Friday, March 21, 2014

"I don't think it's over" -- Senator Durbin on the growing crisis with Russia

     Before we work ourselves into too tight a knot over what we should have done to keep Russia from seizing Crimea, here’s a sobering thought from Sen. Dick Durbin, fresh from a quick trip to Ukraine.

     “I don’t think it’s over,” he said, referring to Vladimir Putin’s attempts to claw back parts of the Soviet Union.
     “What happens if the next target for Putin is a NATO ally? What if it’s Lithuania?” he asked. “I do believe we would keep our word there.”
     At the moment, that doesn’t seem likely.
     “More likely Moldova,” located between Ukraine and Romania, he said. “It’s got a kind of suspect national identity — that’s what the Russians will argue, anyway. Like Crimea, Russia already has a military presence in Moldova. And if you look at the map, it would put Ukraine in a bad position. They would be surrounded.”
     When you think of senatorial junkets, Hilton Head and the Caribbean come to mind. The severity of the situation is underscored by the fact that eight, count’ em, eight U.S. senators raced over with minimum comfort.
     “We went on a military passenger plane,” Durbin said. “We left Thursday night, flew all night, arrived in the morning, had meetings all day, hit the sack Friday, meetings all day Saturday, then back.”
     No golf? No leis? No festive dinners?
     “It was a commitment,” he said. “There was no fun. Typically on these, at least you do some shopping. That didn’t happen. I literally had a 10-minute stop at a street vendor.”
     Three Democrats and five Republicans took the trip, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. What they found was not encouraging.
     "Here is Ukraine hanging by a thread, the army is just a shell of an operation," Durbin said. "When they asked us for aid, here's what they asked for: fuel, tires, sleeping bags and food. You think to yourself, 'Oh man ...' They don't have basic rifles, or guns for the police." Durbin is pushing to send aid. Of the 150,000 Ukraine troops, 6,000 are ready to fight, he said. Given Ukraine's reaction so far, it's hard to imagine their forces resisting the Russian army.
     "They're never going to hold them off, and I don't think many will die trying," Durbin said. "All we can hope is the West makes serious noise and Putin decides not to go further." Fat chance. Our hands basically tied, I asked what Illinois' senior senator thought of the mouse shriek of partisan outrage that greeted Putin's aggression back here.
     "The premise on their side is that it happened because Obama is weak," Durbin said. "Then you say, 'What would you do that is strong?' 'Oh, I don't know ...' When Obama asked for more military authority to stop Syrian chemical weapons, Republicans opposed it. Whatever he wants, they want the opposite."
     Given Putin's recent bellicose, passionate statements about how Russia has been cheated by the West, it doesn't seem likely he's done yet. And bad as our military options are, the economic options are worse, hurting our economy as well as Russia's.
     "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Moscow has 900 members," Durbin said. "Fifty of the top U.S. corporations are there—Boeing, Caterpillar. This cuts close to home. I don't want to see it reach that point. And it's easier for the U.S. than Europe, which is so wedded to Russia regarding energy."
     So what can we do?
     "Freezing travel of oligarchs, make life uncomfortable for the ruling classes."
     That'll bring Putin to his knees. Speaking of freezing travel, I asked Durbin if it were true that he's been barred from Russia.
     "Yes. I'm on the banned list. The first country that banned me was the apartheid government in South Africa. So when Putin made this decision, I've been telling folks the Groucho Marx line: 'I've been thrown out of better countries than this.' "
     The bottom line is that ruler-for-life Putin has the whip hand, at the moment. He can push as much as he likes, and the West's options for response are bad and worse.
     "He's on a mission to restore the Soviet empire," Durbin said. "He's a serious-minded guy. The president once said, if you want to analyze Putin, start with that he was a colonel in the KGB."
     Durbin said we have to realize that what seems to be inexplicable aggression to the world is, to Putin, smart politics.
     "John Kerry told me a handful of people around Putin are hard-liners who want to restore the empire," Durbin said. "It's a popular sentiment, if you can divert the [Russian] public's attention from the economy to some grandiose restoration of empire. It's been done throughout history."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Master Overseer of Salt

