Thursday, September 7, 2023

John Howell out at WLS: Some things are more important than a job.

    When I write a column that really touches people, it's easy to tell. The clicks climb. The comments surge. And the producers from talk radio shows call, particularly from John Williams over at WGN and John Howell at WLS. I love doing both shows, because both hosts are thoughtful pros with a sense of what gets people talking. I never say no, because spending 10 or 15 minutes discussing that morning's column is both a great commercial for the newspaper and just plain fun.  
    I won't be hearing from John Howell anymore, at least not as a host on WLS, which let him go Wednesday. The statement on the AM 890 Facebook page was the typical bright spin piffle:

     Yesterday was John Howell’s last show on The Big 89.
     He has been a staple of 890 WLS for over a decade. His wit, political prowess, and focus on Chicago conversations has given our audience a destination for smart, local radio in the afternoons.
     Thank you, John, for being a part of the fabric of The Big 89.
     That's it. Here's where you really miss Robert Feder, who would have dug up the inside story of what really happened and had it embroidered on a hankie and framed on the wall before anybody else knew Howell had been let go. Though just by looking at the WLS lineup, you could sense what's happening: the station is drifting further right. Howell was always an outlier, someone who hadn't drunk the Red State Punch Kool Aid. Trump wasn't his God, and that caused trouble — it was an act of courage for him to invite a guy like me on the show, and sooner or later his bosses were going to object. Any radio station that values the services of Trump Youth leader Ben Shapiro can't also shelter a moderate like John Howell.
    WLS hasn't said who will be replacing him — Alex Jones maybe? Word is that WLS is clearing the decks of people who think and feel, assembling a droid army of MAGA maniacs in preparation for the 2024 election. John might have kept his job if he parroted the party line, but that isn't his way. There's more to life than keeping a job. 
     "His conscience is clean that he spoke the truth about the evil of Trump, even though that cost him his job," one of Howell's many friends said.
     "It's appalling," said another.
     Yes it is. But it's also encouraging. You can say no. You can refuse. Howell's departure is a preview of the kind of choice many will have to make in the months and years to come. Go along or resist? There's always money to be made in betraying everything America ever stood for, and people are lining up to feed the right wing media machine, just as they line up to watch and listen. Word is that Cumulus Media plans to make WLS "the most conservative station in the country," a source said. Though I would debate that word, "conservative." These people aren't conserving anything. They're destroyers, wild radicals giddily tossing away everything important about the American democracy. 
     Kudos to John Howell. I respected him when he worked for WLS, and I respect him even more now that he doesn't. Much evil in the world is done by men trying to keep their jobs, or make a buck off someone else's ignorance, malice, fear and gullibility. It takes courage to walk away, or do what your heart tells you is right until your bosses can't stand it any more and show you the gate.


  1. Great column. Sad and depressing. Thank you for pointing out the silver(ish) lining.

  2. “..and had it embroidered on a hankie..” Robert Feder should frame that phrase from you and hang it on his wall! Brilliant! Barbara MP

    1. Guess I’m a MAGA maniac who just enjoys freedom….so glad Big John outta’ here!

    2. I agree, he didn't fit in with the other conservatives.

    3. MAGA maniacs are all about taking away freedoms. Freedom to be LGBTQ, free to get an abortion, free to read what you want, free to be a drag queen, free to use cannabis, free to join a labor union. What freedoms are Democrats actually taking away?

    4. Won’t ever listen again until WLS starts seeing and speaking the truth on the impeached, 91 count felonist, rapist Trump! Shameful that people support that!

    5. Was a dem, you guys are going off the rails. This country so divided. I don’t care much for Trump either, and if it wasn’t for the virus our country would have had no boundaries. It’s not about the party it’s about the country! We change our proper human beliefs for .0001% of our population. I watched cnn and Fox News and I found fox has the correct coverage. Listen to them! To finish if and when the democratic parts takes both hands and pulls there head from said ass I will probably return to my past part! It’s about the people and COUNTRY!

