Get a room again

     People do seem to enjoy having this space to converse in, and it turns out I have more photos of motel signs than I first thought, such as this one, from the officially-designated "Armpit of America"—honestly, by the Washington Post no less—Battle Mountain, Nevada.
     For newcomers, this is a space set aside for readers to debate and discuss with each other. 


  1. Grazie assai, Mr. S!

  2. assai means a lot, a as in ah sound, i as in long e sound as in seed

  3. Good readers feedback letter in ST on Fri, from a fellow teacher, on what Rauner is really all about. His reforms are on protecting the rich from paying their fair share.

  4. How about calling it a place for off topic chats?

    I see another innocent Muslim story-oh no he wasn't going to use his knife on the cops, he just wanted to show them how pretty it was;_ylu=X3oDMTZrZm1zYnJuBGEDQktUIDE1MDYwNSBuZXdzIHRlcnJvciBpbnZlc3RpZ2F0b3JzIHNob2NrIHQEYWlkA2lkLTM1NjAxMzMEY2NvZGUDZ2EEY3BvcwMxBGcDZDUxZmIyMmQtMDMxNy0zYzIyLTgyYTktM2UwYjk1ZDhiYjY2BGludGwDdXMEaXRjAzAEcGtndAMxBHBrZ3YDMTQEcG9zAzIEcgNEWmF5aHNBVjVxNGxQaDNjYUFDK1RiUDlrVDg9BHNlYwN0ZC1mZWEEc2xrA3RpdGxlBHRlc3QDOTAx/RV=1/RE=1434722111/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cDovL25ld3MueWFob28uY29tL2ZhbWlseS1tYW4tc2hvdC10ZXJyb3ItaW52ZXN0aWdhdG9ycy1zaG9ja2VkLWNsYWltcy0wNTExMjM4MzIuaHRtbA--/RS=%5EADABs8snUssDz9QWof9PgDxckM2QX4-

  5. oops, try this one

  6. Off topic, but I thought Mr. Steinberg would like this... My daughter received a card in the mail from a local businessman. The card was preprinted "Saw you in the news!" and a clipping was enclosed. He wrote a little note wishing her a bright future. my daughter was pretty puzzled, and I explained that it was a classy old-school touch. I told her about Judy Baar Topinka and pulled up your article about her. Just thought you would like to know that some people still do that little nicety.

    1. There's nothing off topic here, Nikki, it's miscellaneous. That's a nice story.

  7. The Super-8 Motel: love it. Have never stayed there personally, but who among us can slur the place, since it fills a need and probably makes a heap of money.

  8. When you run out of room, NS, just dump the old rooms. Nothing that impt on there like your own columns.

  9. Saw this on yesterday's blog and incase no one is looking at it anymore, this person hits it on the head-I took the liberty of cutting and pasting

    Padraig ElliotJune 5, 2015 at 2:23 PM

    Caitlin Jenner will never experience the realities of life as a woman or as a trans person, because Jenner is insulated by extreme privilege. While women make 78 cents for a dollar earned by a man, Jenner's speaking fees are likely to quadruple as a result of his gender-reassignment. Jenner supports a political party which promotes a platform openly hostile to LGBT people. Again, the insulation of privilege will ensure that Jenner will never experience the negative consequences of that party's actions. Working-class, middle-class and poor LGBT people will not be so fortunate.

  10. Finally a triple crown! What a great horse
    American Pharoah is.

  11. This story makes me sad and angry (as do many things!)

    Diversity in teaching is important but dumbing-down the professional licensing exams is not the way to achieve it. Illinois did something similar recently (thanks Karen Lewis) - new teachers now get unlimited times to pass the licensing exam (before they "only" got five chances). The test in NY was to show an "understanding of the liberal arts." Anyone who has read "Cultural Literacy" would think this would be, if nothing else, a fair requirement. Yes many things go into being a good teacher beyond "book knowledge" and the research on the correlation between the two varies, but the bar on these licensing tests tends to be low. In Illinois the basic skills test is set at an 11th grade level: Can any of you imagine being told your kid will be taught by somebody who needed ten times to show they knew as much as a junior in high school? We should do better than this, instead we're heading in the opositte direction.

  12. 100% correct and agree fully with what you are saying, too much of this anything goes or anyone can get in, almost an unfair form of affirmative action

    other than how you spelled opposite, good points

  13. of course the tests are different for primary general teachers as opposed to secondary subject teachers, same with certifications

    1. True - I'm thinking of the K-9 certification primarily. With respect to the New York test, the effects of cultural literacy start to really manifest themselves around fourth grade.

  14. Even as a teacher (never in the CPS system) I can say I don't fully trust Lewis or the CTU.

    But I'm glad she stood up to Rahm.

