Saturday, October 28, 2023

Works in Progress: "You’re The Best…And…You’re Fired"

John Howell

     There's big money to be made worshipping the Trumpian Beast. It's actually something of a vicious circle — The Former Guy fundraises off his vileness, churning content that is then highlighted by an entire Trump Uber Alles media substrata that only starts with Fox News. Holding hands, all make money off the dupes. 
     It takes courage to opt out, as we noted here when Big John Howell was shown the gate at WLS because his blood does not run sufficiently orange. The popular radio host has more to say — that's the job in a nutshell — and asked if he could share his thoughts on EGD. With pleasure. Take it away, John:
     I was fired by WLS AM, September 2023. Not unexpected.
     First, I find it deeply ironic (and beautiful career symmetry) that the same station that inspired me to enter the business in 1983, pulled me off the air 40 years later, almost to the day.
     Management: “Great show. You’re the best. A historic run. So sorry. It’s just business. Thanks for your service. Now get out…and we’ll need your parking pass”.
     Howell: “No problem. Thanks for the cash. My kids are launched, the nest is feathered, debts are paid, my professional reputation is secure…By the way, I’m taking my WLS hallway portrait for my home office”.
     Management: “Just understand Cumulus has made the decision that WLS is going to be the most conservative station in America, and you don’t fit in”
     Me: “Understood. Tightening down a playlist is standard practice for stations in trouble. Play the hits, even if they’re bad records.”
     Will it work? Who knows. But be careful of the audience you covet and empower.
     I enjoyed my time at WLS. Still legendary broadcast beach front property, despite the ratings. My colleagues were terrific, the facility top notch. Also, for the record, they offered me a “goodbye show”. I declined. This was a termination, not a retirement.
     I always prepared my shows to be Chicago centric, locally focused. I thought after 6 hours of syndicated hosts (all politically far right), the audience would appreciate a different opinion and local coverage. I was wrong. BTW: I used to be considered “conservative”.
     Why couldn’t I just toe the company line? Because, it would have been lazy and cowardly to ignore the biggest national political story of my lifetime: The rise of Trump and the death of the GOP. Unlike others, I wasn’t going to sell you chicken excrement while claiming it’s chicken salad.
     It was long apparent that my style and content was not in sync with the rest of the hosts. Not even close. My approach fit in as well as…well…intelligence, truth, context, science, evolution, good grammar, good manners (and good grooming) at at MAGA rally.
     I know, that’s a cheap shot.
     Once again, “too hip for the room”. A familiar refrain throughout my career. Having the right to “go along to get along”, but not the ability. I was taught that truth is truth, and truth is supposed to build trust. I was wrong.
     I made the decision, quite a while ago, to do it my way. Knowing the inevitable repercussions could happen. I only presented topics, guests, information and opinions that I considered worth my time, and yours.
     For example, in my world, January 6th is a major historical event, criminally and politically. Hunter’s laptop is a distraction.
     If I wasn’t interested in a topic, It wasn’t on my show, period.
     So often I would hear listeners regurgitate the preprogrammed ”What about, what about, what about” lines. I figured WLS provided blanket coverage of “what about the Dems?” on every other show. Why do I have to play along?
     Of course, historically, WLS famously played the Beatles twice an hour. I would have opted for the Stones.
     Again, just for the record: In 2016 I THOUGHT Trump was manifestly unfit to be president, by 2017 I KNEW Trump was unfit. I wasn’t going to give him a pass for approval from his minions. That’s a dereliction of broadcast duties.
     Is Trump a delusional ignoramus? Or a duplicitous grifter? Both? I hope I live long enough to read the history.
     But here’s the problem:
     His messianic hold on the hard core Trumpians is both comically fascinating, and incredibly disturbing. Historically, we’ve seen collective stupidity, gullibility and cultish, slavish behavior lead to ugly nationalistic political movements. I have news for you, they don’t end well. Gird your loins America.
     And to the enablers in the party, donor class and the media. When you break the stupid, you own the stupid. They’re all yours. When you’re a purveyor of political pornography, it’s tough to get that sticky mess off your hands. And remember, the excuse “it’s just business” is the same one the cartels use. I pointed that out to several in the biz, they refuted this, but they immediately looked down at their fingers.
     Some in the political media and radio business have lauded me for “sticking to my principles” and “walking away when it became untenable.” Not entirely true. I picked up every single dollar WLS made available to me. I thought I’d stick it out through the next round of Chicago corruption trials and maybe 2024. Wrong again.
     This break in my career is the first one in 40 years. I probably wouldn’t have stopped on my own. I might be back, we’ll see.
      Truth be told, my goal was to keep churning the direct deposits as long as possible. I stayed for the tall cake and that sweet SAG AFTRA health insurance. Reminding me of the old country song: “I’m Ashamed To Be Here, But Not Ashamed Enough To Leave”. What’s more “Conservative” than that?
    Regards, John Howell

