Get a better room

There's always a risk of becoming a slave to your concept. So as much as I liked the idea of having photos of cheesy motels for readers to squabble in, the truth is I haven't had time to go hunt them on Lincoln Avenue, and the important thing seems to be the room, not the theoretical place of accommodation. So here is the logo of the Los Angeles Athletic Club, which I had the pleasure of staying in last February. I thought the logo particularly handsome, and perhaps it'll inspire a more high-minded tone here. Either way, the floor is yours. 


  1. I hope whoever left the final three posts in the last space re-posts here, since I, at least, can't see them.

  2. It was nothing important, I assure you. Thanks, Mr. Steinberg. That is a rare logo.

  3. And we don't just come here to squabble.

  4. I see S. Carolina is still playing rebel and won't accept federal funds that would help the working poor with Medicaid coverage. Why is that I wonder? Still playing the states rights game for the affluent whites only? Good Jackson article today and I don't often agree with him.

  5. A shame that the SCourt is now showing it's conserve. colors again and will allow businesses to continue to pollute.

    I saw on site with a picture of some gays planting the flag like Marines did in Iwo Jima. Even gay supporters didn't like that one. Not quite the same at all.

    Would love to hear other opinions on these several matters.

    1. The air pollution case is -- I don't want to say trivial, but not where anyone's attention should be. This is the best thing I've read about global warming in a long time, with "inconvenient truths" for all sides of the debate:

      The fact is that with today's technology, even if we could get third and second world economies to self-sacrifice for the sake of those of us in first world economies (and they're not), we are not prepared to make the needed sacrifices. Look at the bizarre deal President Obama made with China: they get to *increase* their air pollution in exchange for a promise to reduce it down the line. What odds would you need to bet me that they'll uphold their end of the agreement? I agree with the article that the answer is not found in biomass-focused solutions. The best hope lays in a combination of spending on the alternative energy infrastructure with a quantum increase in nuclear power and investing in continued science.

    2. Where should attention be? South Africa only?

  6. I don't know why we kiss China's ass and then not crackdown on their hacking or games in the South China sea,. I guess business comes first.

    I do believe that global climate change is true.

  7. Those other solutions you state may not be practical or feasible. I say clamp down now!

    But thanks for your thoughts.

    Where's Jakash these days?

    It's amazing how many conservs like to keep their head in the sand about climate change and the pollution connection.

  8. Yes, Dems friend of the true working folks, not just management, etc.

    No more getting around overtime pay-

    1. Not sure (literally not sure) that this might not have some very bad unintended consequences. Employers might simply turn these salaried employees into hourly workers. Other will pressure their workers to get everything done in 40 hours or face the consequences. More gist for the "sharing economy" model and less for the traditional salaried worker model. I predict that while you'll see resistance to this by the business community, but nothing like the passion they put into glutting the workforce with "immigration reform." Not to sound like a broken record, but I can't recommend Mickey Kaus highly enough as to how to address issues of inequality.

  9. So what's the solution? Just business as usual????

    1. People gripe about Obamacare but the way it was, isn't the answer either.

    2. No, but the focus on what has worked in the past and/or shows promise, not approaches that have been tried and haven't shown success. He urges a focus on what he calls "social equality" programs over trying to redistribute wealth. Universal healthcare is an example of that - if everyone was on Medicaid, health care might or might not be cheaper, but you could be certain that wealthier Americans would be sure it was good for everyone rather than sacrifice for themselves. In the salary vs. hourly example above, at least everyone has top quality health care and if the new proposed rule resulted in a lot of employees being switched to hourly work, they'd still have their health benefits. I could fill this "room" before it was barely opened with my braindrizzle on what shows promise and what doesn't, but in my lifetime nothing has helped the working class and underclass more than a tight labor market across the skills spectrum, which last happened in the mid to late 1990s. The benefits of unmanaged free trade are very disproportional.

    3. thanks for your reply

  10. It always amazes me how stupid some women (and I'm female myself) are when their eyes glaze over in romance for the wrong reasons. So as per U.S. today segment and Gov. Cuomo's words, that lady who helped the escapees liked both of them and really thought the 3 of them would live happily ever after? Maybe if she saw the body that Matt had dismembered, she'd change her mind. And how many women write jailbirds they don't know, even if they have killed or beaten their wives????? I've read of such stupid acts.

  11. The south is at it again-

  12. Good article by McGrath in ST today on what the real problem is on the SC shooting incident lawmakers who won't stand up to the NRA and those who vote them in.

    Also, nice words by Simon, about getting mad at the gov't, not the nation or flag. Perfect for the 4th coming up.

    1. Any thoughts on all these issues, folks?

  13. NS,

    I realize that you must have many sources from which to be informed of this info, but your tweet "The South should take comfort from the North: it's entirely possible to have a system of entrenched racial prejudice WITHOUT a special flag." is currently leading Eric Zorn's weekly "Tweet of the Week" poll with 17+% of the vote! Woo-hoo!! : )

  14. No, the entrenched Jim Crow style of the south was much more dangerous and cruel than the northern way. It's not even comparable.

  15. I was somewhat surprised that a new CNN poll shows that the Confederate flag is viewed by more as a symbol of Southern pride (57%) than one of racism (33%). Not so surprisingly, results were very different between white and black respondents. Education also made a difference.

  16. For anyone who like Masterpiece Theater, period piece fair, may I recommend the new swashbuckling series remake, Sunday evenings at 8pm central on ch. 11/ pbs. It started a couple of weeks back but the storyline would be easy to follow even if one is late in tuning in.

    1. It would help if I added the name of the series: Poldark.

  17. The Poldark remake is pretty good. You can watch past episodes on the PBS website. I just wish they would hurry up with more Sherlock!