    1. I'm a big Lewis critic (obviously) but I thought she/CTU was right about Rahm's trying to bully the extended school day at the start of his first term. But then the settlement they reached was a worst-of-both-worlds compromise where Rahm saved face, teachers got more money, CPS went into the hole, and the extended class time was in areas of dubious value. The teacher strike was her doing what she is supposed to do as head of the union, but again her success was largely at the cost of the kids.

  15. Yes, agree about the extended school day fiasco.

  16. I just saw a news blurb on the net news about that one cop being indicted for shooting the guy in the back. They better or they'd have another riot on their hands. Mob justice rules, it seems.

    Sure that was excessive but maybe it's a reaction to being shot at on other days. I saw this quote and maybe it makes some sense/below.

    the man was running because he had outstanding warrants for child support 4 kids. driving around in the Mercedes trying to pick up more women he can get pregnant. he had no intention of ever paying for those kids so once again we the taxpayers had to pay for those kids through Medicaid and food stamps this South Carolina officer has done nothing more than a public service to the community by taking this man out we don't have to pay for him to sit in jail the taxpayers don't need to pay for his three meals a day and his medical bills. this officer is a hero

    1. Which part of it makes sense to you?

    2. Yes, if summary execution were the customary American penalty for failure to pay child support, perhaps it would make sense. On the other hand, perhaps this non-paying dad may have seen the light at some point, and actually begun stepping up to his responsibilities. Stranger things have happened, but there's NO chance that'll be happening now, O concerned taxpayer.

  17. Only the part of why he's running, makes sense... don't agree with the rest of the quote.

  18. I see Bruce is getting rightfully sued. His mind wasn't on driving as it should have been. Probably wondering what pumps to wear with what skirt and who suffers?

    Caitlyn Jenner Slapped With Another Lawsuit Over Deadly Malibu Car Crash

  19. Coey stop flirting with Jakash.

    1. Who are you to stand in the way of true love?

  20. I'm going to tell your hubby on you. grin

  21. belligerent NonnaJune 9, 2015 at 8:00 AM

    I'm confused. Are the terms transvestites (cross dressers) and transsexuals (those who got the operation no longer in vogue. Does transgender cover all of those terms now?

    Mark Brown has an interesting story in the Tues. ST of a cross gender former Army Ranger. Even he isn't thrilled with the publicity around Bruce. This one actually has to work for a living and I can empathize with this Dave person much more than Bruce.

    I see Spike TV won't let Eastwood's joke stand in his speech when it's televised. Hey he's 85, give him a break.

    1. Perhaps you could empathize with them both enough to refer to them by the names which they prefer to be called, Nonna.

      I don't know why they're bothering to cut Eastwood's joke, unless it's just because it wasn't particularly funny. I admire what he's done in his career, but stage perfomance doesn't seem to be his forte.

    2. Okay Dawn and Bruce.

    3. Coey, there you go again, correcting and reprimanding. You aren't speaking to some 12 yr. old.

    4. Who are you Coey? the board police and body guard to transgenders?

    5. I just do to to irritate you. I should probably get a more challenging hobby.

    6. One can't always agree with you Coey. So chill when they don't.

    7. Don't think I was particularly unchill, but I'm open to any specific criticism you want to advance.

  22. Anyone else here a fan of Italian foods, deli and produce? Try Caputo's, in either Melrose Park, Bloomingdale, Naperville, not sure if in city. A lot of ready made and homemade style meals ready to go. No, we don't work or have rels there, just good stuff.

    1. I think it's a different Caputo, but Caputo & Sons is very good, particularly when it comes to Italian cookies, as I documented last Christmas.

  23. Best Italian cookies I know are, alas, in Milwaukee:

  24. Oh yes, Mr. S, I remember that blog. I think they are in the same family.

    Thanks for that info, ANA, though we don't get out there. We went 3 yrs ago to the Wisc. State Fair just to have those Crème puffs, 2nd to none.

    Mariano's is good too but not quite as much with the authentic variety.

    There is another Caputo's on Harlem in Elmwood Park, north of North Ave.

  25. Perhaps these rooms should just be called off topic chats, rather than agree or disagree. No one is going to go back to the filled ones either way.

  26. Advocate of the Anti-ChristJune 10, 2015 at 5:07 AM

    I hereby disagree, with just about everything anyone is likely to say here.

    1. Here is something with which we can all agree. If Neil ever writes an article about the Necronomicon, most here will accept your expert criticism, as authoritative.

  27. That would cause nightmares.

  28. As per today's paper, glad to read that Sanders is telling Billary to take a stand on issues such regarding Wall st reform, etc. She can't cause she's in bed with them as is her husband.

    1. What reform(s) are you looking for and how do you think they will help the economy? I see banking reform as important (though not so much for the banks as the raters - the worst thing that happened to Obama's reform was when Al Franken's proposal was watered down) but far from the biggest issue facing the country. Sanders needs to explain why his European styled socialism (not an insult per-se in my book) applied in the U.S. will produce Norway rather than Greece.

