in seven years, since he decided to replace the crude ear surgeons had created for him with a prosthetic.
     “If this were fitting well we could use the same mould and just replace the silicone,” she says of James, who has lost 24 pounds, which threw off the fit of his ear. “But since it’s not fitting well, we’re going to be starting from scratch and redesigning… Tomorrow will be mostly sculpting his ear.”
      This involves a range of high-tech gear. A CT scan is taken of his left ear. A computer then creates a mirror image of that scan, which a milling machine uses to carve a right ear out of a block of dense blue wax. Seelaus takes this prototype and makes a second, skin-toned ear from softer dental wax, which she puts on James to adjust its form and fit. A colorimeter and a spectrophotometer are used to gauge exact color values.
     “Color is essential to having a successful prosthesis outcome,” says Seelaus, who spends hours matching shades, then fitting James’s ear to his head – even the most perfect, natural-looking ear will fail if there’s a gap between it and the wearer’s head. When she’s done, the ear is then pressed into dental stone to create a mould that she fills with silicone to make the final ear. She mixes liquid pigments into splashes of clear silicone, colors she dabs into clear plastic, which she holds against James’s head, trying to match his skin tone. Seelaus doesn’t pour the colored silicone into the mould; she paints it in, layer by layer. To imitate tiny veins, she uses strands of red and purple yarn.
     Matching the appearance of each individual is crucial. She has, for instance, created ears that were partially burned, to match scarring on a burned face.
Rosie Seelaus
    “This is a full-life journey for these patients,” says Seelaus, who has done this work for 16 years. “I’m still learning from patients about what their life experience is and how it changes. Being born with a facial difference becomes a life journey that has a lot to do with acceptance. I’ve learned with patients who are burn survivors – not victims, survivors – initially their relationship with the prosthesis changes, too, throughout their lives… What I try to tell them is, they’ve been through a lot already, it will also take adapting to the new way they look.”
     How people fare on this journey generally depends on what they start with. “It’s about your self-perception before the incident,” Seelaus says.
     And self-perception really matters. A Dutch study in 2012 looked at how well people with facial disfigurements functioned socially, finding that their satisfaction with their appearance was more important than the objective severity of the disfigurement.
     Not that living with a face that is far beyond the mainstream is ever easy, or purely a matter of confidence. It isn’t. It’s a struggle, Seelaus says, requiring courage and endurance.
     “People who sit in this chair are survivors,” she says. “They don’t come to me in this chair without having survived something, and often it’s a lot. It takes resilience to get through the treatment. And what they’ve been through living day-to-day in society takes a resilience we may never understand if we don’t go through that. Burn survivors have a resilience that is phenomenal. The reality is, it can happen to anyone. And so maybe that will bring about compassion.”

     Is greater public compassion on the way? Stares and thoughtless comments are a daily part of life for people with disfigurements. But there are many groups that have long suffered abuse at the hands of society but are now better accepted. Is there any hint that those with damaged faces are traveling the same path that, say, people with Down’s syndrome are taking towards being more fully welcomed and integrated by society?
     “People would really have to change a lot to make facial deformity the new normal,” says Kim Teems, Communications and Program Director at FACES, the National Craniofacial Association. “It’s a very hard thing to go through, not only being looked at strangely, but all the pain of surgeries.”
     Based in Tennessee, FACES started in 1969 as the Debbie Fox Foundation. Fox has an important if forgotten role in the glacial social progress of people with disfigurements. She was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on 31 December 1955, with a massive cleft from her upper lip to her forehead, her eyes pushed to the sides of her head: basically a hole where her face should be.
     “Her parents resigned themselves to raising their youngest daughter as a hidden child – secluded from outside eyes,” a newspaper account noted.
     Fox said she had never seen her own face until she was eight years old and found a hand mirror. She screamed in terror. “So that was what I looked like,” she wrote in her 1978 autobiography, A Face for Me. “That was why I couldn’t play with the other children, go to school, go to church, run into the store to buy candy or ice cream. All these things had been forbidden to me.”
     By third grade she attended school via telephone hookup, standing to recite the pledge of allegiance with classmates she’d never met. When, at age 13, she was driven to Atlanta for reconstructive surgery, it was the first time she had left her hometown, the first time she had eaten in a restaurant — in the back, at off hours, but in a real restaurant.
     It was also when “the girl without a face” caught wider public attention. The magazine Good Housekeeping ran a story about Fox in 1970 that showed her only from the back, a squeamishness that the media still struggle to overcome. Seeing people different from oneself can be a helpful step towards accepting them, but for people with disfigurements, public visibility has been slow in coming. Some progress has been made, though. Esquire magazine put a soldier missing both legs and an arm on its cover in 2007, and in 2010 featured inside a straight-on photograph of the film critic Roger Ebert with most of his lower jaw removed because of salivary gland cancer.