    1. not into the new Sherlock

      I like the old Basil Rathbone ones

  18. thanks for your response, Nikki

  19. Those unfortunate enough to have followed my missives for a while know that I'm strongly opposed to the "Gang of Eight" approach to immigration reform. To add to all the other reasons that progressives should be against this "worst of both worlds" sop to the Koch Brothers and special interest groups, here's another: migration from Puerto Rico is skyrocketing:

    Puerto Ricans are, of course, citizens with as much right to opportunities here as any of us. One of the great ironies of immigration reform is that its most prominent leader in Congress, our own Louis Guitierrez, is a fierce advocate of Puerto Rican independence (to the point that he has supported clemency for FALN terrorists): he wants to give citizenship to unauthorized immigrants from the rest of the hemisphere and strip it from Puerto Ricans who chose not to move to the mainland.

  20. I was never a big fan of Guitierrez. Thanks for the info.

    Isnt he Puerto Rican in background? In the old days Mex. and PR's weren't known for liking each other a whole lot.

  21. He is Puerto Rican so that does make it ironic.

  22. Happy Independence Day, everyone!

    1. The only time I ever quote Rush Limbaugh: Megadittos Coey!

    2. I'm glad you didn't use the one about feminism being a way to give unattractive women access to society, or one of his many other gems.

    3. thanks, and it's my bday too

  23. Thanks, Coey & Happy Birthday U.S.A.- and to all here, wishing you a great day.

  24. So according to the city beat section in the ST today, one hood criminal has been arrested 45 times and is still out on the street, now accidentally shooting 7 yr olds? Talk about revolving doory system. Oh but I forgot, it's the cops that must be the bad guys.

    1. Worse, it's actually that man's son who was the victim of a shot meant for his father, a gang member. Such a senseless tragedy.

  25. So true, Coey about tragedy. Yes, I know about the father, I just didn't want to fill in all the details but was giving the main point.

    That's what happens when daddio is a gang banger. Mommy should pick 'em better. Doubt there's any marriage in that house.

    And for waste of tax payers money news: the Boston bomber filing for a new trial????!!! what bull

    1. Why marry? you can get more WIC and welfare coverage if you aren't, it happens in all communities, that should be changed because it doesn't encourage marriage

      daddy would rather have govt pay

  26. And heaven forbid a hood guy should wear a condom, on a different note.

  27. Mitchell hits it out of the park in her column today. It isn't just pol. correct to say the killings or dangerous dads are in the black neighborhoods, it's fact. And how lovely the guy won't cooperate with the police. I'm glad the Mayor critiqued him. Just as I suspected and per usual, the mom of the dead boy has a different last name. I'm sure others are thinking the same here but won't say it or sometimes make holier than thou comments and lie to themselves. No, it isn't the cops that are the problem, is it? Many years ago blacks and some whites were poor here and in the south and didn't become drug and gun machines either, not even those discriminated again. Where's Sharpton and Jesse now? They should go demonstrate against the gang bangers.

    1. Rev. Jackson, Sharpton, Pfleger etc., do protest with groups like, Stop the Violence, and Crosswalk, very frequently. I'll paraphrase Gandhi who said something like a nonviolent protest can only work if the people being protested against have a conscious.

    2. good point, Bernie

  28. meant pol. incorrect

  29. Unfortunately, it's not an either/or situation. Criminal behavior exists. Police brutality exists. It's in society's interest to address both.

  30. But who's killing more blacks in today's case, Coey???? Which group is responsible for more inner city deaths? Which group is most dangerous? Certainly not a case of equal numbers is it, And I knew you'd be the one most likely to say something like that.

    If we got massive riots for a few cops who probably had been attacked first or were used to being attacked, certainly gangbanger caused deaths should result in a revolution? Or are others complicit? or scared? or it doesn't generate as great a press for the so called leaders and when they harp on white cops? didn't say all cops were angels, but would you like to be in their shoes? damned if they do or don't- and why aren't there riots when a cop is shot, leaving their spouse widowed and kids without another parent?

  31. I wish you'd move to the west or south side of Chicago, Coey. Then you can do some preachings there. I have a feeling you won't make it for long. Watch for those stray bullets from the thugs and of course those mean cops,ahem.

    Social liberals give me gas. Now fiscal anticorporate , anti bank libs, I like.

  32. Now Civil Rights era blacks, I have empathy for. It's a shame the damn South was allowed to get away with so long with their tactics. Talk about selling souls with that Compromise of 1877 but that's politics. Yet, how many generations were affected?

  33. You're absolutely right that more black people are killed by those around them than by the police. Although I suspect it's more relevant to say that more poor people are killed by those around them. We don't see these issues in affluent areas. I have a lot of admiration for those police officers who are doing a good job in tough circumstances. There was a two-part episode of This American Life that gave an excellent overview of this from both sides. It was called Cops See It Differently. I highly recommend listening. For those who prefer to read (it does save time, although it's not the same experience), transcripts are available on the TAL website.

    1. But Coey, look at all the poor blacks in the south or north in the olden days? whites too

      they didn't act like those in the inner city today- so it's not just an automatic thing the poor too, same in underdeveloped countries

      yes, some don't realize the cops point of view-no I don't have any cop relatives or pals

    2. I suspect the greater availability of drugs and guns in the U.S. today are major factors.

    3. true

      and loss of family values, I don't mean in the religious sense, just young men and women doing the right thing in general

  34. No one said it was an either or situation but that's not the point. It's the reaction that is the point.

    Now that sorry excuse of a man, who is the dad to that boy is holding up banners saying justice? really? where was he ever just? was he really around a lot for his boy ? bet he has plenty of other kids and baby mammas, who go along like lemmings- they must have low self esteem to put up with that

  35. Chris Sale is some pitcher!

    And what does Cosby's wife stay with him? She can still take him to the cleaners moneywise if divorced. Talk about Stepford wives and doormats.