      Given the peace and prosperity Billary produced for the better part of a decade, you'd think the nation might want some more of that. We get what we deserve...

    2. I'm not saying full socialism is the way to go. But look at some recent reasons why the banks are being sued by the gov't and fined, always after the fact. The average consumer is always being screwed. I'm not saying deadbeats should be protected.

      Check out some of Warren's platforms but unfortately, she's not running.

      Hillary better start talking and they've changed from their 1990's days as to what they've been up to lately.

      Now if one works in the banking/ financial investment industry or is a stock trader, they won't want reforms, right ANA?

    3. To the last question: not necessarily. Lots of politicians want campaign finance reform (eg John McCain). Some teachers are in favor of what are generally seen as anti-teacher union reforms. Some doctors during the Obamacare debate were willing to trade reforms at the regulatory agencies (i.e., a lot more proactive investigation/regulation) for a cap on damages in malpractice suits. A lot of times you don't like the system you're forced to work in. (Per a previous post, I'm not confirming/denying various things about myself as it has a narrowing effect (or, int he case of a confirmation, an ultra-narrowing effect!))

      I think she needs to talk more about their 1990's days. She was a player (not huge, but significant) in getting the 1993 budget passed (see Bob Woodward's book). SHe was a top policy advisor for a very successful administration. The one issue she botched was health care, and her approach was adopted by President Obama after he admitted he was wrong in the primaries and health care reform couldn't be done without a mandate. The electorate is smart enough to handle a "we made the tax code more progressive, but we didn't stick it to business so much that it was counterproductive."

      But I don't mean to be overly simplistic - I actually fall on the Bernie side of things on a few subjects. But how many times do the Democrats need to be taught what happens when they veer to the far left. They abandon Hubert Humphrey and get Nixon. They flock to George McGovern and get Nixon again. They abandon Al Gore and get George W. Bush. Santayana lives.

    4. We need fresh blood in the Dem. party. Just like Repubs, don't want another Bushie.

      And in line with what you are saying, there are Dems who are conservative about the illegal immig. problems because their parents did it legally. I don't believe kids of illegal immigrants should get college grans either. That encourages more illegals.

    5. There are also Dems like myself who are conservative about illegal immigration for the same reason the Koch Brothers are liberal about it: the terrible impact on the working class and particularly African-American poor. But the focus should be on future immigration, not those already here. And the kids of illegal immigrants are U.S. citizens if they were born here - same rights as any of us.

    6. Yes, the Koch bros. love cheap labor.

      But they abuse the children born here right, overly so. Come here just to squat.

  29. Does anyone remember that old Colgate toothpowder in the can? My mom could still find it when I was a kid in the 60's/ early 70's but then it wasn't made anymore. She had to get with it and get toothpaste.

    1. If you are lucky enough to still have your mother, you can buy her some on Amazon. Although I can't vouch for it being the same formula. (Sounds gross to me, but I've never tried it.)

    2. This ain't EXACTLY what you were using in the 60s, as it's manufactured in India and that is evidently the primary market. But, here it is, from Amazon, but obtained through a sub-vendor that deals in other offbeat stuff. From a comment on the site: "This product is actually an old idea of how tooth paste used to be. This is not produced for US market's anymore, but India markets. The US is all about the latest package, or teeth whitening trend, not about old reliable. The product is good, my wife swears by it, just don't worry about the Hindu writing on the package."

      So, I don't know what you'll think about that, but it maintains an average of a 4-star-out-of-5 rating from 33 customers. You can read the reviews. I'm just bummed that the most basic Colgate toothpaste, which we've used for decades, is now made in Mexico, not the U.S.

    3. India? who knows what's in that-same with edible items manufactured in China

  30. I wonder if they sell it at Patel Brothers on Devon?

    I know somebody who makes a homemade toothpaste w/ coq10 gel caps and baking soda, but I'd be afraid to lose the flouride myself...

  31. I saw they had it at Ebay, 10 bucks for the tin. No thanks, prob caked up old. But glad some remember.

    Now to switch gears, I just read the President is going to send more troops for training. Another quagmire. He's caving to the military / industrial complex. That's a never ending mess there. Sounds like Nam in the early days.

  32. Thanks Jakash, Coey and ANA. Yes, my mom is still around and in another state, though she was near me for a while. She'd wring my neck even now if she could if I spent that on tooth powder, lol.

    She'd rather I ship her some provolone. (wink)

  33. (She was born in '31) dad now passed with Alzheimer, born '28, thanks

    any one remember old Bethany hospital in Chicago? prob west side?

    Though I was born at West Suburban OP across from Chicago in '59 when you could still walk the place near Austin without getting shot. I don't believe women should lie about their age.