     Randy James is not optimistic. As someone who not only wears an artificial ear and has sprays of scars under his jaw, but also is a doctor working with veterans whose faces have been damaged by war or illness, he doesn’t see much improvement in how society views people with facial disfigurements.
     “In some ways it’s worse,” James says. “With the rise of social media, you can be an anonymous bully. If you’re not attractive, in many ways you’re not going to be successful in society.
     “I was working at St Mary’s Medical Center in Huntington, West Virginia. I had just gotten my [prosthetic] ear right before I started there. Had I not had my new ear, which really changes my appearance, would they have made me one of their poster boys promoting their hospital? I can pretty much guarantee they wouldn’t have done that if I had my old ear.”
     Some disagree. Just as World War I injected people with disfigurements into the general population, so have a dozen years of warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this new generation of veterans is having an impact on how those with a wide variety of severe injuries are viewed.
     “With our current conflicts, we’re seeing injures far more catastrophic than we used to see,” says Captain Craig J. Salt, a plastic surgeon at the US Naval Medical Center in San Diego, California.
     “Massive tissue destruction, horrific burns… The combination of the level of destruction with amazing lifesaving capability of the front lines gives you a patient population who would not have survived in the Vietnam era… We have people entering rehabilitation horrifically disfigured in significant numbers.”
     Salt, who led the Navy’s effort to begin treating facially wounded veterans with the same team approach used for treating cleft palates, says, “My impression is society is more accepting and more aware of the magnitude of injuries our soldiers and sailors, marines and airmen are coming back with. They’re more accustomed to seeing disfigured patients because of media awareness, with social media… people might be a little less shocked to see a disfigured patient.”
     Soldiers in Britain echo Salt’s sentiment. “Since I was injured five years ago, the profile of disability and injured service personnel has grown massively,” says Joe Townsend, a Royal Marine who lost his legs to a bomb in Afghanistan.
     “Unfortunately, a lot of that’s down to the growing number of guys and girls coming back from Afghanistan with life-changing injuries, but the progress made by charities and the awareness on the television has really helped to educate the general public… Before, I’d walk down the street and I’d notice people looking at me, but it’s pretty much an everyday occurrence to see someone injured now.”
     Townsend says this in Wounded: The legacy of war, a coffee-table book of beautiful, fashion-style photographs of wounded British soldiers, taken by the rock singer Bryan Adams.


     It is tempting to point books such as Wounded, and other popular-culture treatments of disfigurement, and aggregate them into a sign of progress. Wonder by R J Palacio is a young-adult book that tells the story of August, a ten-year-old with severe facial differences trying to adjust to school life for the first time. “If I found a magic lamp and I could have one wish, I would wish that I had a normal face that no one ever noticed at all,” August confides, on the first page.
     And these works do have an impact. Wonder was on the New York Times bestseller list for 97 weeks. Even a decade ago, a child such as Mary Cate Lynch, three, might seldom have gone out in public. She was born with Apert syndrome, an extremely rare genetic condition that affects her head, face, feet and hands. But today, Mary Cate has her own cheery website, introducing her with photos and video. Her mother, Kerry Lynch, has taken her to 80 Chicago-area schools to present a program, often tied to the class reading Wonder, that explains Apert syndrome.
     “Every parent does what they think best,” says Lynch, a nurse. “I thought the best thing I could do is to educate others so they wouldn’t be afraid of it. Fear comes from the unknown. I just thought if I could tell others about it, show them that, yeah, she’s a little bit different, but she’s more similar. If I could explain what these differences are, be very candid about it, that’s what I could do to help her in her life.”
     Society takes a long time to accept people who look in any way different. Many Americans thought Irish immigrants, as a class, were ugly when they migrated in numbers to the USA in the 1850s, mocking them for their features, holding them up as signs of congenital inferiority. A few decades later, they marveled at how much these same Irish immigrants had somehow changed – “even those born and brought up in Ireland often show a decided improvement in their physiognomy after having been here a few years,” Samuel R Wells wrote in the 1870s, making the common error of confusing a shift in one’s own perception with a change in the object being perceived. Irish faces didn’t actually change; the American public’s antipathy did, slowly and without their even being aware of it. 
Changing Faces poster

     Awareness of the challenges facing people with facial differences has not yet grown enough to smooth the path of any given adult walking into a restaurant or any given child showing up on a playground. But the seeds of improvement are definitely being planted. In Britain, the group Changing Faces put posters of disfigured people on the London Underground. Its founder, James Partridge, read the noon TV news in London for a week in 2009 to show that, while delivering information may be monopolized by the beautiful, it doesn’t have to be.
    “Are things changing?” says Partridge, who was severely burned in a car fire at age 18. “I think it’s very much about where you look… In 2008 we launched our campaign for face equality. We started public awareness, putting posters up, saying, ‘Have a look at these characters, they’re okay.’
     “We definitely had an impact… [though] outside of the confines of Britain, much less. Though in Taiwan there is a Facial Equality Day in May. In South Africa, the message of facial equality is very easy for them to pick up. I think it’s such a simple concept, the prejudices we need to attack.”


