Saturday, December 20, 2014

Saturday fun activity: Where IS this?

     Well, this is an inviting bed, scattered with pillows. 
     Only it's not a bed, technically.
     A bit busy, perhaps, just right to catch a brief nap.
     But don't, because ... well that would give it away. You'd get into trouble. 
     Where is this place? It isn't my bedroom—my taste is better than that. It isn't a bedroom at all. It's ... where?
      The correct guess—and heck, it'll probably be King Dale, he's won it three times already—will get a bag of very tasty Bridgeport Bubbly Creek Coffee (I'm going to have to stop giving it away, to make sure there's plenty left for me).
      Oh wait, I said I'd tell you about its unusual name. Kinda late to open that can of, er, coffee. Next week. Good luck. 

      Clark St. nailed it below. If you want to know the gory details:


  1. Some artist's bizarre idea of art at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

  2. You got it, Clark St. Congrats. Email me your address at and I'll mail you out your coffee.

    1. I finally won one & I fully admit, it was just a wild guess. But when you wrote it wasn't a bedroom, nothing else came to mind.

    2. As I always say, "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good."

  3. This very minute, listening to Wisconsin Public Radio, I heard Dr. Zorba Paster mention that he always hated the long white coats that serve as a kind of uniform for doctors and that as a medical student he tie-died his white coat and wore that instead of the standard model. If Chaimowicz is an "artist," I guess Dr. Paster is too.


  4. Well it is "elevated on a plinth", so I guess that's what distinguishes it from mere interior decoration.

  5. Neil, any comments on the godawful redesign of the Sun-Times website?
    I thought the one used up to yesterday was terrible, but at least you could follow things, once you got the hang of that mess, but this new site is incomprehensible!

    1. Also, of perhaps more direct concern to you, Neil, all the "continue reading" links in your blog posts are now broken, at least on my phone -- they now just go to the front page.

    2. He's right. I tried it out on yesterday's blog and was transferred to the Sun-Times home page rather than to your column.


    3. Hmmm... And it's the same with the bookmark I had for Neil's column page. Goes to the main page, rather than the list of Neil's columns...

    4. Good, so it's not just me. My God, it's horrible! I thought the Tribune redesign was bad (it is) but at least I could still read the S-T. It's like they wanted to outdo them and see just how unuser-friendly a paper could be. I suppose someone must think that endless scroll thing is a good idea, since sites keep implementing it. But that layout! Shouldn't a paper be easy to read instead of driving readers away? I don't know, I'm not a designer. At least it will save me time. I used to enjoy reading both papers. Now I'll just glance at the headlines and be on my way.

    5. Yes, I started hearing about the broken links yesterday, which gave me a moment's horror, contemplating finding the rest of all those hundreds of posts and attaching them here on the blog. But the managing editor assures me that it is only a temporary glitch while they get the system up and running. I don't really use the site much -- I read the physical paper -- so it doesn't affect me all that much. Like any change, it may take getting used to. I thought color photographs on the front page of the New York Times were wrong, too, when they first ran them.

    6. Some of the "Continue reading" links do work. Others don't. At the moment I'm going to sit tight while they work on it. Your patience, as always, is appreciated.

  6. I was at the Museum of Contemporary Art a couple weeks ago. If this is currently on display, I must have seen it. Needless to say, it didn't "speak to me." Rather than "A Partial Grammar," I'd think "Forgettable" would be an apt moniker. My favorite feature about the MCA is that we can usually blow through there in about an hour and leave without worrying that we've missed anything, which is something one can't say about a lot of the other museums. : )

    1. It was tucked into an alcove off a stairwell. You could have missed it if you took the elevator. The guy who got it just guessed.

    2. Took the stairs, as that stairwell is my second-favorite feature. I know Clark St. guessed. Same guess I'd have made, but I don't bird-dog the ole Saturday contest the way I should. ; )

    3. I don't really bird dog it. I usually check out the blog after watching Craig Ferguson, but last night was his last show.
      I won't watch him again unless it's a rerun for the next month that I've missed, so I might not see the blog until morning now.


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