    Another pet peeve, some airhead celeb ariana grande was griping that women aren't someone's possession? Talk about crying wolf. Who the hell claimed she was someone's possession? or even says that now in the western world? let's save it for real issues

    ah, my mom would have told her and dad too if he was around

    va fa indo cullo

    1. Yes, glad to still have her, fiesty as she may be.

  34. I remember when some rels lived around California, later Harrison by the highway around time it was being built, the Ike. Polk street and Leclaire. I was at the latter but by 2 or 3 we were in the near suburbs. I'm sure some of those streets ring a bell with some of you. No, weren't on Taylor st. Instead north of Roosevelt and west while in the city. Those dk brick 2 flats. My grandpa's house in the 40's and early 50's still had an old coal furnace. I guess Neil's bday has me reminiscing.

    Would love to hear anyone else's nostalgic stories.

  35. pardon the writing above by phone typing sometimes

  36. For the escaped prisoners story-looks like they fooled some dum lady who prob fell for a line, even if it meant her job.

    CNN reports law-enforcement officials say they believe Joyce Mitchell was going to pick up David Sweat and Richard Matt after they escaped from New York’s upstate Clinton Correctional Facility, but she got cold feet due to a panic attack. Sources said Mitchell’s phone was also used to call several people connected to Matt, though it’s unclear who made the outgoing calls or why. Law enforcement told the Albany Times Union that a female prison employee smuggled an electric saw to the inmates, which they used to cut their way out of prison. In addition, the Times Union reports that a riot five days before the prison break led to the temporary suspension of cell searches, which may have given the men several days to tunnel through the walls.

  37. The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore reported on this during last night's show. The woman may have helped them because she had been "wooed" by one of the prisoners, who, according to the detective who arrested him, is "very well-endowed." There's a $100K reward for information leading to their apprehension, which can be phoned in to, no lie, (800) GIVE-TIP.

    1. Reminds me how there's a Chinese herb billed as an "herbal viagra" that's called "Horny Goat Weed." (Turns out the plant looks like a goat with big horns...)

    2. Some people, especially starry eyed women- are so dum, young and mid aged, they don't know when they are getting fooled. Thus some left with a kid and holding the bag or later as widows who have been fleeced.

    3. I believe this woman is married. Things must be a little uncomfortable at home this week.

    4. her hub should divorce her fast

  38. Good commentary in readers feedback today in the ST. Someone says they are looking for mentors, how about the DAD doing some????

    or the other day Ms. Mitchell asking for people to give rides to certain poor neighborhoods to hel kids get to the ball park-sure, except many would be shot while in the area, don't think so

  39. From Simon's column today, sounds like he did a lot of drinking in his early reporting days. Must come with the territory.

  40. How about that rude ass gal from the Zoo saying rude ass white people. Talk about reverse racist. Imagine if someone said that about her group , some have had to be told in stores to keep it down, so loud, etc. Why should some tiptoe when others don't?

  41. Wonder who those hicks are in the new pic above.

    1. The Bar D Wranglers at the Bar D Chuck Wagon in Durango, Colorado:

    2. Makes me think of that Bob's Country Bunker scene in The Blues Brothers. At least these guys don't have to perform behind chicken wire.

  42. Okay, westerners.

    I never liked country again since Mickey Gilley went out of vogue.

    Anyway, I presume Mr. S you read the ST daily or most of it.

    To others- note a public opinion feedback on p. 22 of the ST today. Someone is mad at Bruce not for his transition but that he should have appeared as a 60 some yr old woman, not glam gal and that he's an ageist. Same with Annie Lebowitz and Vanity Fair. It's an interesting thought.

    The dear Abby column is even better, some guy wants to transition and expects his wife to live with him or he won't give wife full custody of the kids. I'd kick his ass.

  43. Coey,

    Re: your disgusting reference to "The Nightly Show" yesterday. ; ) Not really what I'd have expected from a prissy cheerleader, such as yourself! ; )

    I happened to see that, but it was the first time I'd tuned in in a while. How do you feel about the show? I like Larry and his TV "presence" a lot; he seems like quite a funny and swell guy. But I watched the first couple weeks and it just didn't seem to be very captivating as a show, to me. Very refreshing to see the diverse and not-the-usual-suspects panels, but the conversations didn't seem either as funny, nor as enlightening as I might have hoped. Has he dumped the "keep it 100" game? That didn't really seem to me to "work", either. I guess I was just hoping for more. Your thoughts, and/or do you know how it's doing, as far as ratings?

    1. He's definitely no Stephen Colbert, but I won't hold that against him. I always liked him as the Senior Black Correspondent on The Daily Show, so I was pleased when he was picked. For me, the new show is very hit and miss. I keep giving it a chance because I figure he's still finding his way. I agree about the panels; it's nice to hear some fresh voices, and perspectives from people in different walks of life. I think Keep It 100, which Larry seemed very fond of, has been made a more occasional thing, which was a good call. Some topics lend themselves to it more than others. My favorite part was when he would be thrown a question during the closing of a show, but they seem to have eliminated that part entirely.