  36. Maybe this should be called a bitter room, rather than a better room, wink.

  37. Rush Limbaugh is a schill for the right, but he's not a religious type. At any rate, I don't think he believes half of what he says and never presents facts that give the full story, of course. His callers are just those who agree for the most part. I listen to him at times in the car to see what the enemy is up to. But he knows which way his bread is buttered or what gets attention. Though Trump will seek any kind of attention.

  38. when a poacher was jailed in the old days in Britain, cause his family was starving, he said..."who hangs when the gentry (substitute wall street today) takes the bread out of the mouths of the poor?....does the King hang when he sends thousands to die in a war???"""

    (from a script based on a Winston Graham book)

  39. this may not be pc but it's fact, so much for sanctuary to illegals, this is just one example

    San Francisco Mayor Says Sanctuary Law Never Intended To Protect Repeat, Violent Felons

    The Mayor of San Francisco is calling for an investigation of how suspected killer Francisco Sanchez was set free under the city’s immigrant sanctuary law.

    20 hours ago

    Crime scene at Pier 14 following the fatal shooting of Kathryn Steinle (CBS SF)

    Fatal Pier 14 Shooting Reignites Debate Over San Francisco’s Sanctuary City Status For Undocumented Immigrants

    The man charged with killing a 32-year-old woman on San Francisco’s waterfront is calling national attention to San Francisco’s status as a sanctuary city.


  40. not being pc doesn't mean one is racist or ethnocentric

    of course some of the media won't bother to say much about the matter above, for all the bleeding hearts on liberals- that doesn't mean trump is right either

  41. An example isn't an argument. To say, 'Hey, look, this immigrant is a killer..." isn't an argument. And the media has been saturated with the one example you give, while moaning the standard, "They won't dare print this," moan.

  42. So Paula Deen learned nothing last time? The dumass now has her mommy's boy, grown son, pose in brown face. Can you say idiot??? What can one expect with her background but no excuse.

  43. Following up on the Tweet of the Week post from July 1/2, NS's tweet won by a sizeable margin over the second place holder. Not bad when you beat Stephen Colbert!

  44. So that ass Jeb Bush thinks the average person isn't working enough hours? What does that ass know with a silver spoon in his mouth and domestic help for his spoiled wife.

    “Workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows,” Bush said. This means, he said, “that people need to work longer hours and through their productivity gain more income for their families.”

  45. Would love to hear Jak's thoughts on some of this.

    1. Okay, by request, here are a few of my thoughts on some of this. Exhibit A for the old adage to be careful what one wishes for...

      I agree that Jeb Bush is an ass.

      I agree with Coey that it's cool that Neil won Zorn's tweet contest.

      I've never watched one second of Paula Deen, and would know nothing about her if it weren't for those racism stories. Couldn't care less about it.

      While "not being pc doesn't mean one is racist or ethnocentric", there are a lot of racists who revel in not being pc.

      Haven't paid enough attention to the San Francisco thing to comment. I know some of the folks on Fox News are pretty into it, though.

      I pay no attention to the White Sox and wouldn't know Sale if he handed me an autographed photo.

      I wouldn't presume to suggest what Cosby's wife should be doing, myself.

      It'll take more than condoms to help with the problems in the AA community. I'd keep in mind, though, that a lot, if not most of the women WANT to have a baby. The scope of that discussion is WAY beyond what can take place in a motel room on the far reaches of this blog, but I would just point out this quote from Ta Nehisi Coates' "Atlantic" magazine article "The Case for Reparations", which is really long, but well worth reading:

      "And the notion that black lives, black bodies, and black wealth were rightful targets remained deeply rooted in the broader society. Now we have half-stepped away from our long centuries of despoilment, promising, “Never again.” But still we are haunted. It is as though we have run up a credit-card bill and, having pledged to charge no more, remain befuddled that the balance does not disappear. The effects of that balance, interest accruing daily, are all around us."

  46. U.S. ladies won the World Soccer cup and no one seems to care much.

    1. I certainly don't care, as I'm largely past the days when I cared about sports. (I used to.) I did watch the last game, because it happened to be on where I was, and I was with a couple fans. That goal from halfway across the field was about the most fun thing I've seen in a soccer game. But lots of people sure as hell cared, as the ratings for the title game were almost twice as good as for the last go-round in 2011.

      "Sunday’s match attracted 26.7 million viewers in the States. By comparison, the recent NBA Finals on ABC peaked with 23.25 million viewers for its sixth and final game. And no NBA game has drawn a larger audience since 2010. Similarly, no Major League Baseball game has drawn more viewers since the 2004 World Series."

    2. I personally don't care (any more then I cared when the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup), but I love seeing that they got a ticker tape parade in NYC.

    3. Even as a lady, I have to admit, guys sports seem more fun. What can compete with the Blackhawks or a Super Bowl. World series, not so much. Yes, I know they are all overpaid.

  47. I guess there's hope yet...

  48. Thanks for your thoughts, Jakash, especially on that reparations article.

  49. Sure they want to have a baby, if government is paying.

  50. Sure they want to have a baby, if govt is paying.

  51. thanks for your reply, J

  52. 3 cheers and nice job on the part of Chris Sale! Teach those Cubs and their goofy fans, a lesson!

    1. Yes, Sale pitched a great game. Even though I'm one of those "goofy" Cubs fans, I can appreciate a game well played by another teams player. Except for Cardinals, because f#ck those guys!