    Take a good look at this little gal. You've probably never seen her before. She is Cachi Amu, the spirit master of salt, who fiercely guards salt mines in Ecuador. I noticed her last Saturday at the Spurlock Museum, an interesting little cultural smorgasbord in Urbana at the University of Illinois.
    Or should I say "I noticed it"?
    "Cachi Amu is an undulating, sentient overseer of salt," Norman and Dorothea Whitten write in Puyo Runa: Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia. "Many women, especially master potters, say that Cachi Amu is strictly feminine, but men, whose fathers made the trips to collect salt, say that Cachi Amu is androgynous."
     Across continents and epochs, from modern cities to salt mines in Ecuador, we're always debating sexual identity. Whatever its gender, the charming little effigy certainly appealed both to Edie and I. No sooner had I snapped this photo of the whatzit than my wife drifted over, noticed the creature, and asked if I would take its picture. With a one-step-ahead-of-you-babe smile, I silently showed her the above.   
      This object is not ancient, but was created in 1987 by Estela Dagua "to show how she tried to protect mines from intruders."
     The spirit of Cachi Amu lives on. Most people never contemplate where the salt in their shakers comes from. Any idea? It is mined, as in, taken from the ground, just as it has always been, since ancient times. Morton Salt, headquartered in Chicago, has mines in Texas, Louisiana and Ohio. From time to time, feeling ambitious, I'll call Morton and try to invite myself out to watch their salt mining operation—because really, with all our talk about our jobs being the old salt mines, who among us has actually been down a salt mine and knows what that's like? Seems worth doing. Alas, infused with the fierce guardian spirit of Cachi Amu, however, the Morton folk always say no. Maybe I'll find a potter to create my own mystic fetish object.  I've always been partial to the Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles, a thousand-year old Indonesian sculpture in the Art Institute. Next time I see her, I'll implore, "Oh Ganesha, soften the sodium chloride hearts of the Morton folk." Maybe she'll help. Or he. It can be hard to tell.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"A bad man makes everything bad"

    I could say that I stumbled on James Romm's new book about Seneca and Nero, but the truth is worse. I went looking for it, dropping into Amazon, asking, "I wonder if there are any good books about Seneca?" and was rewarded with his excellent book, "Dying Every Day," that starts out talking about images of Seneca, beginning with what we now call the "Pseudo Seneca," discovered in Herculaneum in 1754. It seems that people just assumed it was Seneca, because there were so many images of the man, and his gaunt features seemed to reflect a life spent according to Seneca's stoic philosophy.
Real Seneca
Pseudo Seneca
      It was only in 1813, when this well-fed bust was discovered, boldly labeled "Seneca" that everyone realized—duh—a plutocrat at the court of Nero would probably look like this guy. Romm uses the portraits to great effect in the beginning of his book.  Given the wide gap between Seneca's preaching and his practice, the business with the busts is the sort of delightful symbolism that would look hokey in fiction, but feels just right in life.