      I don't know about the ratings. I'm sure it's not as good a lead-in for @Midnight, which I don't usually watch, as Colbert was.

    2. Jak, that prissy stuff has gotten old now. That was a joke last week, not now.

    3. Yes, ma'am. Understood. I've always loved to drive a joke into the ground, alas...

  44. Even Seinfeld quoted the other day that you can't do comedy on college campuses because they have gotten too PC as well.

    I see that the new alderman is clashing with Fr. Phleger now on the block party that Spike wants to throw. Sounds like Phleger wants to defy authority, but I see the Chiraq point too.

  45. Wise words from a tough Judge Lady, even if it's just the tv kind. WHen women are assertive they are called bitches, for guys aggressive, no, I'm not some manhating feminist of the extreme. Luckily in my family, we were never raised to tiptoe.

    Too bad a few people who are regulars, couldn't be bothered to wish our blog host a happy birthday yesterday.

    Don't let someone else tell you what you're worth, don't believe someone else's vision of what you're worth." - Judge Judy

    She is author to several books, one of which is Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever: The Making of a Happy Woman, where she shares with her trademark frankness, "Women need to wise up, stop subjugating who they are, and stop making stupid decisions in the name of love. They hide their talents and opinions so they won't offend. They tiptoe through life letting others take credit for their ideas because they would rather be liked than respected. They spend their lives trying to please everyone but themselves, and then they wonder why they feel so frustrated and unfulfilled."

  46. I like how Israel handles airport security. None of this "you're profiling me bull" like here with the aclu or lefty libs whining. Maybe that's why their airport has been safe for a long time.

    They know who the belligerents are.

  47. they know how to call a spade a spade, muslims included

  48. I don't understand when some Jews don't even support Israel. Of course the ortho. ones go to other extreme and then don't want to help out in it's army.

  49. Heard Rubio wants to make it easier to open doors for high tech workers to come here, mostly from Asia, then the mid aged guys can train their replacement workers for cheaper.

    And like one tiny, local news station said for the community.

    Be anon, there are several here and it's liberating. You can say what you're really thinking.

    Jenner is not a hero. A guy that busts his ass to support family is hero. etc. etc as just one example

  50. I'll be voting for Duckworth.

    Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) did the right thing by apologizing after joking that Graham was a “bro with no ho” in the U.S. Senate. Graham goes on to tell Yahoo News Global News Anchor Katie Couric that he thinks Kirk was trying to be funny, but "it didn't work."

    1. Tough day when you're less astute about comedy than Lindsey Graham.

    2. I'm referring to Kirk, not you, in case that's unclear ;)

    3. Kirk is a disappointment.

  51. Hello Coey.

    Now in a different vein- I see from the paper today that the father of that Spann guy who was made to wear dear antlers by that brutal Finnegan wants to sue. REally? He doesn't even have the same last name as his son, I'm sure he was really around when he was young to help out. NOT

    putting the nasty police issue aside, now he wants to profit in his son's name

  52. $102 Million Payout To United Healthcare CEO Draws...

    ... reports that United Healthcare paid its CEO $102 million in ... by the CEO’s salary of health insurance companies. ... with United Health Care ...

    then they want us to pay for tests for spouse because though we had referrals and were in the right testing center and right doctor, someone in office send it to an out of network radiol.

    WE need Socialism here!

  53. TO anyone who follows the issue of genocide in the world (NS doesn't write much about it - if at all - though he did do a column about people who missue words like "genocide" on trivialities), something interesting is going on in South Africa. The leader of Sudan, who has been convicted of genocide (the real thing: trying to wipe out an indentifiable group of people) by the ICC and has a warrant out for his arrest, has been detained in South Africa by their court system while they consider the issue. Theoretically any member state is supposed to arrest him but some have refused. The Arab League actually works to protect Sudan at the U.N. to the extent it can (along with "mind your own business" nations like China and Russia). But South Africa has an internal rift between the current government, which has been moving away from "The West," and the opposition. So now the country is between a rock and a hard place: if they arrest Bashir, they'll be accused of luring him to his doom (he's there for a conference). If they don't, they'll have committed a human rights abuse akin to hosting Goebbels and then setting him free rather than turning him over to the Neurenberg trials.

    1. Genocide is horrible and I'm against it, and I'm for the United States stopping it, when it's possible for us to do so, which it often isn't. That about sums up my views. Am I missing something?

    2. Nuremburg trials.

      Thanks for the update, ANA. I try to stay up on the news but must have missed that one. Yes, a Catch 22 situation indeed.

      There's always some form of genocide in various parts of Africa, more often than not.

      I didn't know it was NS's job to write about genocide. You seem to be upset about the fact that he didn't write about it.