    6. John Howell will be going to Gitmo. He was bought and sold by enemies to the people.

    7. His defense of Adam Kissinger was especially frustrating and annoying!!!!!

    8. Good Riddens Marxist apologist

    9. I miss john he defineitly wasnt a yes man nor a butt kisser. I didn't always agree with him, but he always gave me something to think about. He's a man of great integrity. John. I MISS YOU.!!! WLS I done with you..

  3. I'm baffled. Are there that many wing nuts around Chicago to make a radio station extreme wing nut profitable? After all, Chicago & northern Illinois are very blue, even if parts of the area, like Indiana outside of Lake County & Southern Wisconsin are loony toon insane!

    1. Great minds think alike, because I wondered the same thing. But then I realized that even in a mostly-blue metro area of almost ten million folks, there are probably at least a couple of million hard-core wingnuts.,Yes, even in Chicago--the city that ran Trump out of town, and the one he's afraid to come back to.

      In addition, WLS is a 50,000-watt clear-channel AM station that can be heard in much of the country at night, including most of the deep red places.. So they're not just trying to reach the yahoos in the Chicago suburbs. They are definitely targeting all the Fascists east of the Rockies. That's why their new puppet-masters want WLS to become "the most conservative station in the country," Not in the city, or the state, or even in the Midwest. The whole damn Untied Snakes. Or at least the eastern two-thirds of it.

      What a sad comedown for a radio station with such a rich and glorious history. Founded a century ago by Sears (WLS--World's Largest Store), followed by decades as "The Prairie Farmer Station" that carried the National Barn Dance and Don McNeill's Breakfast Club (1933-1968, a record run for any media host). WLS aired the first recorded broadcast of a news event (the Hindenburg disaster), and became one of the biggest Top 40 stations in America during the 60s and 70s. Kids in dozens of states listened to the DJs on WLS while doing their homework, or via transistors under their pillows.

      And now, after so many years of talk and more talk, WLS-890 will transform once more. It's about to become "The Big Hatey-Nine.". What a relief that their most famous DJ, Dick Biondi (who died a few months ago), is no longer around to hear what's going to happen to WLS-AM--the station that made him a star. He would probably want to upchuck. I know I do.

  4. This is very concerning and ultimately dangerous. Years ago the FCC used to monitor radio and TV stations programming for their adherence to truth in programming and adherence to a set of standards. Guess that’s over as us so much in the media has changed. Newspapers are apparently the last holdout against picking a side. At least that’s what I see in the 4 Illinois papers I read in print daily. They don’t print all the insanities that fall out of Trump’s mouth. They still print actual news

  5. The only reason to listen to the big 89 is gone,Sadly .Didn’t always agree with him but I considered him Reasonably Right.

    1. Yep the only reason to listen to WLS was Don Wade rest in peace buddy

    2. Who monitors truth. If someone did that fairly and honestly the left would be off the air

  6. Your Robert Feder reference is so true. Not is a nitty gritty 'gossipy' way - but offering people information that radio and other media sources never offer in terms of explanations - especially for those who had long time followers who without notice have someone they've invested time in is suddenly gone. The lawyered up 4 sentence farewell is a typical 'say nothing' statement.

  7. My father (who told me in my youth that I could afford to be Democrat because I was doing so on his Republican dollar), later advised me to prepare for the possibility that I might one day need to walk away from a job. He was incorrect on the first part, but right on the second. I suspect the work place became toxic and unhealthy for Mr Howell before he left, and I thank him for standing by his ethics. I wish him well in the next chapter of his career. Jill A

    1. John Howell defended the hated Adam Kissinger. That's when I lost all respect!!

  8. I haven’t been tuning in to AM radio as much lately, but this decision saddens me.

    1. There’s always WCPT.

    2. Yes because WCPT is so balanced.

  9. WLS was already too right-wing stupid to listen to. They might become listenable as a parody of themselves.

  10. The content of Mr. Howell's character speaks volumes about doing what is correct for one's own sanity. WLS = World's Loathesomest Station. Sandra O. M-S.

    1. Any comments on THE SCORE radio and how "loathem" it can be? Always with the divided camps with your ilk..Scores Bernstein is pushing this story on his Twitter account.

