Thursday, December 3, 2015

Who cares why they do it?

    Who cares why they do it?
    Why does the motive matter? 
    Another day, another mass shooting — this one in San Bernardino, California. We only have two questions now: how many dead? And why did the killers do it? 
     The answers can't matter to the victims, of course. Or their families. If your son or mother or wife or brother is gunned down in a public place, do you care, particularly if they were a lone victim, or one of a 100, or whether shot by someone for the greater glory of Allah, or because someone imagines fetuses are the Gerber baby, or because a guy's dog told him to kill people? It can't matter, all that much.
     So is it just idle curiosity? Something to think about a bit more abstract than the gross specificity of carnage?
     Maybe we care because the cops care. It is something for them to find out, to investigate. Keeps them busy, gives the appearance of activity. Guilt is typically sitting right there in plain sight. Seldom a big mystery to these shootings. But there are valid questions. Is this part of a conspiracy? Are there others?
    And the public cares. Why? My gut tells me it's because we have rhetorical slots to fill. The Planned Parenthood killings—Friday's mass shooting—seem to have been done by a guy upset about that Planned Parenthood video. As well as someone a few bricks shy of a load. That first explanation suits political purposes, as another example of why the superheated rhetoric of the Right is unacceptable. It's part of a pattern of violence that Republican leaders at least tacitly encourage. I see that. Words have consequences, sometimes.
    Wednesday's slaughter in San Bernardino was conducted by Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik—Muslims, so that's fresh meat for those who hate Muslims anyway, who want to bar refugees. Though it might have been just a well-planned workplace rampage. Someone on Twitter asked, When is a crime defined as terrorism? and I almost answered "When a Muslim does it." But that seemed too glib for the circumstances. Though there is truth there too. If there's a pattern of responsibility behind the Planned Parenthood killings, there has to be some responsibility here as well. I know I always stress that the vast majority of Muslim people have nothing to do with these atrocities, because that is the most important thing to keep in mind, lest the public begin taking its cue from ISIS. But if there is a vigorous campaign within Islam to tamp down such violence, to stress how wrong this violence is to the devout and undercut it happening in the future beyond canned condemnations, well, let's say they're hiding it. We've seen the outrage a cartoon can unleash. When does this carnage evoke anything close?
    To be honest, after this latest rampage, I'm beginning to suspect that motive doesn't matter. We can conduct our political Punch & Judy without dipping our fingers in the fresh blood of others to illustrate our point. The only thing that's significant is that this  is another random gun killing. And for a ray of hope, you hear politicians—the president, Sen. Dick Durbin—talking about the need for gun violence legislation. I first heard the phrase, "gun violence legislation," and smiled and thought, "ooh, good word. "Gun violence." Good use of rhetorical jujitsu. Cause we can't control guns. But gun violence? That's a different matter.  I'm being semi-sincere. It's about time the Democrats got themselves out of their intellectual rut on this issue, gathered up the broken pieces of their courage, and started to do something about this.


  1. Democrats certainly have courage. What can they do now, though? They are the minority in both houses of Congress. I keep hoping this craziness will get people up and out to vote for Democrats next November; if we can elect a Democratic president and turn over both houses of Congress, perhaps something can get done.

  2. The Ghost of Christmas PastDecember 3, 2015 at 1:51 PM

    Repeal all gun laws now. Defeat all politicians who support gun control.

    1. Doubling down on the madness, eh? Living on the fantasy that folks would've brought guns to the holiday party?

      Boy, oh boy, that would really spice up those drunken festivals. Arm everyone, and see who's left standing!

  3. Any death is bad, but if it's done by RADICAL Muslims that don't belong here in the first place because they are radical or hate America in general, then it's partly our fault for being too lenient with them or being overly political correct. Now this is an interesting column. NS you are trying to hard to be sure people agree with you and never pinpoint Muslims. And the Planned Parenthood killer comparison is not apt.

    As for those who think more guns will help, well I'd like to see what your guns can do to a pipe bomb and that's what was planted here.

    1. Let's see-

      Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik

      darn those pesky "Polynesians", oops we wouldn't want to "generalize"

  4. And Illinois decided concealed carry is just dandy. I will never understand the thinking that leads to the need for more and more ability to buy whatever killing machines people want.

    1. Have they found out what the motive was? Anger at someone celebrating Christmas perhaps at the party? Funny how it's holiday or winter break now that Christmas is a dirty word.

  5. Re: the "'gun violence' rhetorical jujitsu"

    Here's hoping that the concept that, though we can't stop ALL gun violence through legislation, we might be able to stop SOME and have an impact on the number of casualties, might gain some traction. Yes, there's an amendment that the NRA cherishes, but it says "well regulated" right out of the gate.

    1. The U.S.-born Farook and Malik, who is from Pakistan, met in Saudi Arabia, the FBI said, and returned to the United States, where they were married.

      (note, one born in the U.S.-plenty more like that)

  6. Sorry if we can't blame Methodist for this, NS. We need to watch who we are giving student visas too. Some of the young adult aged or hs aged Muslims here have shown to be in touch with ISIS and they could seem like the nice neighbor next door. And the favored nations that allow people in from supposedly safe nations like England or France will have to be cracked down on by the State dept.. Sorry if we can't blame blonde Norwegians for this. This isn't about hating Muslims but just facing reality of who is perpetrating this. Comparing it to some nut , whitetrash killer, isn't the same. We can't be suckers and allow anyone in or be afraid to monitor some group because it's not PC. That isn't hatred but self preservation! Even the ones here can't be trusted because they are getting brainwashed by ISIS on the internet.