     In 1998, the Italian fashion company Benetton ran a series of ads featuring people with disabilities. The ads awakened the guilt I still felt about Cynthia Cowles. I realized we had some unfinished business. I tracked down her phone number and called her, writing about our conversation in a Chicago Sun-Times column published at the time.
     Talking to Cynthia was awkward for the first five seconds. Then we were old classmates, laughing and sharing stories. She said she had seen me interviewed on TV.
     “You still play with your shoelace when you’re nervous,” she said.
     I was nervous now. I told her I was sorry for being mean to her in grade school.
     “If you were mean to me, there were so many other people who were so much worse,” she said. “I recall you as being one of the kinder people. You were the one in eighth grade who came to visit me in the hospital – you told me your mother made you come, but you stayed a half-hour, very uncomfortably – and brought a box of stationery.”
     I have no memory of that, though spilling the beans about my mother’s command was exactly the sort of dopey, over-honest thing I would say, then and now. She recalled feeling sorry for me.
     “You got teased for being fat, and got teased because you couldn’t skip,” she said, recounting how the gym teacher tried to drill me into skipping.
     After we caught up – we both had got married – I asked her something I had always wondered about. What exactly was the cause of her disfigurement?
     “I was basically born without bone in my nose, and the front of my forehead was not closed,” she said. “I’m hydrocephalic, which means my head is bigger than it should be, which put pressure on my brain.”
     She had more than 60 operations. “Now I’m done,” she said.
     We laughed a lot, particularly when she told a story about dealing with her tormentors. “My mother always thought if you ignored it, it would go away,” she said. But that only went so far, and one day she turned around and socked a kid who was teasing her, then was terrified because she realized the assistant principal had been standing right there and saw her.
     “But he just gave me the thumbs-up sign, and said, ‘If you didn’t, I was going to.’”


     On Friday, Seelaus heats James’s new ear in an Imperial V Laboratory Oven, then, wearing light-green oven mitts, removes the cylindrical mould. After it has cooled, she pries the sections of the mold apart. “Look at that,” she says, brushing away excess silicone, then almost sings, “I think that looks pretty goooood.”
     She lifts out a startlingly human-looking ear. With a few trims and a touch of color here and there, she attaches it to James’s head. From two feet away you can’t tell it isn’t a natural human ear. James is delighted. “It looks a lot better, huh hon?” he says to his wife, who has come to see the final result. She later pronounces the new ear “sexy”.
     Seelaus gives him some practical care tips. Keep away from solvents, small children and pets – animals like to chew silicone. The ear will sink. “If you go swimming, if you’re in the ocean, wear your old ear,” she says. “Don’t put it on top of a radiator or toaster oven.”
     I estimate the ear costs $10,000 – its fabrication took up most of Seelaus’s working week – and she does not contradict me. I also observe that Seelaus must be one of the few artists who hopes that her work goes entirely unnoticed by the public, and she doesn’t contradict me about that, either.
     Happy though he is with his improved appendage, when I ask James if I could take a picture of him wearing his new ear, he refuses. He says he is worried, not about the photo’s appearance on Mosaic, but that it might later be lifted and included in some online “hall of monsters.” I ask several times in several ways, reassuring him that in my view this is highly unlikely. His answer is always the same: No. A reminder that looks are always relative, always only part of the story, and that our reaction to them fills in the rest.
     There is no such reluctance with Seelaus’s next patient, Victor Chukwueke, a Nigerian-born medical student with neurofibromatosis, a disease of rapidly growing tumors that crushed his jaw, distorted his face, and left his right eye an empty hollow. He is here to get a new false eye and surrounding socket, to help put his future patients at ease. Even without a prosthetic, however, with a scarred void where his right eye once was, he smiles and poses as I click away.
     Seeing people with disfigurements is important, because once a person, or a society, becomes familiar with them, apprehension fades. Just a couple of weeks before, I had needed to steel myself, sitting in my car in the parking lot of the Loyola University Medical Center, on my way to interview burn survivors, actually saying out loud, “If they can live it, I can see it,” to gather my courage.
     But by the time I meet Chukwueke, that trepidation is gone. I had asked Seelaus to send me a photo of him, so I could prepare myself ahead of time, but she didn’t, and I go in cold. Hurrying into the Craniofacial Center, I spot a man who is obviously him, plop into the chair next to him and introduce myself, and we immediately begin to talk. His speech is sometimes hard for me to understand, because of his damaged jaw, so I have to lean in very close, our noses inches apart, as we talk to each other. It seems the most normal thing in the world.
     Chukwueke puts his situation neatly into perspective.
     “We all have an issue,” he says. “We all go through things in life, go through difficulties. You don’t have to let your challenges bring you down or let you be sad and depressed. It’s a matter of perspective."