    2. What does "loathem" mean? Also, THE SCORE is all sports, all the time so I don't listen to WSCR. But if it is as far left as you say, why complain to me in this forum? You have every right to complain to the station directly about their "lefty-looneyism" and tell them more balanced opinions might possibly draw more listeners. And complain a lot to them...every day, if possible. And if they have call-in shows, then call in and complain directly to the "horse's mouth." Complaining to station management or directly on a call-in show might tamp down that anger that is reflected in your writing. Good luck!

      And, btw, there are plenty of other comments in this forum to which you could have responded with your tirade about THE SCORE...why pick me? Is it because I am a female and you thought...."oh, easy pickins' to deflect my anger onto a woman"? Be honest if you helps me get a reading on the kind of person I'm "daring" to respond to. Thanks for playing! Sandra O. M-S.

    3. No I did not choose to comment to you because of being a woman...I responded I think because I had seen enough of the conservative talk radio bashing by those before you, and the word "loathsome" triggered me to say what I did...mainly because there was a very recent and public terrible display of hate from The SCORE Radio, now considered Left wing Radio, that involved hate and rape and threats to two Hosts on WIND, Dan and Amy. Steinberg knows of the incident I am certain. I dont recall him ever printing anything about it, but it was dead wrong and when others, go after conservative talk radio for seemingly the same things The SCORE did, time to bring it up...nothing personal, but this blog is seemingly One Way only--the usual bobbleheading to the same thought and no difference of real opinions being expressed much...and sorry, The SCORE is not interested in hearing ANY criticism--on the air, to management, to hosts--they pride themselves on burying any soul who dares to criticize the critcis...Thanks for having me for a few minutes...

    4. I stand with W.L.S. ALL THE WAY!

  11. very similar to WGN who runs centrist by day but then has that nut job who could not keep his Chicago AM shift years ago, Bill Cunningham on Sunday nights spouting MAGA Blood Red BS for three hours....

  12. Thanks for this column and for reminding me of the pangs I have whenever I read any media item and remember how Feder would have been first.

  13. After Rush Limbaugh died, most of the AM radio political commentators are local non-entities. Even WGN personalities have faded to obscurity. Does anyone actually listen radio for that type of content anymore? I used to like watching Washington Week in Review and similar programs . But all these shows stopped being divergent intelligent discussion and became Democrat vs Republican party line arguments. I'd like to see an actual political analysis show rather than a cable channel talking head parroting a party line. Even the "comedy" shows have descended into non-humor insults with a laugh track and applause sign.

  14. Let me know when Dan Bernstein from WSCR 670 The Score is "let go"...station that has gone so far left all day all the time should be called the Southpaw not the SCORE..memba that Shane Riordan bang your mother claim to Dan Proft or his partners Parkins and Spiegel saying "they hate them both" Dan and Amy reference? Parkins even said "I dont know who those people are" the speech about how bad WLS is unless The SCORE, and its own lefty looneyism is brought up. Steinberg always going hard left--no moderation in the man. You want divided people and camps--you helped it get this way.

    1. Please explain to me how WSCR not firing anyone has anything to do with this article. Also, people divide themselves. If you want to believe BS as fact and support criminals and the destruction of our country just because you don’t like (insert marginalized group here) you’ve divided yourselves from society.

  15. He had me on for my book, and it was a refreshing experience. Engaging, well-prepared, did a great job with a relatively short conversation. I knew he was politically to the right of me, but it didn't seem to make any difference to either of us. That once-proud station must really be targeting the lunatic fringe.

  16. Last month's WLS ratings came in at a 1.5. Good Luck with that. (#1? WLIT-FM, 7.7)

  17. The further dumbing down of media - sigh

    1. Stated PERFECTLY. BJH was/is THE BEST OF THE BEST. WE LOVE YOU JOHN. WE MISS YOU JOHN. LET US KNOW WHEN AND WHERE AND YOUR LOYAL THOUGHTFUL FANS WILL BE THERE. I have no doubt John will survive. His friends and fans will be there for him. The station will not do well and the reaction has been immediate. What a laughable train wreck the station has become.