    2. lol, about the Cardinals, Sox fans often become Cards fans at certain times only, wink

      well, I respect the Cubs manager (of course he'll be a good manager, he's Italian) and they have made some good acquisitions

      Sox need more batters and a better manager

    3. I agree about the managers and the Sox needing batters. Sorry to have to remind you, but the Sox haven't a chance this year. Robert Zemekis predicted the Cubs would win the Series against a Florida team, and there wasn't even a Florida team then. As it stands, a Cubs/Rays Series isn't that far-fetched.

    4. I know they haven't a chance, Nikki. Yes, Cubs could have more chance this year. You are a decent Cub fan, one of the few. So many seem obnoxious.

    5. Nikki, I didn't know you were the swearing type.

  53. As a former teacher, I'm sorry to see that the AFT is endorsing Hillary Clinton. I guess they think Sanders doesn't have a chance.

    And his ideas sound great, but will they get past Congress? Certainly not- look at all the obstruction conservs. especially, pulled on Pres. Obama.

    Any thoughts, folks?

    ST subscriber

    1. My only thought for the moment is that it seems ridiculously early to endorse any candidate.

    2. and bad parenting, neglectful on checking up on studies or helping with homework

    3. the above comment belongs below on other issue

  54. you may have a point, Coey

  55. So according to the Mon. ST, Laura Washington column, psychiatrist friend says fetal alchohol syndrome causes the low school scores and bad tempers of the hood, cause the moms drink more in early pregnancy? The Dr. is African Amer. so that can't be a racist statement.

    Funny how my African Amer. neighbors in the suburbs don't have that problem.

    1. Poverty, lower quality education, and less access to prenatal care in the inner city are likely significant factors.

  56. I see that last week, Carol Marin, gave a nice send off column to retiring Huntley, although she doesn't agree with his conservatism.

  57. Mr. S, incase you see this, have you ever met Huntley or Marin? just curious

    1. I worked for Steve for years, and my office is next door to Carol's.

  58. I see, thanks for the reply

  59. I never knew he was an editor there at first

  60. Good article in sports on Tues in the ST from Morrissey. He shows the hypocrisy of some athlete claiming to be holier than thou but it turns out he was trying to hook up with a porn star. What was he going to do, give her a preaching to? Glad she exposed him.

  61. And hmm, where did he learn about her? What was he watching? Phony.

  62. Recently, Mitchell had a column on African art in the area.

    When I hit the Art institute, yes, the Asian or Afr. art section might be necessary and pc/ well and good. But is there any comparison to the impressionist artists of France or the classical works of the Renaissance masters or sculptors? I think not.

    It's like comparing a bongo drum piece to Mozart.

    Of course tastes vary.

    1. There shouldn't be any comparison between those art styles at all. Each stands on their own. Regarding Mozart, if he had been commissioned to write a bongo piece he would have. Yes he was a child prodigy genius, but most of his works were like elevator music. Of course, some notable exceptions are there, but he cranked out a huge catalog and not all are fabulous.

  63. And that African mask section in the Field Museum, gives me the willies and I'm not even superstitious.

    As for Asian pieces, it just makes me yawn. Asian History is more interesting then it's art, imho.

  64. I don't have any appreciation for opera music, abstract art, or jazz, but I attribute that more to a lack of exposure and education on my part than to inferiority of those things as art forms.

  65. ah, I see the p.c. police are out

  66. Well, let me ask you this. Did you expect anyone to say, "Yes, you're right; only old European art is worth a damn"? What sort of discussion do you hope for when you throw out your low-grade troll remarks?

    As far as I can tell, to you PC means not small-minded and bigoted.

  67. It's not being PC, it's called reality. If an art museum curator dismissed an entire genre of art because they felt it didn't live up to the standards of the European masters, they would be fired. You can say you personally don't appreciate African art, but to say it doesn't belong in the museum is just messed up. All my opinion, of course, but don't hate me bc I'm right.

  68. I never said it doesn't belong in museum, don't put words in mouth, Nikki, said not the same and imo as good. As I said, tastes vary. You disappoint me and are starting to sound like preachy Coey.

    And Coey, that isn't what pc means to me.

    1. OK, I'll bite: what does PC mean to you?

    2. Coey and Nikki have pretty well nailed this, but I gotta chime in.

      I've been tempted in the past to inquire as to what exactly your point is, Anonymous, in your frequent goading of the PC crowd, as you evidently consider most of Neil's commenters to be. But I decided it was pointless, since giving voice to your "non-PC" diatribes evidently is reason enough for you.

      Is there overreach by certain folks trying to put the live-and-let-live "politically correct" mindset into practice in this country? Of course. Was the world a better place when people felt free to thoughtlessly disparage and stereotype anybody that they don't empathize with, approve of, nor understand? No.

      FWIW, I'm not wild about African art, either. Of course, I'M NOT AFRICAN. I don't get much out of the ancient Greek and Roman galleries, either, but I don't hold it against Greeks and Italians... BTW, what have the Italians done for us LATELY, anyway, other than sending us the mob and buddying up with Hitler in WWII? Oh, am I being un-PC? Is that an indefensible outrage of painting with a broad brush? I do like pizza, after all... ; )

      And, hey, I don't believe they have a Canadian art wing at the Art Institute. Amazing that those folks up north even manage to get by with such an inferior culture...

    3. Well, what a bummer. I disappointed an annonymice. If that wasn't what you meant, what was the point? By saying might be necessary, pc and all that, you sound as if the only reason it's there is to appease the pc crowd, instead of being a part of an impressively well-rounded collection of art from around the world. You know, more than Europe.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Jakash, I would do well to follow your policy of ignoring those posts, and I have made some effort to do so, but then I let my irritation get the better of me. That's on me. DFTT shall be my continued goal.

    6. Coey, pc means going overboard to bend over for the far left for the long ago sins of conservatives.

      And stop correcting me, as if I'm some fool and you are Einstein.