     When multimillionaire Bruce Rauner, now the Republican candidate for governor, speaks of his humble roots, flipping burgers and parking cars, he is employing a very old rhetorical device.
     Resentment is a powerful force in politics, so it’s always better to be seen as a common man climbing up than a rich guy stooping down. Take Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the stoic philosopher of 1,950 years ago, constantly pooh-poohing the importance of money, shrugging off its relationship to happiness, lauding the simple life of cold, dark baths and earthenware plates. He was also one of the richest men in Rome, Nero’s tutor, the recipient of fortunes that once belonged to those the teenage tyrant impulsively killed.
     “I never call him a hypocrite,” said James Romm, whose book on Seneca and Nero, “Dying Every Day,” was published this month by Knopf. “I quote Robert Hughes calling him that. I find that a bit harsh.”
     Perhaps. Then again, Seneca lived in a harsh world, as his essays, some of which deal with the importance of holding up calmly under torture, amply illustrate. 
     I phoned Romm, a professor of classics at Bard College, to talk about Seneca because, really, how often does a guy get the chance? Most people I know draw away in head-shaking revulsion if I mention the classics, as if reacting to some mix of dullness and pomposity. To me, they offer useful ideas. They’re practical. It’s as if you came upon a friend trying to assemble a bicycle with his bare hands and said, “Have you considered using a wrench?” only to have him scoff, “Ooh, a wrench! Aren’t we fancy? Going about using tools. Let’s all sit on the veranda and eat scones and talk about our wrenches.”
     I’ve been working my way through the eight-volume Loeb Classical Library set of Seneca because his approach to life is so sharp. “A bad man makes everything bad, even things that appear to be what is best,” he writes. “But the upright and honest man corrects the wrongs of Fortune.” Or tries to.
     Romm focuses less on Seneca’s philosophical writings and more on his survival at Nero’s court, where hypocrisy was not only useful but mandatory.
     Maybe “hypocrisy” is the wrong term. In the complexity of life, you need to be nimble. With Seneca in mind, it might be unfair to say to Bruce Rauner, “So … you have no experience at government at all. Zero. Which you claim, rather brashly, is your central attraction. How does that work in business? If I apply for a position in one of your companies, can I seal the deal by saying, ‘And best of all, I’ve never been corrupted by actually attempting any of the work you do?’ ”
     Perhaps saying one thing and doing or being another isn’t so much hypocritical as flexible, putting our best face forward. It isn’t reasonable to expect Rauner to include among his TV ads clogging the airwaves one that shows him standing in front of one of his nine mansions and country homes, saying, “Hi, I’m a graduate of the Harvard Business School who spent the past 35 years lining my pockets, utterly detached from you and your problems. But now I’ve decided to swoop in and run Illinois.”
     Concerns of Seneca’s still resonate today. “Roman society in the first century AD is very recognizable,” said Romm. “Concerns about love and money and life.”
     What I didn’t realize until I read Romm’s book is how Seneca’s letters are similar to tweets and blog posts. He didn’t just write them for one recipient but for general consumption, and usually with specific political purposes.
     “He could get away with things because he could portray them in print in a way to make it acceptable,” Romm said.
     The pressing question for Seneca was whether to stick with the unstable Nero and try to soften his crimes while becoming party to them or flee for his life. Like most at the trough, he rationalized a way to stay.
     I asked Romm if he thought Seneca made the right decision. “He didn’t really make a decision at all,” Romm said. “That’s one of the most troubling things about him. He went along, hoping for the best, not taking a lot of action either to change Nero or to get away from him. He sort of waited for better cards to be dealt and they never were.”
     Gosh, that sounds familiar.
     “He knew he couldn’t live up to his own ideals,” Romm said. “Does it diminish his words? Yes, I think so, but it also makes him a very recognizable figure. Like most of us, he couldn’t be as good a man as he knew he wanted to be. It makes his tragedy under Nero all the more poignant.”
     Romm is referring to Nero forcing Seneca to … well, I don’t want to give away the ending. You should read the book. But Bruce Rauner, take note: Being rich isn’t enough.

     Photo atop blog: a bust of the Pseudo Seneca in the library at the University Club on Monroe Street. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"But wait, there's more!" Ron Popeil still going strong.