  18. Very unhappy to learn this news, JH was the only voice worth listening to on 890.

  19. I enjoyed listening to John Howell. I agreed with him on many subjects, but disagreed with him on many subjects. So I figured I was at the right place. I’ll certainly miss you John.

  20. Thank you for this column. Hope to see Howell show up on another platform.

  21. I’m very disappointed to learn BJH is leaving. I hope he finds another home in Chicago radio soon.

    As a conservative, I have always stood for the principles that made this country great. I disagree with Neil’s assumption that conservatives and conservative radio is destroying the country and violating the very principles on which it was founded.

    Seems like the commentators at WSCR agree with Neil in that conservatives are the bane of society. I think you both could benefit from a conversation with true conservatives. We’re not the monsters MSM suggests we are. Give independent thought a chance; we’re more alike than you think.

    1. Maybe you and other "true conservatives" first need to regain control of the GOP, and then we could all have that conversation.

    2. If you "have always stood for the principles that made this country great," one can only assume that you are deeply disappointed by what's being done by Republicans in the name of conservatism these days.

      How do you feel about a president refusing to concede an election that he lost by 7 million votes? How do you feel about the bedrock principle of the peaceful transfer of power?

      How do you feel about the principle that nobody is above the rule of law in this country? Many "Conservatives," it seems, are more that willing to vote for a guy who is facing 4 valid indictments. While one can say "innocent until proven guilty," the Con in question has essentially publicly admitted several of the crimes in one way or another.

      There's a big difference between conservatism and fanaticism in service of a would-be tyrant. Or remaining silent in response to such fanaticism. Since we know nothing about you, it's hard to tell if you are actually a "true conservative," or not. But if you have no problem with the toadying of much of the right-wing media and the conservative members of Congress with regard to the guy who soundly lost his bid for reelection and has blithely violated many of the principles that make this country great, it makes one wonder.

    3. Mister anonymous conservative. The Monster is The Cowardly Liar, Herr Drumpf, and until all honest conservatives stand up and denounce him loudly, democracy is in dire peril. Our Consitution is flawed, only as good as the People. And a third of the People are willing to drive through a loophole that The Founders didn't anticipate. We also have a climate crisis and a gun crisis that threaten long term and short. Solving these problems requires admitting their existence, which means honesty above ideology, and almost half of Americans can't accept that. So instead of worrying about WSCR, conservatives should tend to the real problem, the idiots who listen to the most mendacious politician in modern America. If you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I am definitely left of center but when The Weatherman built bombs, I said no. Today the bomb throwers are all on the Right. So, Anonymous are you ready to stand up for Truth or do you want to hide in your shrines to Kirk and Reagan?

  22. I'm some 350 miles from Chicago (NE Ohio).and mostly out of range of both WLS and WGN, which I stopped trying to tune in once they no longer carried Cub games. I grew up on WGN...radios were tuned to 720 in our house all day, and well into the night. From Eddie Hubbard in the morning and Pierre Andre in the daytime until Franklyn MacCormack after midnight (the Torch Hour). Has WGN, too, now become just as awful? Tell me the truth...I can take it.

    1. Yes, it's awful & not even in that Top 10 in the ratings. A sad comedown for the once #1 station not that long ago.

    2. WGN's demise came with a Program Director eager to remake the station to his liking, oblivious to the market. He is the same person depicted in Howard Stern's bio-pic. It has been all downhill ever since. In the 70s, traveling the SoCal and Nevada roads at night I could pick up WLS when it was in its prime. 2000 miles away but still the comforts of home.

  23. Steve Cochran must be next.

  24. I'm quite a bit left of Neil but enjoyed John Howell. A voice of reason in a world full of unreasonable people incapable of engaging with one another even people that agree with them.