    3. The thing is when the U.S. helps out it's often thrown in our face later or we are told we did more harm than good or are trying to butt in. Damned if do or don't theme.

    4. Yes Neil, you're missing something. Maybe in addition to talking to AIPAC when they feed you story ideas you could reach out to the US Holocaust Museum on how much we can do (especially in terms of deterrence). Nobody expects you to become Nick Kristof, but given what you've written about some of your writing being motivated by the pogroms faced by your ancestors, I'm surprised the subject seems so off-limits. I mentioned recently (in a post you deleted, I suspect for being off-topic but goodness knows it wasn't more off-topic than other things that were left up that day) about how the US Holocaust Museum has put out a genocide alert concerning at-risk Muslims living in Burma, a nation the west has considerable influence with to the extent they are trying to lift sanctions and rejoin the community of nations. Hey, as you have noted, it's your blog, it's your column, and you get to write about whatever you want to - I just wish it could get a soupcon of the attention you pay to Opera. "Never Again" deserves more than "genocide is bad," even if it's a thoughtful discussion on the limits of what we can do and why the subject is so under the public radar.

    5. I probably deleted it because of your tone, which you seem deaf to. Sometimes you get tired of the nails-on-a-blackboard sound of somebody bitching. Remember, pleasing the guy who hates everything is way down my list.

    6. Except I'm almost certain that post was free of any "NS commentary," and of all the ones to delete because you find me annoying, you'd think *that* would be the subject to get a pass. Anyway, you read my nagging far too negatively - as I've written before, words always come off harsher in pixels, and just because I don't tend to leave "amen" posts doesn't mean I don't agree and/or enjoy the stuff I don't comment on.

    7. That's cause the media and some youth or more interested in reporting or reading about the Kartrashians.

  54. Sometimes BBC world news covers those stories even better.

  55. We have to worry about our infrastructure and own problems and can't continue to be police to the world in never ending quagmires. That's one of the reasons Rome spent itself (not only reason) overextending.

  56. Why does much of Europe have good insur. coverage for themselves? Because we take care of NATO and cover much of the world leader military costs. Let's take care of own citizens first.

    A-n-A I see you have mentioned AFrican current event problems before. Do you have relatives or some type of investment that to cause such interest or is it just general concern?

  57. Lots of good points in response to my genocide post yesterday - thanks. I got a busy start of the week and can't address all of them as I'd like, but in-brief I'd say 1) the "actual intervention" thing is a sliding scale but no, we can't do "Kosovo" for everything going on. But if you read Phillip Gourevitch's book on Rwanda it's illustrative of things we do that arguably empower genocides, and Samantha Power's book illustrates how a "who cares?" attitude empowers future genocides. Recall that Hitler thought he could get away with the Holocaust because nobody cared about what happened to the Armenians in Turkey. 2) Though this goes more to foreign aid in general than humanitarian interventions, there *is* a realpoliitik interest here as well. Look how China has sought to extend its hegemony in South America - our backyard - and south Asia in this regard. 3) The "we need to spend the money here" thing is thus tricky: no, we don't want to be like Rome and take the ultimately crushing burden of being the World's Policeman. At the same time, history tells us things get much worse when there is no world policeman and the U.N. sure isn't going to step up. (I don't think Obama gets enough credit for trying to balance these things - not that he's perfect - but that is yet another subject thread!)

  58. I remember a good film or documentary on Rwanda some years back, but again have to state there's only so much we can do. Genocide in one form or another happens in most nations in Africa, etc. It seems these people were almost better off under colonialism because their own leaders are worse. Sure some of it might be world business, corporate, natural resource related but they do sometimes offer jobs too and modernization and help.

    Obama never gets any credit from the right wing nuts.

    I have to agree with Mr. S, though I don't like his tone at times either, ANA you do have an attacking way of disagreeing that you don't seem to get,even if your subject matter is good. It's not just about pixels. Tone the arroganct "know it all" approach down some and it might be better.

  59. Yesterday I was watching a program on the aboriginal in Australia. Of course it was the usual, woe is me approach. But when they were running around in loincloths (same goes for Africa) while the Europeans had technology and innovation, even in Capt. Cook's time. I wondered why was there such a difference. And why should all cultures be appreciated. Was it better environment, weather, atmosphere , govts, who knows. Let's give some credit where credit is due and not say the west or the whites were all bad. And when these people did advance it was often with western style education. After all, Gandhi did go to school in Great Britain on a different vein. Not saying we have to go with Kiplings, White man's burden approach either, but when we give aide, that's what it is. Where does it end? No, I'm not in the Klan or Republican, just a student of History and Culture and facts, not revisionism or pc twistings.