Ron Popeil

    When the pantheon of great Chicago businessmen is reeled off— retailers Montgomery Ward and Marshall Field, restaurateurs Ray Kroc and Richard Melman, manufacturers Cyrus McCormick and George Pullman— somehow they never quite get around to Ron Popeil, master TV pitchman. 
    Which is a shame, because Popeil not only made a fortune for himself out of such humble devices as the Chop-O-Matic and the Pocket Fisherman, but was a pioneer in bringing the smooth-talking Maxwell Street salesman into the electronic age. 
    His Chicago roots are discussed even less here than he is, but I was reminded of them when I bumped into him, quite by accident, Sunday at the end of a long day at the International Home + Housewares Show at McCormick Place. 
    "Chicago, Chicago, my home town, Chicago," he said, shaking hands. He began working here at 13, hauling vegetables to the sprawling outdoor market on Maxwell Street so his father, S.J. Popeil could demonstrate his inventions, such as the Veg-O-Matic. Soon Ron was demonstrating products at the flagship Woolworth's at State and Washington.
     "That's where I got my education," he said.
     His business quickly grew. He wore a Rolex, had offices at the Playboy Building at 919 N. Michigan. The Veg-O-Matic went through vegetables so quickly, salesmen had trouble hauling them around, so he thought to go on TV, producing a string of memorable commercials that brought Popeil, part Midway barker, part street corner salesman, part vaudeville entertainer, to the growing medium. Although he was no mere pitchman. Popeil enthusiastically researched and developed his products. They had to work well.
     He introduced more products—Mr. Microphone, Inside the Shell Egg Scrambler, Showtime Rotisserie, to name a few—and became part of the culture. Steve Goodman wrote a song about Popeil products; Weird Al Yankovic wrote one too. "Help me, Mr. Popeil!" 
     Popeil sold his company in 2005 for $55 million. He lives in Beverly Hills, where he is developing his next breakthrough product, a table-top fryer.   
    "Most of my inventions take two or three years," he said. "This one has taken twelve and a half years." 
    I wondered how he settled on a fryer.
    "Why a fryer? Before I invent a product, I have to completely understand and be satisfied with the marketing. All my inventions, the marketing has to be there before I entertain a particular invention." In other words, there is a need."
     For a 78-year-old, he had a clear-eyed view of the present media moment.
     "The market now is changing," he said. "The TV audience is getting smaller and smaller. It only has eight to ten years left. Social media is the new journey."
       He also has an unusual hobby.  "I happen to be the world's largest collector of olive oil," he said. "I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records."
      Though I kept trying to shift the conversation back to Chicago, kept the focus relentlessly on his new fryer, which he plans to sell lock, stock and barrel to whatever company sage enough to buy it, claiming that improved safety standards will cause all other fryers to be pulled from the market.
     "It is the most dangerous product on the planet," he said, speaking with animation and enthusiasm. I had to ask him—at this point in his life, why continue to work on new products?
    "I love what I do," he said. "Inventing and marketing, creating the market."
     Popeil gets back to Chicago a few times a year—though he no longer owns the company, he was stopping by the Ronco booth to visit. 
     "The people are what I miss about Chicago," he said. "The city has really grown. Great downtown, great people.  The weather is wonderful where I live, but you really can't replace the people."

Monday, March 17, 2014

“High displacement dunk chamber funnels the milk"


     I could write a week's worth of columns at the Housewares show—there are just so many hopeful, quirky people, so many good—and bad—ideas. It's just overwhelming. Only after I wrote this did I realize I forgot to mention Bambooee, the reusable paper towel made from bamboo. You can wash the sheets up to 100 times, but the question for me was whether anyone would pay $15.99 for a roll of 20 paper towels that you toss in the laundry. To me, that makes them rags, and why pay for them when there's an endless supply waiting to be cut up in your t-shirt drawer? "Can you put them back on the roll after you wash them?" my wife asked, touching upon the convenience factor in paper towels. The whole point is: you throw them away. So even though I think reusable paper towels is a non-starter, somebody obviously put a lot of money into the idea.  