  25. things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...
    the best lack all conviction, while the worst
    are full of passionate intensity...
    -the second coming [of trump]

  26. Do you remember when the buzzword among conservatives and in conservative media was "balance"? That was until they took over the mediasphere, and now all they want is complete domination. I hope WLS gets even lower ratings than the cesspool that used to be the legendary home of Ron Britain, Robert W. Morgan, Bob Del Giorno, Chicago Ed Schwartz, Larry the Legend Johnson, Connie Szerszen (top rock girly jock), Benson & Russell and Stu Collins. I wont give the call letters because I don't want to promote right-wing hate talk.

    1. Again, WSCR The SCORE has hosts that used the words "I hate" about 2 morning hosts on WIND--that did nothing to them..."I hate them" were the words of SCORE host Danny Parkins--all this talk of "right wing stations and the hate"...your beloved The SCORE, non conservative by charter it seems now, pushes absolute Hate on the air. Misognyists too--Dan McNeil, Fired, Dan Bernstein suspended, Shane Riordan suspended---go look up what they said about women and then tell me who on "right wing" radio is doing that in Chicago wont find any...SCORE is a fine example of how far Left a Station can go, and bring with it absolute Hatred for those not like them, not with them, not agreeing with them...yet most on here have it out for Conservative Talk radio for the same things? Mentally Deranged is what its turned into now, the disagreement/Hate is so strong from Left wing radio towards any and all not with them...its so mentally deranged now, you cant even have a dialouge about differences, most of you simply go into a TDS rant. Sad. Get your sports updates from the internet, wont be long before The SCORE goes NY Corporate and we'll thankfully see Bernstein and his Hate go away. He's the same guy that told his son the day Trump was elected he wasnt sure when his son asked "will they take us away now"?...thats the kind of trash he's now infected Sports with---can thank GM MItch Rosen for that, apparently telling Dan and other "be the Howard Stern of Sports". Nonsense needs to end and time to get back to two way dialouges, respect for difference of views and stop with the divided camps..and all ya'll know it too. End of SCORE rant.

    2. right wing radio not mysogynist? oh my. the assumption women can't make their own health care decisions or choose who to marry is rampant on the air waves, along with anti gay , anti trans, BS.

      not a fan of the SCORE, too much gambling talk, but these are comedians and satirists not serious political commentators . though they certainly talk politics a RIGHT , we all have.

    3. "...your beloved The SCORE," the 3:56 Anonymouse says. Uh, perhaps you're new here. If even 1% of the posts and comments on this blog are about sports, I'd be surprised.

      Personally, I've never listened to The Score, nor would I have any reason to. And I've READ more about it in your overheated posts than I have anywhere else, ever.

      Good luck with your crusade, but the "difference of views" involves one side defending an insurrection at the Capitol and idolizing the most unqualified, blatantly criminal president in history. Such views do not warrant respect.

  27. So the powers-that-be want WLS to be even farther to the right of WIND? There's a reason that station and its parent company don't subscribe to rating services; their numbers are so bad that, if published, they'd never get any advertisers. Somewhere in the great beyond, Dick Biondi et all are crying.

  28. John is one of the most informed and impartial talk show hosts in Chicago, what a loss for WLS and all the listeners. Some other station will be fortunate to have him.

  29. I used to listen to 4 hours of AM radio a day, 5 days a week and even weekends.

    Now I listen to podcasts on YouTube when I'm driving.

    George Bush, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney conservatism is gone forever. Hate Trump or not he permanently changed the political landscape.

    WLS is a business and if they don't give their customers what they want they won't be a business very long.

    Do you expect them to leave Big John on the radio if his ratings are in the toilet?

    Trump's base won't abandon him under any circumstances.

    1. They need more presenters with integrity and morals like Dan Bongino on WLS AM in the afternoon/evening drivetime. Not someone telling us election fraud is not a concern and laughing at us because we were skeptical about the covid shot, masks and almost everything the government demands us to do. One can only BS for so long before it all comes back to haunt the instigator of such lies.

  30. John's a very decent person who always respects his listeners. He also always tells the truth. Zero B.S. If he wants to be on the air, i am sure a platform will find HIM. Like his buddy, the great John Dempsey, also late of WLS, he has no enemies. As for management, who in the world knows what Cumulus 'thinks'? Radio execs are impossible to understand. This news is yet another example why.