Jamie Nieto: “Oh man, I’m going to be ugly”


Jamie Nieto, 31, works as a golf pro at a suburban Chicago resort. He speaks with a gravelly voice, the result of inhaling flame.

     The injury happened 8 November 2003. It was the morning of my 20th birthday… I decided to do some yard work. I had cut down a tree, and figured I’d burn some logs, but got too close to the can of fuel.
     When it first happened, in all honesty, the first thought I had after I got put out, maybe even when I was on fire… was, "Oh man, I'm going to be ugly." Not that I was an Adonis before it happened.

Were you right?

     I guess it’s all a matter of perspective. I really didn’t get to see what I looked like until… I got a glimpse of my face in a car window as I was going to the ambulance; it was all red and skin falling off and there was no indication what I would look like post-surgery…
     I didn’t see what I would look like until [two months later at the Rehabilitation Institute in] the elevator and a mirror in the corner and I finally caught a glimpse and I was kinda stunned… Got in the bathroom of my hospital room and just stared in the mirror for what felt like an eternity but may have only been five minutes… It was hard to look at because it was still real fresh, the scars were very immature… red, healing. I was a big glowing face… My ears were gone, my nose was pulled up, my mouth was barely there… It was overwhelming. It was a lot.

What’s it like to live with now?

     Stares are constant. Every day. I work in a business where I meet 150, 200 new people a day. Some of them may not notice, or not pay attention. I’m fortunate my facial scarring blended in. Sometimes people won’t know. I’ll be behind the counter, checking in a golfer, and you can see, it’s like “Oh”… I know it’s not a negative reaction. There’s more of, “It’s not something you see every day.” Someone will ask what happened. I’d rather them ask than stare and form their own opinions or stories of what might have happened.
     I have no problem talking about it. Kids are fine; they’re curious. Adults are the worse ones. They’ll do the stare, the double-take… They’re the ones who should just come up and ask. Kids will make funny comments and I make a joke back to put them at ease. I’ve had kids ask, “Are you wearing a mask?” and I’ll say, “Yeah, one that I can’t take off.” Then I try to use it as a teaching tool too, I say, “This happened because I was in a fire” and go into fire safety with them.
     I’ve been dating the same girlfriend at little over three years… I had it in my head, “What woman would find me attractive?” Scars on my face, scars on my chest… But I was already defeating myself before even talking to a woman. My girlfriend now doesn’t even notice it. She finds me attractive.
     Not to say there’s not negative feedback, but it’s few and far between. In the place I worked at before, a couple guys, behind my back at first… would call me “Crispy”. They didn’t think anything of it, because they knew I’m so easy-going about it. But that’s something that kinda stung… I said “Guys, that one’s not cool.”

Edward Schrank: “I was already like this”

Ed Schrank, 38, was a technical sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. He is missing his left eye and part of his face surrounding it because of tear-duct cancer. 

     I grew up in rural Illinois. I was never very much about physical appearance. Young people who look good… they care about physical appearance. Young people who rebel, they also care, the kids who are wearing all black. I was neither of those.
     My older brother was a popular guy. It never occurred to me to look a certain way. My hair was weird. I just wasn’t a member of trends… It was never about fitting in, or rebelling.

Why did you join the Marines?

     I was bored. It was the first thing I ever did to not do everything my brothers did. Before then all I ever wanted to do was what they did.
     I joined the Marines, this is 1996, and I just travelled. I did a “hardship tour” – you sign these contracts, they would give you extra money. That’s what I wanted to do. Imagine someone paid you extra for what you wanted to do. What a cool, badass word [hardship]. You get to go to places in the world where no one wants to go to. I liked ’em. I liked being in the middle of the desert somewhere.
     I was a high-performing Marine. I was selected for some programmes that made me feel like I’d really accomplished a lot. Then all of a sudden, if you haven’t been to war, you weren’t shit in the Marines. So all the things I had done were now meaningless. I was like, “I gotta go.”
     I got hurt in Ramadi [in 2006]. Then they found a brain tumour. I was supposed to die that year… I had this extremely rare, extremely slow-growing brain tumour… It actually started in the tear duct, then it spread through the nerves and ended in the brain, over the course of a couple years. I have brain damage because of it… I have a fake skull.

Why not continue reconstructive surgery or wear a facial prosthetic?

     I didn’t care. People used to talk to me [about having more surgery]. I didn’t make a big moral stand, like “No! I’m going to go with my appearance and I’m going to be stronger for it.” It wasn’t that hard for me because I already had this personality.
     I had 17 goddamn surgeries over four years. You think I want another fucking surgery? Who the fuck does that to themselves? Fuck you. For what? I got surgery to save my life. I am the most radiated person in the history of medical radiation… Separate teams from Harvard, the University of Chicago and Northwestern saved my life multiple times. Now you want me to do more medical care so that I look nicer? FUUUCK YOU! It is so offensive to me. And this person is looking at me because they care about me. They think they are helping me… I didn’t grow stronger. I was already like this.

