Nurse in Distress, by Gordon H. Coster (Metropolitan Museum of Art) |
Let’s say I want to convince you that most dogs are German shepherds. So I buy a pair and parade them around the block, and pepper my conversation with tales of police K-9 units and Rin Tin Tin.
Does it work? Or at some point do you reflect back to your own experience and think, “Gosh, you know, most dogs actually aren’t German shepherds. Most dogs are other breeds.”
It’s an important question, because the logic above, so easily seen as flawed — well, easy for some; others just don’t get it — is what elected Donald Trump president. He tarred Mexicans as rapists and criminals with his first words as a candidate, and rode the deep fears and hidden hatreds — and not-so-hidden-hatreds — of half the country right into the White House.
This cracked reasoning permeated his first State of the Union speech Tuesday. Lauded for lacking the malice and pettiness of his endless tweets, it was also a thinly-disguised appeal to racial hate. Frankly, I prefer when he’s candid.
Trump spotlit the weeping parents of youngsters murdered by immigrant gangs. Exhibit A and the last word in his argument to slam the door on immigration so we can all live in the white country club country where Trump and his ilk feel most comfortable.
He mentioned the word “safe” or “safety” 11 times, four attempting to justify barring immigrants.
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So the 4 pillars of Mr Trump's immigration proposal are : amnesty for 1.8 million dreamers with an eventual path to citizenship, build a border wall , do away with the immigration lottery , and make legal immigration merit based ? What becomes of the nearly 10 million undocumented people already here? Eventual deportation for all of them? How come nobodies addressing this issue?
ReplyDeleteTrump's misdeeds and offenses are like that guy twirling plates on sticks on the Ed Sullivan show. There's only time to give any particular plate a quick twirl before one on the far end of the stage begins to wobble. When he's destroying the FBI and the Justice Department to hide his treason with Russia, an issue that has eluded the past five administrations just isn't a priority.
DeleteYes all true but I haven't heard anything from the Democratic leadership about this either. Except from outgoing congressmen Luis Gutierrez. Do all these people remain in limbo no matter what agreement is reached?
DeleteAs to the aging of America, just heard that Uptown Girl is 64 years old today.
Great point about Japan at the end of your column. They are exactly the kind of closed, insular society, with daunting trade barriers, that Trump and his supports want the U.S. to become. And as a result, they're facing both demographic and economic disaster.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautifully written column. Hits all the right notes. I read it last night and it's still resonating this morning.
ReplyDeleteA few years back, I spent ten days in the hospital, and the one thing I'll always remember about my stay is the genuine, caring attention I received from the doctors and nurses. If my memory serves me, a good 8 out of 10 of them spoke with foreign accents. Beautiful people, all of them. I couldn't have been in better hands.
That's an interesting perspective, Mr. Creosote. It's as if "Trump" is a dirty word.
ReplyDeleteGood point about immigrants being care workers for seniors. A few have come to my attention, all of them, for some reason, Polish. I knew they were immigrants because their command of English was negligible or not existent. But they were all good cooks. Don't know the stats, but not all illegals are Mexican. Wonder why Trump never mentions that.
Lemont is full of Polish immigrants. We're a better community because of them.
DeleteWhat do mean "let"? What are you implying? There are African American families here.
DeleteAnonymous 2:04PM. Quite an ignorant statement. Have you ever even been to Lemont?
DeleteTony I'm sorry to say that lemont has .01% African American residents. That doesn't happen accidentally .With a population of 16000 that's 1.6African Americans living there.
Delete"doesn't happen accidently" FME,
Deleteyour opinion is uninformed and quite offensive. I've lived here for 63 years. How much time have you spent in Lemont studying the community? You know nothing.
its just a fact tony. policy affects demographics. look it up . I'm sure its a great place to live. I have no plans to visit. I don't want to know anything more about the community. lots of places don't have anything but white people living there. its just not an accident. sorry tony .
Deletetony you are right I know absolutely nothing about Lamont . so I looked up the data , from the census. the only reason I even commented was because of the way you dismissed the comment by anonymous about how the people of Lemont" should let some black people in" . turns out there are so few African Americans there its within statistical error . in other words there may not be any or there may be 3. whatever Tony. I don't care, but it is a fact. there are precincts in Chicago that only have black people again just a fact. again this doesn't just happen. long standing government policy has an effect on communities. I'm just sayin. don't be mad at me . I didn't have anything to do with it. I'm not mad at you I'm sure you didn't either.
DeleteThe 2010 census shows 58 African Americans. I know some of them. There is no "government policy" dictating where people are allowed to live. People live where they are comfortable living,or, barring that, where they can afford to live. Don't state "facts" that aren't factual. You don't want to appear Trumplike.
DeleteLike I said. Your right Tony. Thanks for clarifying that.
DeleteNot a problem.
DeleteBasically, there are two types of health insurance plans. Your first option is the indemnity plans, which includes the fee-for-services and the second is the managed care plans.visit company website
ReplyDeleteOn another topic, EGGD readers will be amused to learn that our beloved ex-Congressman Joe Walsh's byline appeared briefly in the Washington Post. A piece dumping on his former colleague Congressman Nunes. Very funny. Pot calling kettle black. I saw it earlier in the day, but now it's gone.
Google it. It's still there. Pretty bad when this administration has sunk below Walsh's level.
DeleteTrump's hateful message is spreading and acceptable. I don't see the trend reversing anytime soon, including here in Illinois. Jeanne Ives latest campaign ad:
However, they were white immigrants which is okay with Trump and his followers. He's only interested in limiting black and brown immigrations. Do we know his opinion of Asians?
ReplyDeleteSorry to say I think you are correct in your assessment. Asians seem to be in a different bucket with Mr. Trump. They are cheating us on trade deals . Forcing us to borrow their money to buy their goods .who knew trade could be so complicated?