  31. Listen to 820 AM, one of the few prog. talk radio stations left.

  32. When an entertainer isn't given an extra day of work to say good bye to his/her fans it means one thing - they were fired - and the firing company does not want that person to have their last day to lambast their employer

  33. Nooooooo! John’s program was the only one on WLS that I listened to.

  34. I call myself a conservative and card carrying republican, but I’d have to say I align much more with Big John. He’s HONEST. He gives BOTH sides of the story and let’s us decide for ourselves, but he ALWAYS spoke the truth. I’m sick of media controlling what we hear and I am done with WLS. You’ll soon see how hopping on the Trump wagon leads you right into the toilet and straight into a Civil War.

  35. John Howell is a highly-talented, experienced professional. It is a huge mistake for WLS to create this chaos. Time for more golf and a new gig, Big John. And thank you for being a fantastic radio host!

  36. I am a conservative and started listening to WLS because of Rush Limbaugh. However, I very much enjoyed John Howell and am very disappointed by his departure. I appreciated him as an independent thinker and his fairness. He had an ability to look at both sides of an issue which is a rarity today. He also was conversant on so many topics other than politics. I consider him to be a radio pro. I wish him well and hope that he resurfaces somewhere in the near future.

  37. Too Bad! I started listening to talk radio maybe 10 years ago and BJH was my favorite. Probably because we leaned toward the same views on everything! Plus he was local, that focused on Chicagoland problems more than National. Hopefully someone picks him up! Godspeed Big John

  38. I would consider myself an Independent and only the station knows if this is a political choice by the network. My impression of John was he could very often be condescending and smug relative to people who disagreed with him. He had limited social media skills and would reprimand his colleagues for not keeping him abreast of communication resources. Clearly he was not interested in mastering the technology that we all embrace to function. Simply put, I thought he was grouchy and difficult. A contrarian for sure. That is the reason I didn’t tune in; it had zero to do with his politics.

  39. Been a loyal WLS listener since my high school years (70's). Stayed with them as they entered the talk radio arena back in the 90s. My leanings are to the right, but my favorite on-air folks were always the more moderate, reasoned, and local types (Roe Conn, Gary Meier, Don Wade & Roma, Ramblin' Ray to name a few). Was heartbroken to see them all leave.
    But John Howell's departure is the last straw. Loved him. Warm, funny, personable, entertaining and endearing are a few terms that come to mind. Not sure where I'll go now (maybe WGN?), but my 45+ years of loyalty to WLS is over.
    Oh, on a side note - love your book, Neil!

  40. Am going to miss BJH. I got my son hooked on him for a straight forward presentation of information. My politics pretty much mirrored his but his clarity so much better than mine. Will wait and hope he lands somewhere else. If not enjoy your retirement and throw out a podcast every so often. You will be truly missed.

  41. There are choices out there, if you disagree with him being ousted, turn the dial. Problem solved.

  42. Tuning into John Howell Essential Cuts as I write this.
    Not hearing John's voice. Am I surprised? Not really.

  43. The stations ratings are 1.5 it’s embarrassing.
    WLS died when Don Wade died and it help when Rush Limbaugh had a podcast.
    I’ve liked John since he was on US99 but he never had ratings in talk radio. God bless him and good luck.

    AM/FM the business model needs change

  44. Both parties have gone insane. Democrats believe in open borders that destroy cities (says the mayor of NYC) and working class wages, that people can change their sex that destroys the rights of women to privacy and their ability to win in sports’ competitions, they encourage homelessness and crime, and discriminate against Asians seeking education.
    Republicans deny the climate change that threatens humanity, hate vaccines which promotes disease, believe that this ( . ) is a baby which destroys women's rights, and support a sociopath for president.
    A pox on both their houses, I am a political atheist.

  45. I like John as a US99 host, but when he ridiculed and put a stop to any mention of election fraud in the recent elections I was disappointed with John H. and tuned out WLS every afternoon. I don't believe in going along with "flavor of the month" morality and policies that many in mainstream media have gone along with in recent years. What's immoral is always immoral unless one thinks the universe wasn't created by the Creator. With that I wish John Howell the best and that he always seeks the truth and be more skeptical of what the establishment government says be it Republican or Democrat.