  69. There are specialty museums for African art. Perhaps they should have one for Renaissance and impressionist era art only. I don't like white abstract art.

    But look at the DuSable Museum of Afr. HIst. Can you imagine anyone opening a museum of Euro art or hist only? RAcism would be cried. There is the black caucus in Congress but imagine a white caucus or white student union. People would cry racism or claim that bunch must be from the KKK, not so. Society should be color blind BOTH ways, not just one. How's that for : food for thought, dear hearts?

    1. Gonna run this T. N. Coates quote by you again. "And the notion that black lives, black bodies, and black wealth were rightful targets remained deeply rooted in the broader society. Now we have half-stepped away from our long centuries of despoilment, promising, “Never again.” But still we are haunted. It is as though we have run up a credit-card bill and, having pledged to charge no more, remain befuddled that the balance does not disappear. The effects of that balance, interest accruing daily, are all around us."

      It's NOT a level playing field, whether you care to admit it, or not. It never has been. The entire Congress is and has been, for 200+ years, a "white caucus." How can somebody who appreciates history as much as you evidently do not GET that?

    2. I can't imagine anyone thinking there was a present-day need for a museum exclusively dedicated to European art, in the Western world at least, for the simple reason that such art has been well-represented for centuries. As have the interests of white people in society.

  70. Speaking of terms of endearment, I chewed out a young 20 something gal in Target by my area one day. She called me sweetie. How condescending. I told her I'm old enough to be your mom, since I have daughter that age. Who is she to call a mid aged woman sweetie? Believe me she won't do that again, or nag me about getting that no good Target card.

    Don't you hate when that happens? I don't mind a mechanic saying that to me if he's a bit older,let's say, as much as a millennial saying it.

    And Coey, what do you define as bigot? anyone who doesn't agree with you, or says things as they are even if they aren't anti black

    go save that talk for some southerners

  71. I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me, as long as they can back up their views with supporting facts and reasoning.

    I'd be interested I what you consider to be an example of you saying things "as they are" and me disagreeing with your facts or readoning.

  72. Speaking of the south, if anyone finds themselves in the vicinity of Bentonville, AR, the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art is well worth a stop. And it's free.

    1. I've driven through Ark. with family once on way to other area, or part thereof, talk about hicks. Clinton must be the exception. And why walk down the street shoeless if one isn't deathly poor?

      Not like the fancy, southern class of Virginia, for example.

    2. Any state that produces the Duggars, can't be good.

      Nikki, are you an expert on classical music? Many might not share your views on Mozart. Please stop trying to appease Coey.

    3. I'm not an expert. I do teach music though, symphonic strings mostly. Played over 35 yrs now, pro 25 yrs, so I have a big background there.

    4. that's very interesting, Nikki, but still a matter of opinion on musical tastes

      but good for you on your talent

  73. Seriously, can these bloody annonymice start using some sort of identifying number of something. It's getting really confusing which one is saying what. Just sayin

    1. I'm pretty sure that there are fewer than we might imagine, Nikki. For instance, I'd be willing to wager that 80% of the Anonymous comments in these motels, in particular, are the same person. Maybe more. There just ain't that many of us bothering to comment.

      The irony, to me, is that I believe that this person liked to say that Anon-not-Anon should get his own blog, if he wanted to be disagreeable and spout his off-topic opinions. Meanwhile, the same anonymouse essentially uses these motels as HER own blog. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, like I said, it's ironic...

      And, as was pointed out to me once, when I tried to get the anonymice to adopt pen-names, so we could keep track of the scurrying critters ; ) --- if they used a name, it might be embarrassing for it to be so obvious how many comments they're contributing. Not to mention that one of them remarked that anonymity was liberating with regard to being able to say what they REALLY think. Lord knows, they wouldn't want to have to be PC!

    2. That makes sense, but it's still a bit annoying. I forget to add before, well said at 1:25 & 1:27.

    3. Thanks, Nikki. Alas, perhaps today's barrage from our 3-person tag team, "The P. C. Police," was a bit much for our anonymous EGD compadre. Assuming my suspicions about the number of A's participating was correct, it would get pretty uncharacteristically quiet around here for a motel, if she stops commenting. Since A-n-A was chased off, there's only been one comment here at the L.A. Club put up by someone other than you, me, Coey, NS himself or perhaps that single Anonymous...

    4. yes, jak., you all scared us off, NOT

      maybe you don't get it

      Some of the Asian pieces are certainly more valuable than African ones but it's the environment that shapes things.

      Subsaharan climate and econ conditions certainly affect things. As do local tribal customs. Oh I know, it's not pc to say tribe.

      and no one is making this their own blog, just looking to see perspectives and yes it's enlightening to me

      how pompous

      Watch out, Coey. He's now going to bat for Nikki too or at times Wendy. Perhaps he's tiring of you, wink. ;)

      Perhaps it's the anonymous that are the tag team.

    5. And who chased off ANA, pray tell, Jakash? you see him as a poor victim who was unfairly chased off, when he caused the host hassles?

      and who is "she" and why do you assume that?

    6. Stop cheating on Coey, Jakash.

  74. The difference is, I'm not being rude to the host, Mr. Jakash, ass kisser of ANA.

    Well, at least I got everyone's attention.

    And interesting points from those who responded.

  75. Yes, it was too quiet, wasn't it?


    1. Perhaps, Ana and Jakash need to get a room, er, blog that is.

      Excuse me if wanting a color blind society is wrong.

      And some of you get on your lofty perches thinking you are better or wiser, when deep down you'd prob agree with some of this.

  76. Remember, minorities can be racist too. Or is that also a wrong term?

  77. Cheating? Well that took a weird turn. Speaking of ANA, is he permanently blocked, or just grounded for a month or so, like a time out?