      Are you vexed by twist ties? Because you can’t find one when you need one, or the ties you do find are all kinked up, or not the right color?
     Milton D. Wheeler has a product for you.
     “The Twist-Tie Pod,” a circular unit that lets you cut your own lengths of twist tie from a 65-foot spool, one of the blizzard of products, old and new, featured at the 2014 International Home + Housewares Show, which opened Saturday at McCormick Place and brings together 2,000 exhibitors and 60,000 foot weary attendees, trudging past an endless vista of plastic tubs, wooden spoons, crystal glasses, dog beds, gourmet knives, and—most interesting—new products whose concepts  are either brilliant or ridiculous, depending on your perspective.
   Satisfied with your current twist tie arrangement? How about your toilet seat—is it drab? Consider Toilet Tattoos, labels that adhere to the top of a toilet seat, transforming it into a zebra skin print or butterfly swarm or death’s head.
    “I wanted a leopard seat,” explained Celeste Massullo, an Ohio woman who started with four designs and now sells 175.
    The show is open to the trade only, and indeed, most booths are interesting only to someone who, for example, might want to order a shipping container full of wine racks. But to the casual observer, the novel new products stick out, each with its own story.
     “My sister asked me, ‘What do I do about bananas constantly being crushed in my backpack?’” said Paul Stremple, who answered by inventing  the Banana Bunker (“Protection with Appeal”)  a plastic case that fits around a banana, protecting it from the vicissitudes of the lunch bag.
     The show sprawls across McCormick Place, featuring manufacturers who come from around the world to do business, to find out what’s new and make contacts and sales. Just walking through the show is an art. To make eye contact is to invite a pitch.
     “I got a product that you just don’t need,” said Andy Morris, pushing Mold Be Gone, an anti-mildew spray. He came up with the approach—he said—the day before, trying to get people to break stride. “Everybody here is trying to sell you something, to convince you it’s something you need,” he said. “So I figure, ‘Here’s something you don’t need.’”
      Some products take a moment to understand. The Iron Shoe is neither iron nor worn on the foot, but a high tech surface attached to  irons to protect clothing. The Grillbot crawls over a grill, scrubbing it with three rotating drums of metal bristles.  
     “Takes a dirty, messy job and now you want to watch it like a race car,” said Ethan Woods, who came up with the product after finding himself using a metal brush attached to a power drill to try to clean his grill.
     Not every new product is trivial. Potsafe is a new system of cookware and metal framework designed to keep children from pulling hot pots off stovetops.
     Gloves seem big this year, particularly specialized disposable cleaning gloves. Duramitt offers a range of mittens with sponges attached to the palm, or scrubbers, or surfaces designed to hold paint.
     "No one wants to get their hands dirty anymore," said Diana Malone, of Kleen Maid, which sells Spic and Span Disposable Dusting Mitts, in packs of five for a dollar. Though gloves "have been around forever," specialized, disposable versions are becoming more popular. "Everyone has become germ-conscious," she said.
     Of course, makers of traditional gloves point out the obvious drawbacks of these all-in-one gloves. "If you only have a sponge on your hand, you can't do anything else with it," said Evan Karls, a division manager at Karmin Group, which licenses Arm & Hammer gloves.
     Managing garbage can liners must be an issue, because several new products address it. "It comes out like a tissue box," said Jack Licata, president of Bag Ups, "The Original Trash Bag Dispensing System," which sits at the bottom of your trash container, ready to offer a fresh bag.

   Some products surprise with their elaborate presentation. Guac-Lock is a container designed to keep guacamole from turning brown, but its airy, white-on-green graphic booth looks like a jewelry store, or something Apple would design.
     Some new products aim for an almost heartbreakingly small niche, yet seem to be thriving. A few years back the show saw the debut of Dipr, "The Ultimate Cookie Spoon," a hook that slips around the center of a sandwich cookie to facilitate it being dipped.
      "Business is good, sales have doubled," inventor Robert Haleluk said. "Now we're on to our second product." That would be the Dunkr, a cup that narrows to a half-cookie shape. "High displacement dunk chamber funnels the milk into a narrow groove at the bottom of the cup," its literature explains, "giving you a perfect dunk, even with very little left." Suggested retail price: $6.99.
     The show runs through Tuesday.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Chicagoland": One summer does not a swallow make

