From "Treasures from the Wreck of the Incredible" by Damien Hirst |
The United States Capitol stormed by a pro-Trump mob. Americans rampaging through the marble halls. Senators and representatives cowering in fear.
Hard to believe bad. For some, impossible to believe, because believing might lead them to suspect maybe all this Trump business has been a mistake.
So a segment of the American public simply doesn’t believe. They immediately decided the insurrection didn’t happen, at least not the way it clearly unfolded before our shocked eyes on Wednesday. Because disbelief when convenient is what they do.
Sean Hannity leapt for his go-to move: fantasy.
“Then we had the reports that groups like Antifa, other radical groups — I don’t know the names of all of them — that they were there to cause trouble,” Hannity said.
There’s a clever dodge built into that, a cowardly little wiggle. I’m sure he did get reports. From and Cletus the Avenger and such. He’s just passing along their concerns.
“Some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters,” lickspittle Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said on the floor of Congress, a desecration less visual than the mob but no less real. “They were masquerading as Trump supporters, and in fact were members of the violent terrorist group Antifa.”
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Antifa? Ain't no such animal as antifa. I call 'em aintifa.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see no steenkeeng antifa at the Capitol. All I saw was fa.
Sorry to hear you listened to Hannity. Hope you changed the station before
ReplyDeleteyou get permanent brain damage.
Sometimes it's good to listen to the enemy, to remind you of the dangers. Looking for news on the car radio here in Ft. Myers, I came across a froggy, weak voice. I didn't recognize it at first but the message identified it. You'll be happy to know that the stock market involves predominately rich Democrats and they are going to raise taxes on you and all the middle class republicans. Fortunately for Rush Limbaugh, he will be probably be meeting his maker before that happens. Wish he could take The Cowardly Liar with him.
DeleteIf you check out some conserv. sites online, just to spy on them, you'll see this nation is still in big trouble.
ReplyDeleteFor a slightly more nuanced right-wing reaction, I tuned in to Tucker Carlson last night, the first few minutes anyway. His angle: Why is everyone always talking about Trump? Trump this, Trump that, let's stop paying attention to the guy already!
ReplyDeleteIOW, he can't defend Trump any more so he demands we look somewhere else.
I predict this will be the long-term go-to reaction. Trump will get memory-holed, like Joe McCarthy. Donald J. Who? Never heard of him.
Not a bad result in my estimation.
Your mention of 'tail gunner Joe' brings to mind the current Senator Johnson from my home state.
Your mention of 'tail gunner Joe' brings to mind the current Senator Johnson from my home state.
Of course Donald J. Trump is responsible and should be held responsible for all the actions of the mob that assailed the bastion of democracy literally and figuratively. But I put even greater blame squarely on the rightist propagandists such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who have for years daily drummed into their listeners the notion that they are endowed with special, exclusive, secret, and valuable knowledge of how the world works and that they alone possess certain inalienable rights to do whatever they like in the name of freedom and that any restriction of that freedom is unconstitutional and illegal.
Also: Call me cynical, but I can't help wondering if Betsy DeVos took her little butt out of the Cabinet because she didn't want to be caught in the middle of any nasty 25th Amendment decisions.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly why DeVos & Elaine Chao, who is also Moscow Mitch's wife quit. Without them, there's no possibility of using the 25th, even if Pence was able to get his balls returned to him from Mother's purse!
DeleteThe Great Statesman, today: "To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th."
ReplyDeleteI just wish that his fact-averse cult members would recall how graciously this boob, as close to the devil incarnate as I wish to see in my lifetime, was treated by Obama when it came time for the travesty of Trump's inauguration to take place in 2016.
All along, I've thought talk of a possible coup attempt was exaggerated. Then Wednesday featured a mob essentially given free rein in the Capitol, with a hanging scaffold erected outside and a guy inside prowling a legislative chamber with zip-ties. Now we have the Maximum Leader announcing that he won't be on the dais for the inauguration. Is it crazy to be concerned about this?
By not going to Biden's inauguration, he's made it more dangerous, as the insurrectionist will then return, knowing they won't have their Dear Leader in their line of fire!
DeleteThere will now have to be even more stringent security than they planned for, after the riot & attempted coup!
Yep, that's what I was driving at, Clark St. I saw later that Twitter banned him today, one of their reasons being that his tweet about not showing up "may also serve as encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the Inauguration would be a 'safe' target, as he will not be attending."
If they called a special session of congress today kept debate to a maximum of 2 hours voted to impeach and sent it to the senate in the morning could he be out of office by dinner time ?
ReplyDeletePresident pence could then be the shortest serving president in history for 10 days. Unless of course he started a thermonuclear war just to show he can.
I checked my calendar. It's anything can happen day
I want to see him gone before he can start pardoning for current or future crimes everybody he's ever met in his life which could, I guess, include the pitifully few terrorists who were arrested for the attack Wednesday. His offspring, Rudy, a whole slew of crooks will again get away with their crimes and wildly unethical behavior.
ReplyDeleteAs an aside, I saw video on msnbc today of Don, Jr. and others watching the attack on TV and laughing and cheering them on. Daddy must be so proud.
