Monday, May 4, 2020

Jesus Christ isn’t running, so we’re stuck with Joe Biden

     Ever wonder how Donald Trump did it?
     Skated into the White House. Despite his long record of empty bravado. A notorious con man and fraud, liar and bully. Undeterred by his sexual misdeeds that came out right before the 2016 election. “Grab ’em by the pussy.” Paying off porn actresses. Serial infidelity with three wives.
     Water off a duck’s ass. And he knew it: “I could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue ...”
     Ever wonder how Trump continues to do it? Hold onto his solid 40% support? Despite focusing almost exclusively on his own interests, self-dealing in a naked fashion, whether shaking down Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden or blackmailing states to clamp down on immigrants in exchange for medical masks. Unashamed, unapologetic.
     Ever wonder how he does that?
     That’s easy: His supporters don’t care. Didn’t care before, don’t care now and won’t start. Ever. Nor can you pin them down for their not caring. Believe me, I’ve tried.
     Go to a religious person, secure in their faith, awash with the love of Jesus Christ. Ask that person: How is it you can go to church on Sunday, down on your knees, worshipping your idea of moral perfection, then on Monday stand up and cheer for this grotesque slab of immorality?
     This man who seems like a character Rabelais created to illustrate the result if all seven deadly sins — lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride — were jammed into one sordid human vessel?
     How can you see that monstrosity in front of you, then clap your flippers together and bark for joy? How is that even possible?

To continue reading, click here. 


  1. As usual, you have described our current state of affairs perfectly. It should be required reading for all.
    Love this..."This man who seems like a character Rabelais created to illustrate the result if all seven deadly sins — lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride — were jammed into one sordid human vessel?"
    Some version of that should be on his tombstone.

    1. Yeah, it's a fine column, but that sentence is the jewel. There are lots of bad folks out there -- but how many so demonstrably manage to hit for the "seven deadly sins" cycle?

      I just love the fact that Neil tosses in a succinct reference to Rabelais, with no explanatory clause, in a daily newspaper. There's not a chance in hell that Orange Foolius knows who Rabelais is, despite his gargantuan appetites and Ivy League degree.

    2. To be honest, I have heard the name but have no clue as to who he is. This is what I like about reading Neil. I tend to learn a lot of new things.

  2. Sure, the Trump supporters allow anti-choice and pro-gun rhetoric to cloud their vision of Trump but lets not forget what his mantra was..."Build that wall."
    White nationalism is also a common thread that ties this group together.
    The GOP has always found a way to flip the story. If they could make W look like a war hero and Kerry the faker, they can do the same this time around.

  3. I don't want to put ideas in anyone's head, but wouldn't it be interesting if both Trump and Biden died (of natural causes of course) before the election.


  4. I have no idea whether this Tara Reade is telling the truth, but I am sure of one thing: No one on the Trump side has any moral standing whatsoever to accuse Biden supporters of hypocrisy. That ship sailed long ago.

    Trump himself has been oddly subdued about this, with none of the crowing we've come to expect, so far. Maybe he's developing a sense of shame, or at least of what is and isn't appropriate. But I doubt it. I'm sure that as the election approaches, he'll be back to his usual crass tweets.

    1. I think his motive is clear: a chance to pose as a decent human being with the added attraction of being able to pivot on a dime when it's expedient to do so.


    2. Seems to me there are at least two factors at work with regard to Dolt 45's response to the Reade accusation. First, he doesn't need to pile on -- his minions and the media are keeping the spotlight shining on Biden, regardless.

      More significantly, this plays right into a more essential line of reasoning that he seeks to promote. If, indeed, the accusation against Biden is false, well then... the 20?, 30?, dozens? of accusations against our Maximum Leader must be false, too, right? That's just obvious. Not to mention dear old Brett Kavanaugh and the merciless treatment he received, when he just liked to drink beer, for crying out loud. False equivalency is the only response that most of his die-hard supporters know how to implement in the face of each and every outrage that their guy is guilty of, after all.

  5. Wow; once again, well said, sir.

  6. Okay, sheeple, don't vote your way back to sanity by electing Joe. Go ahead and vote for the guy with the loud voice who hates minorities, threatens his opponents, doesn't give a shit about democracy, claims he can fix everything, acts on hunches, and causes the deaths of staggering numbers of his own people. What could possibly go wrong?

    Ask the Germans.

  7. Bravo sir!! This article is brilliant!

  8. George Bernard Shaw asked in an essay written 60 years ago. death penalty essay introduction

  9. We cut this article out of the newspaper. We might have to frame it. (Why do so many people not see that the emperor has no clothes?) It is rare to find writing that infuses humor into a sad situation. The character of our present dictator is summarized in this column. Great choice of descriptive words. (At times, I have to look up a word used by this columnist, which I find refreshing.)

    The humor in Neil's column caused a number of chuckles. This is an era when we need a sense of humor to get through it.


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