Victor Chukwueke: “I’ve learned to accept who I am”

Victor Chukwueke, 29, was born in south-eastern Nigeria. His jaw was slowly crushed by the swelling tumors of neurofibromatosis, which makes his speech sometimes laborious. 

     I grew up in a very small village, Ezere. Around 300, 400 [people] but no running water, no electricity. I don’t remember not having the tumor. As I was growing, it was getting bigger. I didn’t have access to medical treatment. So the tumor was left unchecked.
     Growing up, I didn’t want to look different. I just wanted to look like other kids. Sometimes I didn’t want to go outside. People staring at you. Some kids make fun, I feel a little bit ostracized. Some people don’t understand this disease. They think it was a curse.
     My parents heard about the nuns. I was brought here [to Michigan] by Catholic missionary nuns. They brought me here in 2001 from Nigeria… I stayed with them and had nine surgeries.

You went to community college for two years, then Wayne State University, where in 2012 you were selected to give the commencement address. What are you doing now?

     I’m in medical school at the University of Toledo, just finishing up my second year. It’s challenging. It’s going well, you just have to put in the effort. I have some friends, we play soccer, ping pong.

What’s it like being stared at?

     It reminds you. It reminds you that I have an issue. That I have a problem. A group stops what they’re doing and starts staring at you. They are shocked. I’m getting used to it.

When you see yourself in the mirror, what do you think?

     I've lived all my life kind of like this, so I’ve kind of accepted who I am. My biggest worry is how I think people will see me, that’s what I’m worried most of all. Especially now that I’m trying to become a doctor. I’d like to see patients, so I’m more worried about how comfortable they're going to be.

Is that why you wear a facial prosthetic?

     I’m trying to make others feel comfortable, especially my patients.

How do you feel about interacting with patients for the first time?

     I’m confident in my ability. Just a little bit apprehensive. I’m sure that people will understand.

Victor has set up a humanitarian foundation and hopes to become a medical missionary.

Monday, June 22, 2015

A new meaning to blind justice

Paul Rink, director of the Chicago Lighthouse legal clinic.
      Sandy Studnicka, who is legally blind, went to a job fair for people with disabilities and was hired by a bank. There she worked at a computer terminal, where problematic accounts would come up in red. But she can't see the color red. Four months later the bank fired her.
     "They found me at a disability job fair and let me go because I'm disabled," said Studnicka, who turned for help to a unique resource, the legal clinic at the Chicago Lighthouse for People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired. They convinced the bank to double the severance package initially offered to Studnicka, who now works at the Lighthouse.
     The organization is 109 years old, though it has a modern, sprawling facility at 1850 W. Roosevelt, offering a wide range of services, from child day care to a clock factory employing blind workers to a store offering white canes and Braille greeting cards. On the 2nd floor, in a plain cinderblock room, the Arthur & Esther Kane Legal Clinic, the only entity in the country geared specifically to helping clients who have trouble seeing.
     Navigating the legal system can be frustrating enough for those who can see. Now consider the stumbling blocks facing the blind.
     "Everything's in print," said Paul Rink, a lawyer and the clinic's director.
     "People can't read their documents," added Carol Anderson, the clinic's second attorney. "They don't know what documents they have. We know how to handle those situations. We help reading and organizing their documents, and explain their documents to them."
     Rink and Anderson are both blind. The clinic has a sighted administrative assistant, Cacia Sit, who helps read and organize legal papers, as well as interns, though finding volunteers can be a challenge.
     "They're not beating down our doors to come help us," said Rink. "But we have managed to get the number that we needed, most of the time."
     The volunteers help sift through the papers their clients bring in.
     "A lot of mail, and they're not always sure what's important and what's not," said Sit. "It's much harder when you're blind, you have to have people read your mail to you, and not everyone is good at that.
     The clinic is free, and welcomes anybody with vision problems.
     "We're open to anybody who's blind or visually impaired," said Anderson.
     It was founded 10 years ago by retired Cook County Circuit Judge Nicholas Pomaro, who called it "the best thing I've ever done."
     "People are just so grateful for even the smallest bit of assistance," he told the Tribune in 2008.
     The blind face all the legal woes confronting sighted people, but also tend to encounter more than their share of certain troubles, such as discrimination in housing and employment—only 25 percent of blind people in the United States have jobs.
     "We do a lot of Social Security help," said Sit.
     Before coming to the Lighthouse, Rink worked for Continental Bank for 20 years, then joined the Illinois Workers Compensation Commission. Anderson went to University of Chicago Law School before she became blind, not long after graduation. Rink graduated from Northwestern University Law School and passed the bar, on his first try, while being totally blind since birth.
     Many sighted students have trouble completing law school. How did Rink manage it?
     "My mother read me at least half of my textbooks," he said. "And half were recorded by Recording for the Blind."
     Later he used an Optacon, a cumbersome device that transfers text into raised bumps, one letter at a time.
     "It was slow and very laborious." he said. "Then in the '90s, the computer came out. I always had good computer equipment."
     He joined the Lighthouse clinic in 2010, after he retired.
     The clinic focuses primarily on basic legal work: writing letters, filling out forms.
     "We don't take cases to court," said Anderson. "We give preliminary advice. We write documents and do limited work before administrative agencies."
     If more complex legal work is required, the Lighthouse will connect clients to law firms that do pro bono assistance. Rink named several prominent firms they work with then, showing lawyerly caution, decided it best not to mention the firms specifically.
     "We have a number of firms that help us, and I hate to exclude any," he said.
     The clinic aids about 170 clients a year.
     "We try to take people within a week or two," said Anderson.
     To reach the clinic, call 312-666-1331, extension 3112.

