Thursday, August 31, 2023


     The immigration columns Monday and Wednesday certainly shook the nuts out of the trees, and there are too many good ones not to share. This one made me smile, just for its opening rhyme, thorough reasoning and that priceless circum vita/kicker after his signature. Of course I'm including my answer. Enjoy.

Hello Neil,
     Yet again you are drunk like a junk punk lunk bunk chunk dunk sunk skunk on your disgusting, revolting and nauseating moral and ethical arrogance, vanity, conceit and hubris! My brother once ran the Border Patrol, Neil. You are entitled to your own opjnion (sic), but not your own facts, Neil. You lie yet again when you write that Texans regret the illegals did not die on the razor wire. The barbed wire keeps the barbarians out, Neil.
     You lie yet again when you write it is just as legal to sneak over the border as it was to arrive at Ellis Island. You are a mendacious prevaricator not fit to wipe the ass of a Border Patrol agent, or for that matter Thomas Jefferson or Christopher Columbus! You have disgraced yourself yet again, Neil, with your ignorant opining on an issue, illegal immigration, about which you know virtually nothing. It was my brother who implemented the legalization of 4 million illegal aliens in the 1980s under Simpson-Mazoli.
     Neil, it would have been better if your ancestors had stayed wherever their original home was instead of arriving the Steinbergs in America to have their reputation shredded by your moronic writings. The only question is whether that overestimates your IQ and it is actually that of an imbecile. Certainly you need to go back to kindergarten and learn some kindness to cure you of your immoral heart, Neil!
    Charles Whitty Everson
    Harvard BA with honors
    Vanderbilt JD

My reply:

     Didn't Ted Cruz go to Harvard? I'm beginning to see a pattern.



  1. He may or may not not be a lawyer, but he's certainly playing one on the internet. He writes like one, anyway. Harvard BA with honors...WTH? As if claiming Harvard as your alma mater isn't enough? All that bombastic grandiosity, just to say "Go fornicate yourself" and "Kiss my asterisk." He didn't play the Jew card, but he came pretty close. There really was a Simpson-Mazoli Act in the wasn't just Bart getting into the cooking oil.

    So who was your brother, boychik? Sounds like you're channeling Mark Whitty Everson, the whacked-out clown who served with both the IRS and the INS under Reagan and Bush, and who even ran for President in 2015, for an eyeblink. He did not run the Border Patrol.

    I searched this guy's name but what kept coming up was Charles Emerson Winchester, the pompous surgeon on MASH. I found that rather amusing.

    Nice concise reply, Mr. S,but a dozen words too long. You shouldn't have even wasted any keystrokes on this glassbowl. I thought you just deleted them and sent their bilge down the memory hole. .I wouldn't have made it past that drunk punk sunk skunk nonsense. Not very Whitty, Charlie.

    "My brother once ran the Border patrol." Yeah, and I once pitched for the Cubs. Once. Spring training, in Arizona. Tied up the batters in knots with my high-arcing off-speed "eephus" pitch. But I called it the "Linda Ronstadt" pitch...because it "blew by you."

    1. Hi Grizz. This is my best guess as to the identity of Charles Whitty Everson's brother.

    2. if any lawyers ever wrote to, say, opposing council with that kind of silly credentials list it would just make them take them (significantly) less seriously. No one cares what school this yahoo came from.

    3. Border Patrol? Okay, I'll buy that part...but the 4 million illegals and Simpson-Mazoli? Not unless he was an INS Commissioner, which is what Mark Everson was. One brother, two separate and unequal bios. Busted, Charlie...

    4. This seems to be the guy. A big dick swinger .

      Everson served in the Reagan administration from 1982 until 1988 holding several positions at the United States Information Agency and the Department of Justice, where he was deputy commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. While at INS, he oversaw implementation of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, landmark legislation providing for sanctions against employers hiring undocumented immigrants and granting amnesty to qualifying undocumented immigrants.

  2. He seems nice.....

  3. So many of the wing nut wackos in the Re Thug Licon Party went to Hahvahd, Yale & especially Hahvahd or Yale Law, so whether or not that's his real name & school, he's certainly keeping up with the crazies!

  4. I look forward to hearing more about Louis' Lunch and all those spoons!

    1. That was in a restaurant spied — I think in Princeton — a decade ago. Alas you'll have to look forward in vain.

    2. When in New Haven, try the clam pie.

    3. That image jogged my memory, and I knew I'd seen it on a now-defunct "Silly Sign" page, owned by my late blogger friend in Wisconsin. It's on the front door of Louis' Lunch, in New Haven, also the home of Yale. Made me immediately think of '"The Whiffenpoof Song"...and all those tables. But they're down at "Mory's"...not "Louie's"...which is named for its original owner (1898–1912), Louis Linder.

      "Mory's" refers to Mory's Temple Bar, a restaurant next to the campus, and a favorite of Yale undergraduates in the early 1900s. It later became a private club that still exists. "The Whiffenpoof Song" became a hit for Rudy Vallée in 1937, and for Bing Crosby and Fred Waring in 1947.

  5. BEST string of comments EVER!

  6. My partner and child went to Harvard. They are nice and do not hate immigrants. One of my ancestors came here legally on the Mayflower. Those folks pretty much decided to eliminate the people who were already here, so there's that.

    1. Joking about genocide?
      How is that appropriate or tolerated?

    2. Of all the angles to approach this from. Really?

    3. One Anonymous with a reasoned comment, one with an imagined outrage. Why don't the anonymous give themselves a number or symbol so we can identify them without them having to even hint at their true identity? I think I recognize 8:21 AM but ...

  7. Oooo someone figured out how to use a rhyming dictionary and thesaurus! I love it how the nut jobs spew bile and hatred, then turn around and say you need to learn kindness and morality. Never ceases to baffle and amuse.

  8. My reaction to all this vituperation, Neil, was that one of your buddies concocted Dr. Everson's list of insults, fortified with frequent dippings into Roget's, to see if he/she could provoke a defensive and equally nasty reply. Well done.


  9. Can't stop laughing. I half suspect a prankster.

  10. Paulette Abrams GreenbergAugust 31, 2023 at 9:11 AM

    If this guy truly graduated from Harvard and a law school… they should be embarrassed

  11. Louis Lunch New Haven Conn.: Yale, Whiffenpoof Song

    1. Nope. The sign is at Louis' place. The Whiffenpoofs hung out at Mory's. See above.

  12. Nice. I think this clown is still living in his mother's basement in Lake Forest. He obviously has too much time on his hands. Closest he came to Havard is he probably got lost on the Metra and ended up in Harvard Illinois. But thanks for sharing. Got be real thick skinned to do what you do.

  13. This guy is yanking your chain.

  14. I love the middle name, "Whitty".

    Jill A (even when I sign in with my google Acct, my posts always show as 'anonymous'... this is my 1st response today, but I'm definitely adding my name!)

    1. Jill, when you click comment, click the down arrow , choose name and type.

  15. Is the repeated use of your name some kind of poke in the chest aggressive move?Also there are plenty of people that have a law degree but couldn't pass the bar exam. I'm thinking Chuck could be one of those people.


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