Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday fun activity: Where IS this?

    There are Saturdays when I feel, "I've really got 'em stumped this time."
    This won't be one of those Saturdays. 
     I can't be the only person who saw this place and thought, "Wow, look at that building!" 
    So I imagine others were floored as well. 
    Where is this place? 
    I've collected some information about it—I thought of writing a separate building profile. But Saturday rolled around, and I need something. 
    I also need a prize. Can't send books out every week.  I need to save those to fling at prominent people who probably never see them. And just thinking about the posters makes me wretch.  How about ... a ... an....
     Why not something intangible? How about publicity? The winner gets his event or cause or opinion or beloved cat ballyhooed on my blog on their own unique post. That's different, and perhaps even desirable. One dose of exposure to my thousands of daily readers. 
    Or, if that doesn't work, there's always a blog poster. I still have to get rid of the damn things. 
    Place your guesses below. Good luck. 


  1. Is this Tyson Foods at Jefferson and Van Buern?

    1. You've got it! Congratulations. Get it touch with me at and we'll figure out your prize.

  2. Hillshire Farms Corporate Headquarters

    1. A division of Tyson Foods, which makes Beth a winner

  3. Selling so many books that you have to hold on to a few copies, must be a wonderful problem to have. Try lugging some of the posters to your signings. I'm sure you could deplete your supply of them too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This was originally the Randolph-Newman Lithography Building.
    Later, the fourth floor & the 400 W. Van Buren Street entrance & stairs was AFEES, where all the 18 year old men in the area went for their draft physicals.

  6. Is it Northeastern Illinois University's El Centro campus?

    Linda Barnes

  7. Is it Northeastern Illinois University's El Centro campus?

    Linda Barnes


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