Paul Rink uses a stylus and a guide to take Braille notes.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015

     The most useful advice I ever got about parenting came from my wife, appropriately enough. I've repeated it a hundred times, to strangers in the street, seconds after learning they have children.
     But I don't believe I've written it, yet. 
     So here goes:
     "They're going to have to push away from us, no matter how good of parents we've been."
     I think of that sentence as the "Source Code." Keeping it in mind saves a world of bother, a lot of arguments. You don't want wear a coat? Fine, don't wear a coat, if it makes you happy.  No kid ever froze to death, at least not in Northbrook.
     Let your kids walk a block ahead of you, order something they don't like off the menu, screw up in small ways. It's practice for them. When Ross had his bar mitzvah, I didn't write his speech, I didn't even read it. I sat back and listened to it with everyone else, secure that, if it were something dumb, well, it was his bar mitzvah, not mine. 
    It wasn't dumb, by the way. It rocked. The best way to make people trustworthy is to trust them. 
     The boys are 18 and 19—not boys anymore, but still well into the pushing-away phase. Both are working this summer, both going to college in the fall, Kent as a freshman at Northwestern, Ross a sophomore out in Pomona. At this point, my job is pretty much done. I just have to pay for stuff, try to impose minimum standards of cleanliness around the house—a tougher task than it sounds—and hope for what snatches of polite conversation come my way, which aren't much. I'm hoping that changes, someday, but there are no guarantees.
     I miss the open enthusiasms they had as children, the lack of languor, but I'm not sorry their childhood is over. That was what was supposed to happen, what we were pushing toward, and it would be selfish and futile to desire otherwise. 
     If I had to encapsulate my emotions toward fatherhood in one word, I'd say, "lucky." I've always felt lucky, as a father. Not just because the boys are healthy and smart and interesting and never stepped in front of a speeding bus or got kidnapped by a fiend. But lucky because I enjoyed the sacrifices involved with parenthood. They weren't sacrifices at all, in fact, because I wanted to do it. There was no higher priority. I could spin that as some excellence of mine, but the unvarnished truth is that it was more a matter of temperament.
      I should point out that the boys would certainly object, insisting that I was a terrible father, prone to anger and acts of staggering incompetence, not to mention my general failure to provide ponies, pool tables and the vast homes that all their friends' fathers managed to provide.  ("They're going to have to push away, no matter how...") Duly noted.  
     One sentence in Adam Gopnik's magnificent memoir, Paris to the Moon, sums up exactly how I felt about being a father.
      His wife gets pregnant, and part of the book entertains the reader with the peculiarities of having a baby in Paris—his wife's obstetrician encourages her to drink wine but warns against salad. Then Olivia is born; Gopnik takes one look at her, and realizes: 
     The world is a meaningless place, and we are weird, replicating mammals on its surface, yet the whole purpose of the universe since it began was, in a way, to produce this baby, who is the tiny end point of a funnel that goes back to the beginning of time, a singularity that history was pointing toward from the start.
    Exactly. Having kids is the most important thing you ever do. "The only really majestic choice we get to make in life," is how Gopnik puts it. I grasped that, immediately. Lucky. I hadn't dreamed of having children, never thought about it, really, it wasn't a priority, but keeping my wife happy was, and I feel so fortunate that I instantly got what we were trying to do here. Some dads struggle with that, like trying to force themselves into a too small jacket. Some guys never get it. 
     When Ross was a baby, he liked to be pushed in the swing set. A lot. And I would take him to the park in East Lake View, with its camel and Lake Shore Drive whizzing by, and push him in the swing for half an hour, an hour, even 90 minutes. It gave me great pleasure that other dads would come, push their kids, get bored, move on, and another dad would come and take his place, repeat the process, generations of dads, it seemed to me, while I would still be pushing, in no rush, with nowhere else to go, nothing better to do, pushing Ross as much as he liked, both of us enjoying the time together. It was both of our ideas of fun. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