Shari -- While I despise Donald Trump as much as anyone, I feel like I should point out that Junior et al weren't laughing and cheering at the attack. They were cheering at the rally that preceded it, just before Daddy egged on the crowd to march on the Capitol.
DeleteThis isn't over! Ron Suskind was just interviewed on MSNBC. He wrote a piece in October predicting the post election events just as they've happened. He also related discussions about the magnitude of reactions from Trump's most ardent supporters. Twenty percent might be prone to deadly force he said. That's approx. 15 million. Five percent is 3.5 Million. I don't know which strategy would be best. Would a couple hundred of Wednesday's offenders shot dead be a deterrent or an instigation? Would the prospect of armed rebellion move the Republican leaders, past and present to appeal to whatever reason remained in Trump and his minions? Would jailing the leaders of the various militias and organizations that planned this week's uprising on the dark web or on the down low? Whatever, write to your representatives. Call your friends and family to do likewise. Write to your newspaper. Write in your newspaper. Like Suskind I saw this coming and I feel it could get worse before it gets better. I'm writing Durbin, Duckworth and Krishnamoorthi Right now.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't over! Ron Suskind was just interviewed on MSNBC. He wrote a piece in October predicting the post election events just as they've happened. He also related discussions about the magnitude of reactions from Trump's most ardent supporters. Twenty percent might be prone to deadly force he said. That's approx. 15 million. Five percent is 3.5 Million. I don't know which strategy would be best. Would a couple hundred of Wednesday's offenders shot dead be a deterrent or an instigation? Would the prospect of armed rebellion move the Republican leaders, past and present to appeal to whatever reason remained in Trump and his minions? Would jailing the leaders of the various militias and organizations that planned this week's uprising on the dark web or on the down low? Whatever, write to your representatives. Call your friends and family to do likewise. Write to your newspaper. Write in your newspaper. Like Suskind I saw this coming and I feel it could get worse before it gets better. I'm writing Durbin, Duckworth and Krishnamoorthi Right now.
ReplyDeleteIf the yahoos march on D.C. and disrupt the Inauguration, the Battle of Washington will be violent and bloody and a Fort Sumter 2.0, and we will have a Second Civil War by spring. The Rebels, for that is what they are becoming, will be the ones who decide whether or not we party like it's 1861.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to dealing with the Plague (1918), and the economic turmoil (1933), Joe will now have to be another Abe Lincoln and crack down hard and fast on on Johnny Reb. If our national nightmare is only just beginning, and not finally ending, will Biden simply deploy the military, or will he also call for anti-Fascist volunteers who want to help make America safe for democracy?
If he does, I'm too old to answer the call. But the Revolution (actually more like the Insurrection) WILL be televised. Oh, to be 23 again...
Sniffy will get the boot, and be a dark orange stain on the pages of our history books. But it's a year too late. And Joe is getting sworn-in four years too late. The poop is gonna hit the propeller, and soon. We may end up as feces on toast. White toast.
Thanks for everything, Donnie. See you in hell.
With regards to JP's suggestion to kill Trump supporters, are all of you advocating killing all those that voted for Trump?
ReplyDeleteWell, that would be a pretty tall order, as almost 75 million sheeple voted for Orange Julius. That's a helluva lot of killing.
DeleteThere's quite a difference between eliminating the fascist die-hards who storm Congress, advocate the extermination of gays, Jews, and people of color...and simply rounding up and liquidating every dumb shmuck who cast a ballot for Trump or put a sign in their yard or flew a flag from their pickup.
At the moment, I don't yet advocate killing ALL the Republicans. But when things go south and all norms are being violated...well...crack a history book. An uncontrollable lust for killing the enemy becomes the new normal. Americans and Japanese slaughtered one another in WWII out of pure racial hatred. There was Northern Ireland. And, of course, the American carnage of Civil War 1.0--who's to say that one can't happen again? It looks more and more likely, every goddamn day.
But on the other hoof, I no longer have any doubt that some of those armed and fanatical wingnuts would gleefully try to kill every Democrat. Hence the noose in front of the Capitol. They're ranting about slaughtering all the "socialists" and "city rats." How does a left-leaning city boy, even a geezer like me, accept and peacefully deal with that, and not want to put down his book and pick up a gun? I can't.
Cappy, I was wondering which strategies could nip this in the bud. Are these hard core racists willing to join in a shooting war of rebellion or just a group of cranks? Since some of them had weapons and bad intent, plastic handcuffs to restrain their targets, legitimately elected representatives of the people, deadly force would have been appropriate had the situation worsened. My question was how this would have affected the situation going forward. As the internet is still buzzing with plans to continue the assault on government, I stand by my post. Except the part where I somehow double clicked. To Grizz, I am with you. I have never owned a firearm but perhaps I should reconsider. As one who was in a class of American men at risk of being kidnapped by the government and sent to an early death in Vietnam, I know more than most of those yahoos about freedom. Wearing a mask doesn't seem any more of an injustice than a Londoner having to blackout during the Blitz.
DeleteGood to know about the don't yet clause.