  46. I'm Christian, American, Conservative, and Trump supporter (yes still). Although I often disagreed John (and your portrayal of Trump as evil), I was a loyal listener and really enjoyed him and his show! I already miss him!
    Like most politics - it doesn't have to be all or nothing!

    1. Christian and a Trump supporter? Lucifer is laughing all the way to the (soul) bank.

  47. Respected his insights although often didn't agree, he always defends his argument with humility.
    What don't get is replacing him with a a guy that won't do anything political like Gary Meier. What am I missing?

  48. John Howell lost me when sometime ago he said he respected Adam Kinzinger.

    1. So you prefer that your politicians not have consciences?

  49. The last year all he talked about was January 6th like it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Dude never called out Biden for all his lies. Lost all credibility. Glad he’s gone

  50. Ben Shapiro a Trump Youth Leader? Apparently you never listened to him. He criticizes Trump every day. Fairly he does a "Good Trump - Bad Trump segment which shows trying to be fair gets u labeled as extreme by some.

  51. John Howell was a closet liberal, he never presented a balanced viewpoint and cherry picked the news items he presented to slam conservatives. He somehow managed to blame Trump for everything wrong in the world and openly gloat when bad things happened to him. anytime a news story highlighted democrats doing something wrong, he always managed to say that both parties were guilty of the same behavior. Im glad he is gone, no doubt he'll pop up at AM850 if he doesnt shoot himself in the foot again.

  52. What is interesting to me, in the heart of one of the bluest areas in the country, why doesn’t WLS management aim to become the most liberal station in America? Could it be that conservative talk out performs liberal by a wide margin? Being the former and a Trump voter, I liked Big John and enjoyed his approach. I didn’t always agree with him but I find it healthy to hear constructive views from the opposition. That does not normally include CNN and NEVER from MSNBC!

  53. I doubt his politics had anything to really do with it. Just listening now (I didn't know he was even gone..) it sounds to me like they replaced him with a syndicated show, Mark Levin. This tells me that it was an economic decision. Cumulus Media, as other large broadcast station operators are having a tough time with their revenues. Some of these places aren't making money period. They are all laying off and cost cutting where ever they can. I think it was just that. Cost cutting. Good Luck Big John! I hope to hear you again somewhere on the dial. You are one of the Best!

  54. John Howell was always a breath of fresh air after sitting through the people who tell you how to feel in Bongino and Shapiro. I couldn't agree with everything he said, but he brought sanity to the afternoon. Miss him already.

  55. Wls has plenty of room for an indoctrinated lefty long as he could bring facts to his presentation. Howell tossed out his opinions like candy in a parade, often in backhanded or ignorant ways. He was also user friendly with Joe Walsh, another split tongued phony liar, who occasionally sat in for John at times. Both a part of the cancerous left ..trying hard to undermine our Republic, trying to sway weak minds into their agenda and useless ideologies.
    Yeah...he might not have swallowed many red pills but he he sure was drowning in an ocean of blue ones.
    Constitutionally speaking ...
    He was not even close to balance and had he been, and perhaps not so biased... he'd probably still have his job on LS.
    I remember when he was in the answer 569 am w/ Amy Jacobson ...I would catch them on my way to work every day...I wasn't that fond of her as a radio show personality...but it was hard to tell because of Howell. He was BRUTALLY IGNORANT to her, listeners could tell he made her job SUCK. The best thing that happened for her was that Ego-Maniac getting off the show. .
    She breathes well now.
    Quite honestly...I couldn't bear listening to his BS for his whole program on a long have the music in in a half hour unless he has a good interview to happen and most of the time he destroyed those....I am quite sure management seen the loss of ears when he was on the air. I often felt the urge to call the station when he was just atrociously talking crap...but perhaps he was miserable enough already so I let a sleeping dog lay. Sorry he lost his job ....
    Glad he's gone.


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