But Charleston seemed like such a nice place

     The murder of nine parishioners at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina by a scowling 21-year-old racist mope with the apt name of Dylann Roof transfixed the nation. Several readers asked my opinion, but I resisted, as my views can be expressed in a single sentence both brief and obvious: "There are too many guns, mentally ill people can get them, and nothing will be done now because if it were possible something would have been done before." I suppose I could parse the difference between being motivated by hate and motivated by craziness—it can be a fine line—but that seems like splitting hairs.
     The only other possible contribution I could make—and I'm not sure this is worth mentioning either—is that Charleston seemed like such a beautiful and refined place to have this happen. I was there 16 years ago, on my ocean voyage with my father, and was awestruck by the city. I'm sure, touring Charleston for a few days, I missed the racial hate roiling under the surface, a reminder to those keening for their magic pasts, that the rot of American's racial pathologies is always there, hidden. I smiled at the mention of searching the town for a New York Times. There was an Internet in 1999—the ship's radio operator transmitted my column at some maddeningly slow rate: I think it took half an hour. And people carried cell phones, but not offering you the news of the world at a glance, which we have now, as unwelcome as that news often is.

     I always thought those Ralph Lauren ads were a lie.
     Where in the world, except in a magazine layout, would women that beautiful and men that handsome be decked out in summer linens that splendid while cavorting in public parks with children wearing, not oversize neon T-shirts with the names of skateboard companies splashed across them, but white button-down Oxfords with ties, or little yellow dresses with straw bonnets?
     The answer is: Charleston.
     Over one weekend, I saw more boys in sailor suits and knee socks, more girls in Laura Ashley florals and patent leather shoes, more women in smart sleeveless summer dresses, more men in suits while not at the office, more elderly ladies in wide-brimmed hats, than I would see in a year in Chicago.
     I glimpsed them at restaurants and in the parks.
     I passed a picnic at St. Michael's Church and had to collect my jaw off the street. It was like stumbling upon a living Seurat painting.
     And that was just the beginning. Since travelers always moan, based on their experiences at the Airport Hotel, that the Gap and McDonald's have turned America into one vast undifferentiated nowhere, I am happy to report that it just isn't true.
     At least not here.
      Besides natty clothes, Charleston was filled with behaviors unknown to a place like Chicago. I was in a cab where the cabby, noticing a little boy standing by himself in a parking lot, stopped the cab and quizzed the boy about where his daddy was. The boy was a little uncertain at first, and the cabby kept talking to him until the daddy appeared. I was in a rush, late for a party. But falling into the Charleston spell, I kept quiet and tipped big.
     I'm here with a bunch of New Yorkers, and they told similar stories.
     One man said he never had the door held for him so much in his life. One woman said that when she tried to get the check and hurry onward after lunch, the waiter challenged her, wanting to know what the big rush was about, and why wouldn't she sit a spell and relax?
     Not all of the differences were charming. Some were plain odd. The first restaurant I went into had only little airplane bottles of booze behind the bar. I figured it had to be some eccentricity of that particular place. Maybe the owner was a nostalgic pilot.
     But no. Every bar and restaurant in the state is forced to have these tiny bottles by some arcane law designed to hobble vice. The poor bartenders spend a lot of time twisting off these tiny caps, and tapping out the last drop.
     The other strange thing about Charleston was the way I kept running into culinary trends that played themselves out 10 years ago in Chicago, if not before.
     Take croissants. They're still a big deal here. So is olive oil. At one place, as soon as we sat down the waitress poured a pool of olive oil into each bread plate. Talk about a nostalgic moment. I couldn't have been more stunned if the waitstaff had suddenly started doing "The Loco-Motion."
     I can't remember visiting a city that was more provincial — not only couldn't I find the New York Times, I couldn't even find a drugstore that sold Newsweek. I might as well have been looking for a snowman.
     But for someone who tires of the T-shirt shops and china clown face boutiques that wreck most historic cities, Charleston is refreshing. I kept thinking about my visits to New Orleans, wandering around the French Quarter, wondering what the place must have been like before it was completely overwhelmed by tourism, overgrown with a coral reef of frozen drink stands and fudge shops.
     Now I know — it must have been like Charleston.
                  —first published in the Sun-Times, June 3, 1999

Saturday fun activity: Where IS this?