      Howell is a native of Holland MI. A graduate of the Berklee College of Music in Boston (1982). Howell began his broadcast career at WZND/Zeeland MI (1983), WLAV AM/FM, WJFM, WGRD/Grand Rapids (1984-1988), WCKG, WUSN, WIND, WLS/Chicago (1987-2023). He still has a daily show. His audience? His 3 dogs, who agree with every word.



  1. Kudos to you, Mr. Howell and I hope you find more work soon. Try the progressive talk of 820 FM, can't think of the stations call letters.

  2. Big John is one of the nicest people I’ve ever dealt with in an otherwise dubious industry. I don’t even care what his political views are, his personality and good soul outweighs any political beliefs. I’m sorry that he was fired like this. He certainly doesn’t deserve the disrespectful treatment. In spite of any compensation, there’s a sting like no other that happens when you’re sh*tcanned. It hurts. I’d say it’s a poor reflection of management, but good management and radio never seems to be able to coexist. Best of luck, Big John. If you can swing it financially, you will love retirement. Take care, John.

  3. Always listened on my way home from work. Enjoyed it immensely.Hope to hear you again , your voice is needed.

  4. Spot on in every way.

  5. “Tow the station’s line” conjures up a totally different metaphor than “toe the line” and, of course, on the radio it would be completely invisible. There’s a place for you in the world of the written word!

  6. In my years working with BJH, I almost never saw him take shortcuts (hey, none of us are perfect), and he was just as nice to the folks cleaning the studio as he was to any big rock star. In short, a stand-up guy. Still is.

  7. Thanks for being real, Big John.

  8. Good on you John . Always enjoyed your show, though I was late to the party. Had hoped for more. Glad to read you here. Hopefully more in the future?

  9. Looks like WLS, the station of my teen years, is about to become "The Big Hatey-Nine." No doubt about it, they pissed all over Mr. Howell and told him it was raining, and then blamed him for becoming wet and smelly. It's the Rethuglican way.

    I wish him all the best...even if it means leaving Chicago. Cleveland could use a talented AM talk show host...especially one who's more pink than orange. We already have far too many of the other kind, which is why I no longer listen to the radio. But I would listen to Mr. Howell.

  10. Thank you Big John Howell and Neil for this most welcome message of reality!

  11. Not having listened nor paid much attention to AM radio for quite a while, I was unfamiliar with this gentleman's career before the Sept. 7 post here.

    While I suppose it's disappointing that a legendary station like WLS has decided to go all in on being the Wingnut Listening Service, radio station management honchos making unpalatable decisions for the sake of the almighty dollar are par for the course. Blatantly threatening the well-being of the nation in the process was not always part of that equation, however.

    At any rate, this is a fine piece and I appreciate Mr. Howell's honesty, perspective and self-awareness. What I find disturbing is that he's such an outlier in this benighted country. A conservative who is not wearing blinders, recognizes the Biggest Loser for what he is and is not lying to, cheating and bullshitting the hoi polloi in thrall to a boor and criminal.

    I've long since given up trying to understand why so many regular people are so committed to the orange traitor. But it's become pretty easy to understand the motivations of the dangerously cynical politicians and media folks who play along for the sake of their votes and dollars, despite HAVING to know better. They are despicable, and I wish there were more guys like Mr. Howell who were willing to call them out on it.

  12. "I've long since given up trying to understand why so many regular people are so committed to the orange traitor."

    I don't know if I would say that I've given up also, but I've been pondering it since he was first elected, and I don't think I've made much progress in understanding it, other than perhaps getting an education in how dictators of the past have managed to use democratic techniques to get themselves into office.

    With our current example, it looks like he's found a way to weaponize stupid people by pretending to care about them just enough for them to help him gain power. He'll ignore or discard them later, at which point they may notice that there's no longer anything they can do about it.

  13. Wow! Not a listener of WLS so not fortunate enough to have heard you but so respect and appreciate your values and compelling articulation of them! Maybe you can join John Williams at WGN. They could benefit from a few more progressive you and John.

  14. Being That Loyal to any one leader is dangerous. Disagreeing with anyone is getting just as dangerous.

  15. Best of luck in your future endeavors; I consider you one of the “good guys”.


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