  60. oops, make that arrogant, in typo error above

  61. Perhaps you should work for the State
    Dept or write a letter there, ANA, I'm serious.
    What Senator is in charge of foreign committees? write there, email

  62. A bit off-topic for Kent Week, but if you go to Mackinaw City/Island, it's worth pushing north another hour to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and the highway (#17) that runs along Lake Superior. You have to bring your passport these days to get in, though. NS has written about the U.P. and it has its charms, but I've found the Canadians are friendlier than the Yoopers and the scenery nicer the farther north you go.

  63. I like Greenfield Village near Dearborn, Michigan. Especially the Edison lab.

    Upper Lake Jeptha is nice too, near Kalamazoo.

  64. Great newsstand in Kalamazoo - "Michigan News" or something like that? Like (but not identical to) City News on Cicero Avenue near Irving Park Road.

  65. Michigan News Agency in Kalamazoo is more of an independent bookseller than a newsstand. City News doesn't carry books that I can remember. I do agree that the place in Kalamazoo is great as is one called K-zoo Books.

    1. That's true - City News doesn't carry books in as wide range of subjects - they have a collection of "Chicago nonfiction" books that's pretty good. Still, I've come across magazines at Michigan News Agency that City News didn't carry (and vice-versa). Will have to check out K-zoo books - usually I'm only there when en route to Detroit or Toronto-and-beyond, and there's an amazing used book store in downtown Detroit I think called John King Books - 4 -large- stories chuck full of used books.

    2. I haven't been to the place in Detroit, because.... Detroit. There is a similar sounding place in Three Rivers called Lowrys. Used, rare, and new books. I can never get out of there in less than two hours.

  66. As per those escaped killers in NY. Now the news is reporting that prison worker had befriended and helped them because they were going to kill her husband. Nice wife.

  67. I see that Rauner is now getting fellow billionaires to pay up for anti Madigan ads. Oh yes, working class can truly identify with Rauner. (gag)

    1. Madigan isn't much better: yes, his budget will give more to needy programs, but he uses that to thwart any reform. It's the equivalent to pointing a gun at a baby's head and saying "hand over money to me and my cronies, or the kid gets it!" One of the most tragic political stories I know is the deal Pat Quinn cut with Madigan in order to remain as governor: here you had a man who devoted his entire life to political reform, has the governorship fall into his lap by amazing strokes of luck (his lt. governorship, Blago's self-destruction), has a once in a lifetime chance to pass meaningful reform...and then cuts a deal with Madigan/Cullerton and throws his own reform panel under the bus.

      So I'm fine with the billionaires attacking Madigan. This state isn't a democracy. Look how the campaign laws allow the Combine to kill nearly any primary challenge (unless you can self-fund it like Peter Fitzgerald or...Bruce Rauner). Look how gerrymandered the districts are in this state to minimize the power of your vote to the absolute extent necessary. Look at the crony capitalism, that allows silent winks and nods so that Madigan's law firm can earn millions in private practice. And if you want to blame Rauner for what happens to the poor you need to blame Madigan even more, because Madigan/Cullerton have a supermajority: it's not that they can't pass a budget into law, it's that they are unwilling to own the tough choices that would accompany it.

    2. So if they gerrymander it to work better for repubs, then you are okay with that , A-N-A? Maybe it's Rauner who is holding the gun to the babies head for diff. reasons. There are many disabled or parents of such that need aide from state for help and assistance in care. I'm disappointed that you only want to see the rich get richer.

    3. I can see the need for reform on some city unions, but don't trust Rauner and his cronies. I guess if Repub pol. leaders have ties to law firms, then its okay with ANA and wink and nod. Madigan's firm isn't crooked doing illegal things.

      Let's see a Dem crook or Repub crook, hmm? who will do more for the working and mid class? I don't mean enable the lazies or druggies.

    4. ANA, how about the millionaires paying more taxes??? I guess Rauner doesn't want that tough choice, so screw the non rich.

      Please don't state again that you are a democrat, as you once did. That's a joke.

    5. Re: gerrymandering - not at all. If you got rid of gerrymandering nationwide it would help the Democrats more than the Republicans - we're the unusual situation (see how many state governments are Republican compared to Democrat).

      Re: taxes - I'd love to have a progressive income tax in Illinois. Unfortunately it's not an option and wouldn't be even if Pat Quinn was governor:

      Soak the rich works (to an extent) at the federal level and in states that are so desirable to live in that the rich stay there even with high taxes (California), and even "corporate tax inversion" risks that. Most states are different - tax too much and people/businesses relocate.

      So when are the Dems going to return my contributions and stop asking for more? Can I refer them to you? :-)

    6. There has to be a happy medium on taxation. But doubt the rich can ever be overly soaked other than in the days of Lenin.

      I get peeved when they ask for too much as well and ask to be taken off the list. What would they do without my 5 dollar donation to the DNC? lol

      it's these super pacs and tricks Zell and co. are using now , under guise of some other name to give whatever donations to Rauner, see ST today

  68. I get the impression ANA doesn't approve of Kent week.

    I doubt ANA has offspring. Doubt Jakash has any either.