      Sometimes German just sounds better. If you ever saw both the original and the dubbed versions of Wolfgang Petersen's classic 1981 submarine movie, you know that not only is the title more powerful in German than in English, "Das Boot" versus "The Boat" (say them aloud) but the dialogue is a lot more dramatic.  In the original, they're always shouting things like, "Jungs! Lasst uns in die U-Boot jetzt gehen!" Which sounds limp in English: "Hey guy, let's go into the submarine now."
      Wagner, of course, is grand and powerful in German -- "Gotterdammerung" -- but becomes a feeble sigh in English: "Twilight of the gods."
     So watching the second installment of CNN's eight-hour documentary "Chicagoland," it is probably better for me to say the old German adage, "Einmal ist keinmal; und zweimal ist immer," came to mind, than "Once is never and twice is forever."
     The first episode was dramatic and intriguing, focusing primarily on the Chicago's 2012 teachers strike through three major characters: the mayor, police superintendent Garry McCarthy, and Liz Dozier, the principal one particular South Side High School, Fenger. 
     The second installment, well, I felt like I was watching the first over again, except with Billy Dec, the fedora-wearing restaurant and club entrepreneur. I know him, nice guy. But he didn't bring anything to the show. What did he tell us? What did we learn, beyond the fact he owns clubs and wears hats?
    That's isn't the final judgment—there are six more episodes yet. I still think they're done a laudable job trying to capture this dynamic and heartbreaking city. And the shows themselves, technically, are beautifully done, fast-paced, wonderfully-photographed. But after show No. 2, there was a definite air-leaking-out-of-the-balloon quality, and it made me eager to see the third installment, in part, hoping it picks up and is closer to the excellence of the first.
     Commentary on the show from other journalists seems to pingpong from praise -- the city looks great, which is good -- to condemnation -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel looks great, which is bad. 
      As if both couldn't be true. The city does looks great. And the show is heavy on Rahm, who is not exactly the Man of a Thousand Faces. To me, a little Rahm goes a long way.  
     On the other hand, calling it an advertisement is unfair. What's the terrible thing about Rahm that isn't in there? That he closed 50 schools? They certainly convey that in excruciating detail. That he's a rich guy who a lot of people don't like on general principles? They go there too. My theory is that some critics just don't like looking at him so much. 
      The mayor isn't all of "Chicagoland," thank God. It isn't quite "Rahmland." What I found most interesting, again only seeing the first quarter of the eight hours are the scenes of African-American life in Roseland and Englewood. A lot of time in the first two programs is spent listening to African-American students who go to Fenger High School, their parents, teachers, principal Liz Dozier, people on the street, talking about their lives. These aren't voices you hear or faces you see on television all that much, and that aspect alone, to me, that made the programs important and worth watching.  (And another cause for complaint, this time from black Chicagoans who worry that the show suggests many African-Americans live in poor, violence-ridden neighborhoods and face difficult lives. Ahem, I hate to be the one to say it, but if CNN focused on well-off black couples walking their tiny dogs in Lincoln Park, imagine how THAT would be received. Maybe in an 80-hour series).
     Still, I wish the rest of "Chicagoland" found other areas of the city to delve into the way they explore Roseland, but they really don't. Not yet anyway. 
     At this point, I suppose I should toss out a few caveats. I'm in the first episode, briefly, though I'll leave you to decide whether being momentarily caught in the limelight has dazzled me and made me unable to respond other than to blink in blind praise.  I'm also friends with Mark Konkol, who was the producers' point man -- the Chicago Virgil showing them about the city. Konkol's the real thing, he wrote the narration and delivered it in a unique yet classic Chicago voice that I believe we're going to be hearing more of. Though Mark would be the first to tell you that being his friend wouldn't stop me from dispassionately critiquing something he had done—loyalty is not my strong suite—and I am here, I hope. As I said, I think less of "Chicagoland" after the second show than I did the first. The Blackhawks segment seemed a waste — what did it communicate? They won the Stanley Cup and the city was happy. That isn't precisely a revelation. I would have preferred to learn a little something about the team, the victory, the celebration. To me, the sign of a good documentary, of good non-fiction, is not so much its style, as what it tells you that you didn't know before and now want to tell other people. What are the fascinating details they've found and shared? 
     But wait, I guess I'm not done with ticking off my biases.  I don't loathe Rahm Emanuel -- a lot of the criticism of the show is that you see him as an active, important figure in city life, which he kinda is.  Sure, he's pissed off folks whose schools he's closed, whose pensions he's trying to claw back, but those observations only damn him if you stop there and don't peek over the financial cliff Chicago is teetering on, and he is vigorously trying to yank the city back from. The key question, to me, is whether Rahm's trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor—the Occupy/Karen Lewis accusation. They say, "Why not tax LaSalle Street for the money?" and Rahm replies if he did that, he'd drive business away and then we'd really be screwed. Which makes sense. Who's right? That call is above my pay grade, but I don't think knee jerk condemnation of the mayor and automatic sympathy to anyone with a complaint gets us any closer to the truth. Maybe they should have sat down one of Rahm's critics and had him tick off all the things that, three years into his administration, haven't gone right. 
    The show doesn't suffer because it has too much Rahm, rather, that having so much Rahm crowds out other things. My central concern, having seen a quarter of the shows, is that, trying to create some kind of narrative, we're getting too narrow a slice of the city. As interesting as Fenger High School is, and its principal Liz Dozier, I could never see them in the program again -- or Rahm, or Chicago police superintendent Garry McCarthy for that matter-- and I'd feel like I had seen them plenty. But they're all coming back in the third episode, and we can only hope they're used to widen the scope and go other places. It's a very big city, with all sorts of people in it. Were it my show, I'd have included a regular person character,  a bakery truck driver, a letter carrier, and some of time spent watching Rahm escorting his powerful pals through corridors again and again would be shifted to getting to know that guy. Then again, it's their story, and maybe they never intended to create a postcard of the city. A writer gets to pick his subject.
     I should probably wait until it's over to pass judgment--they're still crafting the final episode -- but then you wouldn't be able to watch it, Thursday nights at 9 p.m. on CNN (of course, it's 2014, so you can watch anything whenever you want; I wonder when the tradition of seeing programs as they air will become a quaint anachronism). It's holding my interest, and this progress report notwithstanding, I'm withholding final judgment. There's six hours to go. It's too early to really tell. Or as they say, better, in German, Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer. One swallow does not a summer make. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday fun: Where IS this?

