Saturday, September 17, 2016

Saturday fun activity: What IS this?

     Okay, this is a tough one. Then again, I'm in Cleveland this morning, getting ready for my reading at the Barnes & Noble in Westlake, and it wouldn't do for you to solve it at 7:01 a.m. and have nothing to do for the rest of the day. 
     So where is this thing? And what is it? I'm looking forward to telling you this afternoon, to explaining exactly why I find it so appealing. 
     The winner gets ... something good ... a copy of my new book, "Out of the Wreck I Rise: A Literary Companion to Recovery," published last week by University of Chicago Press. Provided I can get my hands on one. I keep giving away my copies, and I figure, if I can send one to Stephen King, for all the good it'll do (because he's in it) then I can send one to you.
    If you figure out the location of this very enigmatic object. Good luck. Place your guesses below. 
     What caught my eye about this artwork, by Welsh artist Jon Langford, when I saw it Thursday in the window of the Thomas Masters Gallery, 245 W. North, was its similarity to the cowboy atop the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I love that image, and Langford's twist on it is an improvement on the original. It's painted on wood, and the opposite side is black with a number of mottos on it.  The piece is for sale for $2500, and if I didn't have two boys in college, I might snap it up for myself. But as it is, it'll have to suffice to admire it here. 


  1. Is it the Masters Gallery on North Ave?

    1. Yes. How did you know that? Amazing.

    2. If she's sneaky like me, she used the lettering in the window to figure it out. And she just beat. me to it!

    3. Yep, I'll admit I saw the letters and went from there. My first thought about the piece was dead Marlboro Man.

    4. You hit the nail right on the head, I'd say. If Marlboro Man isn't it, it should be. Also, noted that address on opposite side of the street ends in a 4, which would confirm Masters' address that ends in a 5. I wasn't close to guessing it, but the street didn't look like North Avenue to me -- too narrow.


    5. Well done Nikki -- I didn't notice that. Send me your address.

  2. Feels like West Superior Street, but I couldn't find any gallery/galleria like "masters" on Superior. At any rate, I have no idea what the ghost cowboy on the bucking horse represents. Hope that the ultimately coming revelation by some late sleeper or Neil is not too disappointing.



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