Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday fun activity: Where IS this?

     Chicago is a city, and cities are known for their buildings and crowds. But the above is also in Chicago, and there are neither buildings nor crowds. In fact, when I took the photo, it was just me. 
      Where is this solitary, verdant place? The winner will receive one of my store of fine Chicago Mailing Tube cardboard tubes, complete with end caps. And since it would seem chintzy if I sent an empty tube, well-constructed though it may be, I'll include one of my bottomless supply of 2015 blog posters—which I intend to greatly attrit of next week by wheat pasting them to walls in parts of the city a bit more built up.
      Place your guesses below. Good luck. 


  1. Sydney R. Marovitz Golf Course?

  2. Looks a little like Marquette Park.


  3. Replies
    1. It's a park, on the NW side, named after the last Chief of the Potawatomi of Chicago, Chief Sauganash, AKA Bill Caldwell. (He got the last in a 1828 treaty, and any land he didn't sell he kept. Eventually, it became a big old park up there.)

    2. Forest Preserve golf course at 6150 N. Caldwell Ave.

  4. Golf course at south shore cultural center

  5. I'm going to guess- the Robert Black Golf Course?

  6. Dooh! Jackson Park golf course

  7. I'll try Columbus Park

  8. Edge brook or Indian boundary?

  9. Replies
    1. You got it, Frank! Congratulations. You just won a poster; would you like a book instead? Or last year's poster?

    2. I might be prejudiced, but I don't think we really need that many golf courses in the City of Chicago!


  10. Thanks, Neil. Choices, choices. I'll take a book, please.

  11. Looking at the Vienna hot dog photo above this page, I gotta say I love the "Pop 1$" sign. No "soda" in Chicago.


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