    1. No, I only deleted a post or two, and he's huffed off, like Jerry B. I can't say I miss him. It's not the disagreement, it's the condescending, I-TOLD-you-that-in-my-post-of-April-22-which-you-obviously-did-not-read disagreement. It was making this unpleasant. In the past he has come back contrite, and then slid. Whether he stays away or not is up to him.But I know where my hopes lie.

    2. Fair enough. Hope you're enjoying your vacation.

    3. Who is Jerry B?

  78. Ah, that's more like it. I suppose it COULD be a coincidence that there were no anonymous comments since 1:16, and then 10 from 10 different people within 16 minutes. If you, or (wink, wink) ONE of you, is not the Italian-American woman, my apologies for implying that you are a lady. I assume it because I've been reading these comments for months.

    FWIW, our esteemed host, NS, chased A-n-A off by deleting comments of his.

    "Wanting a color-blind society" is not wrong. Believing that we currently LIVE in one is delusional, however. IMHO, of course.

    Don't you realize that, as the Holy Conservatives have warned since Day One, since gay marriage has now been allowed, plural marriage will be the next slide down the slippery slope? Leave me and the PC gals alone. ; )

    Nikki, I don't believe that A-n-A is blocked. I think he just has come to the conclusion that it's not worth having his comments deleted occasionally in order to continue commenting. I could be wrong, of course, being a pompous ass-kisser and all...

  79. Some may detest conservatives but more for reasons that deal with their coddling of Wall St. , big bus., banking and the NRA, than their social agenda.

    I think there is more than one Italian Amer. on here.

  80. Jakash, notice you are the only one defending Ana. Do you really think he got deleted for disagreeing with NS? Talk about delusional.

  81. ANA was interesting sometimes, but a lot of times it seemed there would be a facepalm mark from reading his rants. Sort of like listening to Trump now.
    Let us not forget, speaking of that evil slippery slope, that after gay marriage also comes animal marriage. They'll say that's why Obama has two dogs in the White House.

  82. Well said, Ms. Nikki.

  83. Yes, I'm aware that I'm the only one defending A-n-A, and that it's a foolish thing to do, given our host's multiple comments about him. I won't deny grimacing at a few of his more annoying rhetorical tactics, as well, especially ones that were certain to alienate NS. But, with all due respect, Nikki, comparing him to Trump is an extremely low blow, both because he's not a clueless conservative and because he's not certifiably wacky, in general. Despite his flaws, he was very well-informed and capable of mounting solid arguments. If I'm the only one who thought he was a definite plus for the blog, on the whole, so be it. Unlike Jerry, A-n-A evidently had neither the time, nor the inclination to overwhelm the threads with countless comments, though the "huffing off" does seem to be a similarity.

    7:02 Anon, I never said "he got deleted for disagreeing with NS." I said his comments were "deleted occasionally." Which they were, on at least 2 occasions, as Neil indicated at 7:28. I don't "see him as a poor victim" by any means. He's evidently chosen not to participate any longer, which Neil has left up to him, but that's done little to elevate the nature of the commentary among us hoi polloi, as evidenced by today's riveting discussion, my contributions definitely included.

    1. OK, it was a bit harsh. Sad, Trump didn't always seem this crazy. Sure bombastic and greedy as all get out, but not frothing at the mouth, batsh*t mad person he is lately. Maybe it's the hair, sucking the sanity like a leech.

    2. I would vastly prefer reading one of A-N-A's thoughtful, fact-supported, and well-reasoned analyses of serious issues, whether I fully agreed or not, to being subjected to a shotgun volley of simplistic, unsupported utterances.

    3. Oh but the sweet schadenfreude one can get from listening to Trump and giggling as his orange face goes red.

    4. Nikki,

      Fortunately for me, I've despised Trump since the get-go, so his current hair-induced implosion seems par for the course. Imagine how disconcerted I was when I had to concede to myself that I actually really like the Trump Tower. I SO wanted to hate it and chalk it up to his vulgarity. But between the building itself and its phenomenal location, offering so many dramatic views from different angles, it's pretty fine. Of course, he couldn't leave well enough alone, and was compelled to assert his vulgarity after all, by attaching his name so arrogantly and all-but-ruining that river view.


      A wonderfully succinct, one-sentence summation of the matter. How could I ever have cheated on you? ; )

    5. Men are weak, and you have an eye for a well-turned phrase. But the free pass is over now.

    6. Coey, stop trying to be an intellectual snob. Otherwise you can be likeable and amusing, when you aren't preachy.

      Note Nikki makes her point without getting on a high horse.

      As for Trump, here's my take- he ISN'T paying his fair share of taxes!!!!

      And for those who think Olive garden is good Italian food. It is not, nor is it authentic.

      Does anyone want a killer neckbone tomato sauce recipe made with red wine? Let me know.

  84. Jakash, if I may ask, are you a pal of his? And why do you insist that the blog has to always be a dissertation, like Ana wanted, especially if you dared state that Rauner was wrong. We don't come here to do research papers or UN style debates. And it is condescending of you to say that the blog is low end if Ana isn't here, as if the rest of us are idiots, just cause some may say something you don't want to hear.

    I'm disappointed in you, Mr. Jakash. You are an intellectual writer as well, usually without the snideness. Now be reasonable.

    Imagine if Ana would have said instead, "NS- I'd like to hear your opinion on this and that, you haven't mentioned the subject, yet."

    But sorry if some of us aren't as brilliant, Jakash.