    1. Huh? I have no issues with Kent week - I just thought talking about Mackinaw and tourism wasn't off-topic - it's not about Kent or fatherhood, so I left the comment here.

    2. Sorry, I meant talking about tourism *was* off-topic.

    3. @Anonymous 8:20 AM -- Huh? Are you the "board police"? And what business is it who has how many offspring? Also ---> this is the Super-8 motel page, remember? So off-topic comments are very appropriate. Get your blogs straight!

    4. Sandy, sounds like it's you acting like the board police. Don't tell others what they should say, unless you run this blog, which you don't.

    5. I think Sandy is PMS'ing or in crabby menopause mode.

    6. Why do you Anonymouses have such an obsession with age --..hey, it's not my fault you have a problem with certain commenters who may ruffle your feathers. As the saying can dish it out, but ya sure can't take it.

    7. oh, we can take it

      some will wrestle in person if need be

  69. ANA, I have no empathy for at risk Muslims in Burma or anywhere. Usually it is they that put other groups at risk.

    1. Though there are other things I could say in response, I would just echo what Sarah Silverman was asked why she had problems with the mass murders at a Swedish kids camp which, IIRC, was run by a group not exactly Jew-friendly. "I don't care, they're kids."

  70. Well, that's different and she's out of line then. I'm thinking more of adult, male Muslims. They are often the most dangerous ones as stats and incidences will prove.

    In another vein, so Mary Mitchell writes today that she wonders why Dolezal tried to pass-the other way? Maybe because some Afr. Amer. are reverse racists and wouldn't have hired her at the NAACP if she looked too white or was all white? Same with Howard University, perhaps.

    I can understand years back blacks trying to "pass" so they could get better opportunities and not get picked on-or just for the music business whites trying to seem ghetto- in Dolezal's case, I don't get it, other than if was dying to work at the NAACP office. Some of Jefferson's kids with Hemmings were redheads, since she was part white herself and who could blame them for trying to "pass."

  71. I understand she once sued Howard U. for reverse discrimination. Why is that type of discrimination okay? That should be addressed more as it was in the Bakke case.

    Still, she is a fraud. She'd lie and make up all sorts of stories and pictures.

  72. Ms. S-time for a new room perhaps here? This one is getting long.

    1. As I stated way above somewhere, ya gotta love the Super-8 Motel. What other place would be so accommodating? :)

    2. hee hee, sandy, indeed

    3. I need to either find or snap a good motel photo first. Patience.

    4. just put anything up from the net, no need for perfection

      better yet, skip the pics and just put off topic bd. title, save yourself some work, Sir

    5. Given the nature of some of the comments, it seems to me that a stock photo of the Bates Motel might be apropos... ; )

    6. lol, good one Jack

  73. The Hassidic lifestyle and difficulties when leaving-

  74. Rauner is a Republicunt.

  75. anon not anon-

    this made me think you were making a dig to kent week

    Anon-not-AnonJune 15, 2015 at 4:43 PM

    A bit off-topic for Kent Week,..........

    as for one of the regular anons here, they must be in need of a padded cell

    1. @somewhat anon -- I believe these motel pages were intended to be for "off topic" issues other than the main blog, which is posted under the main heading every goddamn day. In other words, the comments on this page don't need to be about "Kent Week", if I'm not mistaken.

  76. Sandy, sigh. YOu misunderstood me. Yes, I know this is off topic. I was making my point to ANA in a diff. way. Please attend to your own posts. A/N/A doesn't need a spokesman for him or bodyguard.

    1. @Anonymous above (6:03 PM) -- Hmmm, I was responding to "somewhat anon" -- is that you? Anyway, for whoever reads this, it's just a general comment about these motel pages; nothing for you to get so frustrated about.

  77. Oh, I'll take all the virtual bodyguards I can get on this board!

    1. Thanks, Anon-not-Anon. And as we close up the Super-8, I've gotta say it's been a swell time :)

  78. Part time, fairly anonJune 17, 2015 at 7:18 AM

    I have a bit of a temper and in real life too. But it's a good thing. Keeps one from being a passive,doormat , Stepford type. But I'm not always in the wrong here. You have been critical at times too, Miss Sandy.

    Another words, I'm the type that would have kicked Jim Boob Duggar in the coglione.

    1. @Part time, fairly anon" -- Well, it appears that you're now using different monikers on this blog in addition to "Anonymous". Why (not that I really care, it's just a lot easier if you stick to one identifying name if you want folks to know it's "you" when they write a response).

      For the record, I've never hinted or written that you're "always in the wrong here". Perhaps you're a bit insecure.

  79. If you say so, Sandy. Please enjoy playing pretend psychologist.


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