Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday fun activity: Where IS this?

     As something of a connoisseur of the lumpish, hideous mounds of fiberglas and metal scattered around the downtown area, purporting to be modern art, I have to admit that I don't despise this glob of shiny junk as much as I hate, say, the Dubuffet jammed into the tiny plaza in front of the Thompson Center.
     Of course, this has the benefit of being hidden away inside a building, in a place where the general public seldom goes. I also only saw it once, fleetingly, just in time to snap this photo a moment before I saw the stern sign warning everybody not to dare take pictures. So I only got this one, rather close-up shot.
      Which is just as well, because you've been solving these puzzles with too much abandon. In fact, I've never stumped you yet. This is the last Saturday puzzle for three weeks—I'm taking a two week hiatus and running 14 installment of my 2002 series, Hammered and Nailed, chronicling the endless hassles of installing an new kitchen. Beginning Monday. So I'd like to stump you, if I can, as a parting present to myself.
      Where is this thing? The winner gets lunch at Harry Caray's with me in September—my lunch with previous winner, reader Ed Bass was a lot of fun, and the kind people at Harry's, perhaps charmed at the antique, newspapery thing I was doing, picked up the check, which was also nice. Please post your answers below. Good luck. 


  1. Is that the art suspended in the immigration services building on congress?

    1. Yup. Congratulations. Email me at and we'll set up lunch.

  2. Wow, right out of the gate. That's harsh.

    1. Are you kidding? Usually it gets nailed at 12:10 a.m. Lots of readers. The Hive Intelligence.

    2. Hmmm. Maybe if you asked the Hive what stock they like....


  3. everytwogoddamnweeks? Damn, and I thought my Vicodin addiction was bad. Well, I better go get a couple of your books. Drunkard is #1 on the list. It just may help me through

    1. Not everything you like and do regularly is an addiction. I'd suggest "You Were Never in Chicago," over "Drunkard." A better story,


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