  85. Mr. Steinberg, it's time for a new room please.

  86. I can assure you, Mr. J, I'm not the stupid, uneducated bigot you seem to think I am. Just being practical, blunt, opinionated and not afraid to call things as I see it. I'mnot the only one who thinks pc rules have blunted facts or automatically made one a racist or anti Muslim if one says some home truths. Would it surprise you if I said I've sent $ in the past to the UNCF? True story, cause education is the key.

    What's the matter, don't you like Italian-Amer. gals? lol

  87. You are going down the "slippery slope", Mr.J of becoming a snarky, know it all. You don't want to do that. I don't mind being disagreed with as much as preached too or pegged.

    Sorry if I don't say all the probs of Afr. Amer are due to whitey or that Musl. are a great bunch.

    No one said Ana didn't have some good ideas, but he can't control his rudeness. I wonder if he's even seen a counselor cause maybe he could use one.

  88. I notice you speak to me with more disrespect too, Mr. J, "nasty wasty" as you once said on another issue. Social conservatives aren't criminals, especially if we still vote Dem, for other reasons.

    Nor am I responsible for all the anon posts.

  89. If there were a few more social conservatives(not for rel. reasons) you might have less fatherless
    babies with unmarried moms or neglected kids all over.

  90. J doesn't like feisty ladies, just pc- proper, yes girl types. ;)

    Sometimes, members of some groups just shoot themselves in the foot, don' t they. Repeating same bad behavior patterns.

  91. So Guzman is public enemy number one. I wonder how many people he or his henchman forced to take drugs at gunpoint. Where is the notion of self- responsibility?

    Also, as for today's paper- some Southern states, playing their state's rights game won't take federal money for Medicaid, living some there in worse straits than ever? I guess in their mind its taking money from a black leader and that's a no no. Of course they might have to kick some $ in. They are more concerned with keeping wages down in other cases.

    Would love to hear some other thoughts on this.

    See, Jakash, I don't make this my blog, just discussing current events. I don't come on here to discuss my car muffler or what was on sale at the store.

    1. (leaving some, not living some there)

    2. I often regret that my comments wind up being so long and tedious, but when there are 7 comments here specifically referencing me, what's a preachy, pompous polygamist to do? ; )

      Anonymous of 6:49 to 8:37, I realize that the conclusion of my comment last night might have seemed condescending, but I was specifically referring to yesterday's "conversation" and included my own participation as being less than "elevated". I don't know A-n-A from a bail of hay; all I know of him is what I've read on this blog. I didn't "insist that the blog has to always be a dissertation", just have said that I thought that A-n-A made worthwhile contributions. Never said "the blog is low end," either.

      I only know you from your posts here, as well, Anonny. You could be Maria Montessori, for all I know. I don't think you're uneducated or a bigot. Which is why some of the scattershot opinions you fire off here are disappointing, that's all. We don't need to have dissertations, but it seems to me that your primary effort here is directed toward countering the PC tendencies of modern American culture. When that's expressed as a series of one or two-sentence shots across the bow, it comes off looking like uninformed prejudice sometimes. Sorry if that's upsetting to you, but I'm obviously not the only one to interpret some of your comments that way. Take our host, for instance, 7/7 at 2:51 p.m.

      Add in the fact that you post as "Anonymous" and one can never be sure -- Hmmm... is this the Italian-American mother of a certain age, who lives in the Western suburbs, has a Master's degree, loves history and used to be teacher? And whom one could thank for imploring NS to create these motels, if one were so inclined? Or is this just some ranting racist taking a shot at offering his opinion about the reasons for the crime on the South side?

      As far as speaking to you with "more disrespect", I'd just point out that respectfulness is not the hallmark of many of YOUR comments, either. Let's see, have I called you a dick, in Italian, called you pompous, called you an ass-kisser? Uh, not that I recall! And not that your occasional vitriol bothers me at all...

      FWIW, and this is WAY off the plank, Coey and Nikki seem just as "feisty" as you are. Evidently, they're just somewhat more circumspect. Not to be condescending, of course. ; )

    3. Okay, polygamy man, I admit you have a wicked sense of humor.

      Ever heard the term, devil's advocate? It's one way to get a conversation going and I like hearing the opinions of people here as long as they aren't fault finding or condescending. (Coey you are a fault finder.)

      Do as I say and not as I too. ;)

      Buona sera. And people born in '59 aren't of a "certain " age. That would mean they were elderly. Not there yet.

      I also think it's silly for people to lie about their age.

      On another note, why do insecure women (more than men) feel they have to buy 500 purses or 1000 shoes or overpriced clothes to get approval from snotty folks? I'm not saying go to Walmart for your accessory needs but why make an overpaid fashion designer and his / her pretentious cronies even richer?????

      Practical and pragmatic is my middle name.

      Jak, the host has certain privileges in name calling, that you don't have.

      I think these off topic rooms are an answer to expanding the conversation and not being off topic on the main blog.

      Thanks for your time, Sir.

    4. meant do not too

      Jak, if you don't want to be called a Capo di cazze, then don't act like one. Smile.

    5. Jak, you missed your calling as a detective.

    6. Coey, I don't think my comments are just one sentence shots. Do you support your comments with footnotes and references? Again, this isn't a research paper.

      If ANA sees this, come and play but be a good boy. Jak misses you.

    7. Anonymous Versions 3:31, 3:34 and 3:58,

      "the host has certain privileges in name calling, that you don't have." Who have I ever called a name? Do as I say and not as I do, indeed!

      I believe you might understandably call me a twit or a smart aleck, but I don't believe I act like a cazzo.

      Yes, I could have played "Ace Ventura, Blog Detective," no doubt... ; )

    8. (Sigh) I guess I'll make one last request for you to give a specific example of a preachy or fault-finding statement, so that I can attempt to figure out what you find objectionable. If you disagree with the substance of something I say, I'm open to discussion. If It simply bothers you that I disagree with you, well, such is the peril of this venue.