      There can be an Emperor's New Clothes aspect to elegance. You see something, presented as rich and marvelous, look at it for an admiring moment, then think, "Wait a second; that's hideous." 
     Much depends, of course, on an individual's particular taste. Me, for instance, as much as I generally admire the sense of casual, if not shabby, East Coast old wealth being purveyed by Ralph Lauren, and though I realize those bright green flannel pants with the ducks on them are supposed to be something your mad Uncle Percival would wear to a croquet match at the Rod & Gimlet Club, sometimes my jaw just drops. Lauren's Olympic uniforms did that for me, or his introduction of enormous logos, which I assumed were for Saudi Arabian sheiks and Mexican drug lords and others with far more money than taste, but are also found in the United States, though I see them in stores far more than I see them worn in the street. Maybe all the people who buy them are over in Kenilworth and Bannockburn and other high hat suburbs, and don't find their way into the lumpen world of Northbrook since they haven't been around long enough to show up at Goodwill stores in volume. Anyway,  I find them crass, but times change, and I'm probably saying more about myself than about the shirts. No doubt the logos will only grow bigger.
      Today's "Where is this" features a carpet. My wife and I were at a birthday dinner party for well-off acquaintance, a large, potlatch celebration, and we wandered off for a while to poke around, and found ourselves in this empty ballroom. 
      "That's the ugliest carpet I've ever seen in my life," I remarked, and snapped a few photos. 
     Why? The bright scarlet and cornflower blue, surrounded by these thick black lines, hurled across a mud beige background. The shapes themselves, in the foreground, clown face features interposed with wing frameworks, a starfish half run over by a truck tire in the background. One worried about its effect on drunk people.
     This probably can only be solved by someone who, like us, wandered by and saw it. It's a place where someone would hold a large birthday supper, with music and dancing and hundreds of guests. (It's the first party I've been to where the hosts hired professional models, apparently, to mingle during cocktails and then scram, because there was a platoon of tall, thin, gorgeous young people who stood around during drinks, who promptly vanished at dinner. Or maybe they were crashing, but they had an air of industry about them). As for a hint, well, I'll say, it's a famous place, whose name most anyone in Chicago would recognize. One that should know better when it comes to carpet. Or am I wrong here? Besides guessing for the contest, if anybody likes this, finds it aesthetically-defensible, my all means, please, let us know why. 
     Otherwise, the contest rules are the same. Post your guess in the comments section.  The winner gets a signed copy of my book, "You Were Never in Chicago." Have fun.