     This is a great city to wander in. 
     I gave myself an extra hour to get where I was going Thursday morning, and was rewarded, when the bus I was on was rerouted due to the Blackhawks rally. As we detoured south, I was completely non-plussed, watching the blipping blue circle of our location on the iPhone map drift south of my destination, which normally the bus would go right past. When we were as close as we were going to get, but a mile or so away, I hopped off and strolled.
     There were many sights. A big empty park. A low-rise Chicago public housing project, neat as a pin, not a soul in sight. And this stunning mural,. I particularly loved the bear dripping languor, an expression I read as, "You're fuckin' kidding me," though it might just be hung over. And  this calavara, below, with startlingly realistic, female eyes. I admired it tremendously, and it is enough off the beaten track that I hoped it wasn't outed at 7:03 a.m., as usual.
     The walk made me very happy, a joy underscored because I was not one of the 2 million people at the Blackhawks rally—God bless 'em, no criticism, but we get to choose what satisfies us, and I can honestly say I savored this painting more than I enjoyed the third period of the final game between the Blackhawks and the Lightning. At least I could see it, which was not always true for the puck. 
     Where is this lovely mural? The winner will receive my own feeble contribution to the artistic life of Greater Chicago, the 2015 every goddamn day wall poster, suitable for pasting onto a wall. Place your guesses below. Good luck. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Give dad something besides the shaft

     You waited until now?
     With Father's Day this Sunday, mere hours away, you haven't figured out a gift to give dear old dad. Your pop, your pappy, your old man, daddy, the guy who brought you into this world, taught you to whittle, carried you on his shoulders when you were tired, and never asks anything of you now except that you listen to his endless reiterations of the same threadbare stories you've heard for years.
     Shame on you.
     Father's Day always gets short shrift. Because we shot the wad on Mother's Day the month before. We all understand Mother's Day, the after-echo of the odd 19th century cult of motherhood, with rocking chairs, coal scuttle bonnets, and weepy "Mother-O-Mine" songs and poems.  So the bouquets get ordered, the charm bracelets bought, the reservations for expensive brunches made.
     Then Father's Day comes around and catches us flat-footed.
Fathers are a cultural joke. We're just so many Dagwood Bumsteads, ogling our giant sandwiches, scratching our heads over some crazy contraption we're building in the basement. Our passions are ridiculous fixations, our careers, essays in  disappointment and failure.  I could win the Nobel Prize in Literature and my sons would refer to it as "The Swedish thingy that dad's so puffed up about."
     Then again, Fathers Day was always second fiddle.  Congress passed a resolution establishing Mother's Day in 1914; Richard Nixon signed a law creating a national Father's Day in 1972.
     Of course there's more history than that. Mother's Day was first marked in West Virginia in 1908. Father's Day loped along, an afterthought, and here Chicago plays a role. Jane Addams suggested Chicago honor fathers in 1911, and was ignored. But Harry C. Meek, the past president of the Uptown Lions Club of Chicago, started making speeches in 1915 urging that the third Sunday in June should be Father's Day.  The Lions dubbed him "Originator of Father's Day (how they resisted calling him, "Father of Father's Day" is a mystery).
     Enough history. What to get dad? A few general strategies pointing to possible specific gifts:
     1. Get dad something he can use. This gift reverie began Thursday morning piling
grapefruit rinds into the miniature garbage can under the sink that my wife gave me last Father's Day. It's solid steel, finely machined, and replaces a system where I would pile the coffee ground and apple cores in a series of rusty coffee cans. The Chef's Stainless Steel Premium Compost Bin holds a gallon of banana peels and potato skins, only $25.99, and will make him feel like a God of the Compost Heap every time he uses it.   For non-composting dads, consider a Gerber pocket knife, a Zippo lighter, or small flashlight. You always need another one.
     2. Get him the best of something. You can buy a good axe for $30. Or you can spend a hundred bucks more and buy the best axe made: a Gransfors Btuk Scandinavian Forestry Axe. Cutting wood is like hacking at butter with a hot knife.  Perfect for camping, it's light, and comes with a book explaining the cool Swedish blacksmith shop where it's created, including a picture of the Swede who made it.  If money's tight, get the best of something cheap: a really expensive pair of socks, a top-of-the-line mechanical pencil.
     3. Get him a book. Father's still read, cause they're old. My father doesn't spend a lot of time reading non-fiction, but I had a hunch he'd enjoy David McCullough's "The Wright Brothers" and gave it to him as an early Father's Day gift. He's eagerly plowing through it.
     4. Pop for electronics. Since $10 will get you a pair of serviceable Skull Candy earbuds—real earphones are indulgences. This year my wife splurged on some Bose QC15 noise cancelling headphones—another early gift—and I nearly cried, because I couldn't imagine shelling out the dough.  The difference is incredible.
     5.  Give him your attention.  Okay, you've run out of time, and you've got that bag of Dunkin Donuts coffee you just wrapped in the Sunday comics on the drive over to dad's place. All is not lost. Hand the coffee to him and say, "Hey dad, let's have some coffee together." Brew it up, hand him his cup and ask, "Didn't you once go golfing with Eisenhower?" (or whatever well-worn, self-aggrandizing, almost certainly untrue story he's been afflicting you with all your life). He'll be grateful. Dads often are, whatever you do.   That's part of what makes them dads. Happy Father's Day.