      I never made reference to one-sentence shots, BTW.

    9. too many to count or anytime you talk to me or most of the time, guess I'm not in the clique

      it's not disagreeing but how you state it, not that you are too nasty

      ah, smart Alec indeed, Jak

    10. No need to count. Please specify one instance.

    11. I'm not trying to antagonize you. I'm just trying to determine what your objections are.

    12. any post where you are speaking to me, just about

      now go find something to do, isn't it cooking time?

    13. stop correcting me

      and what do you care? you're too easy to tease

    14. Oh oh, I sense a cat fight.

    15. Message received. I think I'll have a nice glass of Viognier first.

    16. Remember, Coey , not everyone is going to like you. Oh, a pretentious wine drinker I see. What, some plain Chianti isn't good enough?

    17. Chianti? So snooty of you, ma'am. What's wrong with some Mad Dog 20/20 or perhaps some Riunite Lambrusco or Mateus Rose? ; )

    18. My pretentious Viognier costs $5.99 at Trader Joe's.

    19. There's always Two Buck Chuck, or the ever popular(shudder) Boone's Farm. For some reason sangria w vodka is big in this area. It may help you forget you're drinking sangria.
      Time for cooking? Really? This is why we can't have nice things.

    20. Trader Joe's, such a hipster place, once giving me a lecture on why plastic bags are bad. I told them a thing or 2, the one and only time I went in there. Mostly, overpriced stuff for the pretentious, self impt types. What a crock.- Jewel or Mariano's will do for me, thanks. I think the cashier I had was an ex hippy, but she won't forget me anytime soon, lol.

  92. If anyone wants a good historical read that isn't dry, may I recommend the Grant and Sherman book-the Friendship that Won the Civil War.

    Gosh, I love Uncle Billie T.

  93. It's because of southern cruelties, that we had to have Affirmative Action to play catch up later and then more victims were created, due to the Dixie types. Let's not even say we were just as bad in the north, not at all.

    Mr. S, I suppose some of your job related work has forced you to go to unsafe neighborhoods at times.

  94. And History shouldn't be changed to appease revisionists or to make it pc. Nor should those in the past be judged by today's standards, other than for slavery of course.

    Let's not act like the Euro's never explored or did great things, modernized- while in Africa and India even the end of colonization hasn't helped matters.

    A stable gov't and not living in dire heat might help. Also, traditions that favor education. As bad as some western women had it few had it as bad or still do in Muslim nations, Africa or India.

    Just read about how rape is rarely even proscecuted in these places or that beatings of a woman aren't against the law.

    More should read about Japanese atrocities too, I recommend, The Rape of Nanking, by I. Chang.

    Many don't realize that Gen.Tojo said go ahead and drop the bombs, to save face. Did he care about his people or pride?

    That's why I soured on extreme feminists with the Clinton deal. Imagine if a Repub had done those things? and I don't even like repubs but it seemed hypocrital to me


  95. Jakash, I like your Tweet updates.

    1. Jakash, you're on Twitter?

    2. No, I meant when he updates Twitter stuff on NS columns, on here.I can't see those otherwise.

    3. Sandy,

      No. But I vote in EZ's weekly contest and occasionally check out certain people's feeds. Unlike with Facebook, I discovered that the non-social-media-inclined lurker can read tweets without actually "joining." Just gotta say, Garry saying on EZ's blog that this week's is "the absolute worst bunch, EVER!" is hilarious in itself. There are almost always some good ones, but I thought this week's selection was actually one of the best he's put together. Why Garry can't just accept that his sense of humor is different than EZ's and move on is pretty remarkable.


      Here's what I'm referring to, if you want to see a few funny tweets. Our witty host Neil won this contest a couple weeks ago:

    4. Jakash, yup, of course I'm familiar with EZ's contest. I vote on it myself, and yes, I voted for NS's "winner of the week". And I agree, Garry's weekly diatribe is pretty funny, though I believe Zorn got sick of reading it every week and for a while disabled comments on the "TOTW" contest.

  96. thanks, Jakash

    On another note, I just saw some net news about a transgender that was a former Navy seal. What is the world coming to? wink

    1. And who would miss Ana's smugness?

  97. pray tell, who is Garry? and who is jerry b?

    On another note, I see a certain "angry lady" alderwoman who enables her son who crashes vehicles that he shouldn't be driving, claims it's a witch hunt. While that son and another are on big time city payrolls. I thought Rahm was going to be able to control that better. Oh, I know, Ferguson must be picking on her for the wrong reasons. See the ST on Thurs.

    And I understand Jesse Jackson, the reverse racist, doesn't like that Duckworth was endorsed by some dem groups already over his hoped for candidate. Hmm, wonder why that is.

    It's interesting I recall a column some years back from Mitchell who was upset when affluent blacks marry white women. I thought the no mixed racial comment marriages were done with long ago and off the law books?

    Why do I think she's not so upset when black women marry well to do white men like in the Star Wars director's case.

    1. FWIW, 3:20 Anon,

      Garry, JerryB, SandyK and occasional EGD poster WendyC all are, or were commenters on Eric Zorn's blog, as I was for a while. JerryB commented here for a short period, maybe a year ago, but stopped after having a couple run-ins with our host. The same thing had happened to him on Zorn's blog, where he actually ran into more problems with other commenters than with Zorn.

    2. Did Zorn have a blog before NS did?

    3. I believe that Zorn began his blog in 2003.

    4. okay. thanks for the reply

      we should appoint archivist

  98. So now a new salestax in Cook County is coming up? Of course Toni isn't a crook like Stroger, nor did she inherit the seat. Glad I live in the suburbs. Less pol. bull to deal with.

  99. Let the games begin.


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