    Sorry if we can't blame this on red haired, Irish Catholics or the Mob folks!!! Get real and get off the high horse.

    Even as an Obama supporter, one has to say: why can't he say radical Muslims? It was okay to say that the Irish terrorists of a bygone era were Catholics? Let's stop walking on eggshells.

    1. I posted this once before, but since you have no hesitancy about repeating yourself, why should I?

      "Nobody has been reluctant to say we are fighting Al Qaeda. Or Daesh. Adding 'Islam' into the formulation is what the terrorists feverishly desire, and would serve only to jam a thumb into Muslim eyes everywhere. Again, exactly what the terrorists want us to do."

    2. The Wash. Post has a lefty slant. Nor would we seek something from Fox news either, on the other side of the coin. Not a Rubio fan anyhow.

    3. Just to be clear, I didn't say that. I was quoting Tom Toles, the editorial cartoonist for the WP, from the link I posted.

      And you're right, of course, TE, about the practicality of needing the cooperation of the vast majority of peaceful Muslims.

      If it weren't for G. W. Bush overreacting to 9/11 and deciding "hey, why don't we take out Saddam while we're over in Afghanistan, anyway?" there might not even be an ISIS. One of the odd aspects of the current situation is how even he seemed like a career diplomat in his rhetoric about Muslims, though, compared to the fire-breathers among the Republican candidates now.

    4. Good piece in today's New York times by an American Moslem naval officer titled "Don't make San Bernardino a victory for ISIS."


    5. TE/ Moslem? when did they last use that spelling? 1950?

    6. (right not write)

    7. Some things bear repeating, especially to those who think they are saviors of some sort. Some aren't seeing the forest for the trees as they play "Mother Theresa."

    8. I'm no Bush fan and yes, we didn't belong in Iraq then but in Afgh. but Saddam had committed many cruelties as well. And he probably couldn't control something like Isis, even if he was there.

  7. How does anyone know that's what ISIS wants? Did they make any public statements saying that or has some secret information been found that says their plan is to drive a wedge? Or do they just hate non Muslim societies???? Unless we crack down we are up for more such surprises and just from the lone nut here and there.

  8. (and not just from the lone nut in a shootup)

  9. Republicans voted down attempts to restrict guns to people on the terrorist list and the mentally ill today. Yet, certain candidates couldn't wait to characterize this latest event as terrorism allowed on Obama's watch. Watch for further attacks on Muslims, instead. These idiots are ambassadors for ISIS.

    1. Republicans-bought and paid for by the NRA and gun manufacturers. I just saw on the news that 2 of the guns were bought legally.

    2. Like a police spokesman said out in San Bern. county-they were on a mission......

      take off the blinders

      Certain Muslims wouldn't give 2 shits about anyone on here.

    3. As to the people stockpiling ammunition to play GI Joe - bet they have their credit cards maxed out in some cases, have heavy debts and no savings or college funds for their kids.

  10. Ah, our Christian nation. I know that third paragraph is quoted directly from a Gospel, but I can't recall which one.

  11. The sheriff said there weren't any Go Pro cameras in the San Bernardino shootings.

  12. The Gospel of You Bet Your Sweet Ass.

  13. Beware, anon at 6:28. There are a couple of people on here that are really full of themselves.

  14. Certain Muslims, not all Muslims. In this case, their mission was suicidal. Not a program for success, unless you buy into ISIS fear tactics.

    1. The discussion on Rahm and the CPD from yesterday, continues today here-

    2. Repubs need to do more than pray but close loopholes in gun laws. They worship at the NRA altar too. Why should assault rifles be sold to the public? You don't hunt with those.

  15. Pardon the interruption- Did anyone see the City Beat page today in the Sun-Times?

    A female beast, "Jazmine Jones" , age 18 has been arrested for abusing and killing her daughter in the worse way. DCFS had noticed a pattern of abuse and what this poor toddler went through. She had burns, broken ribs, etc, some that were healing. Why did DCFS give this girl back to her mother? Understaffed perhaps and couldn't follow up? The boyfriend was quotes as saying he was the room but seems he didn't stop the lady, He was playing video games. Who knows how much of this he committed. The mom was on her way out to buy pot, by the way. It is just sickening and this is par for the course in certain areas. Just read the paper every day. Statistic numbers aren't racist.

  16. As per capita & even smaller ratio to the population, the abuse is higher in some areas than others. No not all poor act in this manner past or present of any background.

  17. So the Progressives think this is the logical thing? Roll over and play dum duck, doormat so that ISIS doesn't recruit more people or so we won't hurt anyones feelings or appear to be profiling? Profiling could be a form of security these days.

  18. The new police sup't has to be someone who has been on the Chicago police force-not an outsider.

  19. It does make sense to pay attention to terror threats. One of the guys the perpetrator in San Bernadino shot, was a co worker whom he had threatened on fb a few days before.

    Also, read that Lisa Madigan is thinking about a mayoral run for Chicago,next election. Be nice to have a lady mayor.

    1. It would? Jane Byrne was a lady mayor. Didn't work out so well.

    2. Sneed was obsessed with giving Byrne her due with some honorary matter.

    3. a @ 4:40 PM -- No offense to Lisa, and I certainly wouldn't hesitate to vote for another female mayoral candidate, but isn't one Madigan running the city more than enough?

  20. oops, momentary lapse

    well don't judge just on one lady mayor


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